Trans Legislation Tracker

Our purpose

Trans Legislation Tracker documents legislation impacting the lives of trans people in the United States. We make tools to follow and engage with active bills. Our growing set of resources help people understand the broader story of trans legal rights in the U.S.

About the data

Trans Legislation Tracker produces data through ongoing, independent research. We're always monitoring state and national legislative developments, and the site is updated regularly for accuracy.

Our data has helped news organizations, researchers, and U.S. government officials bring awareness to this historic rise in anti-trans legislation.

Featured in

New York Times logo
Vice News logo
Teen Vogue logo
Them logo
Daily Beast logo
The Washington Post
American Public Media logo
Cambridge University Press logo


We're working daily to keep our data accurate and complete. Find us on Ko-fi.


Are you a reporter or researcher interested in connecting? Do you see a data gap or correction to report?

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