Trans Legislation Tracker

Recent updates

Follow this page for the latest updates to the anti-trans legislation we're tracking. This includes bills that were introduced, amended, referred to committees, had hearings scheduled, been voted on, and more. View the bill to see its complete details.

322 bills with updates across 40 states

OhioAlaskaAlabamaArkansasArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIowaIdahoIllinoisIndianaKansasKentuckyMarylandMaineMichiganMinnesotaMissouriMississippiMontanaNorth DakotaNebraskaNew HampshireNew MexicoNevadaOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVirginiaWashingtonWyoming


Bill Status

322 filtered bills

OH SB104


Regards the College Credit Plus Program

To amend sections 3302.03, 3314.03, 3326.11, 3365.03, 3365.04, 3365.05, 3365.11, and 3365.15 and to enact sections 3319.90, 3345.90, and 3365.14 of the Revised Code regarding the College Credit Plus Program and to enact the Protect All Students Act regarding single-sex bathroom access in primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education.

Latest actions

2025-02-25 History Effective



Designate Sex For School-sponsored Sports

An Act relating to school athletics, recreation, athletic teams, and sports.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History REFERRED TO JUDICIARY

2025-01-22 History JUD, EDC


2025-01-22 History PREFILE RELEASED 1/17/25

2025-01-22 Referral Judiciary



Display Of U.s. Flag

An Act relating to the display of flags by governmental entities; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions


2025-01-22 History CRA, JUD


2025-01-22 History PREFILE RELEASED 1/17/25

2025-01-22 Referral Community & Regional Affairs



State Fund Fiduc Duty:social/pol Interest

An Act restricting fiduciary actions by a fiduciary of a state fund, the Alaska Retirement Management Board, and the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Board that have the purpose of furthering social, political, or ideological interests.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History REFERRED TO JUDICIARY

2025-01-22 History JUD, FIN


2025-01-22 History PREFILE RELEASED 1/10/25

2025-01-22 Referral Judiciary


Sex-based terms, defined; vital statistics, report sex as male or female at birth required, legislative policy regarding sex and gender identity established

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Pending House Judiciary

2025-02-04 History Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on Judiciary

2025-02-04 Referral Judiciary

2025-02-03 History Prefiled



Crimes and offenses, further provides for obscenity crimes

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Pending House Judiciary

2025-02-04 History Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on Judiciary

2025-02-04 Referral Judiciary



Parental rights, prohibits public K-12 schools and public libraries from presenting or sponsoring drag performances in certain circumstances and state entities from allowing minors to share facilities with members of the opposite sex in certain circumstances during overnight programs

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Pending House State Government

2025-02-04 History Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on State Government

2025-02-04 Referral State Government

AL SB101


Consent to medical treatment; age at which minor may consent to medical treatment revised, exceptions further provided for

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Pending Senate Children and Youth Health

2025-02-05 History Read for the first time and referred to the Senate Committee on Children and Youth Health

2025-02-05 Referral Children and Youth Health



Sex-based terms, defined; vital statistics, report sex as male or female at birth required, legislative policy regarding sex and gender identity established

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Pending House Health

2025-02-06 History Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on Health

2025-02-06 History Engrossed

2025-02-06 History Motion to Read a Third Time and Pass as Amended - Adopted Roll Call 13

2025-02-06 History Weaver motion to Adopt - Adopted Roll Call 12

2025-02-06 History County and Municipal Government 1st Substitute Offered

2025-02-06 History Third Reading in House of Origin

2025-02-06 Referral Health

2025-02-05 History Read for the Second Time and placed on the Calendar

2025-02-05 History Reported Out of Committee House of Origin

2025-02-05 History County and Municipal Government 1st Substitute

2025-02-04 History Pending Senate County and Municipal Government

2025-02-04 History Read for the first time and referred to the Senate Committee on County and Municipal Government

2025-02-04 Referral County and Municipal Government


To Amend The Uniform Prudent Management Of Institutional Funds Act (2006).

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and referred to the Committee on INSURANCE & COMMERCE- HOUSE

2025-01-29 History Filed

2025-01-29 Referral Insurance and Commerce


Sex-based terms; laws; rules; regulations

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History House motion to amend

2025-02-05 History House Committee of the Whole action: Do Pass Amended

2025-01-28 History House minority caucus: Do pass

2025-01-28 History House majority caucus: Do pass

2025-01-27 History House RULES Committee action: constitutional and in proper form, voting: (5-3-0-0-0-0)

2025-01-22 History House GOV Committee action: Do Pass Amended, voting: (4-3-0-0-0-0)

AZ SB1002


Pronouns; biological sex; school policies

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Senate consent calendar

2025-02-03 History Senate RULES Committee action: Proper For Consideration, voting: (4-3-0-0)

2025-01-29 History Senate ED Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (4-2-1-0)

AZ SB1003


Public schools; restrooms; reasonable accommodations

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Senate majority caucus: Do pass

2025-02-04 History Senate minority caucus: Do pass

2025-02-03 History Senate consent calendar

2025-02-03 History Senate RULES Committee action: Proper For Consideration, voting: (4-3-0-0)

2025-01-29 History Senate ED Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (4-2-1-0)

AZ SB1256


Diversity; equity; inclusion; training; prohibition

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Senate GOV Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (4-3-0-0)

2025-01-28 History Senate read second time

2025-01-27 History Assigned to Senate RULES Committee

2025-01-27 History Assigned to Senate GOV Committee

2025-01-27 History Introduced in Senate and read first time

2025-01-27 Referral Government Institutions

2025-01-27 Referral Rules



Interscholastic sports: gender equity.

An act to add Section 33353.8 to the Education Code, relating to interscholastic sports.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to Coms. on A.,E.,S.,T. and ED.

CO HB1068


Malpractice Insurers Gender-Affirming Care Minors

Concerning protections for medical malpractice insurers relating to gender-affirming care provided to minors.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History House Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely

CO HB1145


Trafficking Minor for Abortion or Transgender Care

Concerning prohibiting the human trafficking of an out-of-state minor into Colorado for the purpose of assisting the minor in obtaining certain reproductive health-care services.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary

2025-01-29 Referral Judiciary


An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities.

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-21 Referral Education


An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities.

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-21 Referral Education

CT HB05670


An Act Concerning Parental Notification Of Behavior Intervention Meetings.

To maintain parents' and guardians' involvement in their child's mental and emotional well-being at school and build closer working relationships among parents and guardians, teachers, staff and administrators to protect children and improve educational and emotional outcomes.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-21 Referral Education


An Act Establishing Guidelines For Participation In Male And Female Athletic Programs.

To establish guidelines for participation in male and female athletic programs.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-21 Referral Education

CT HB05876


An Act Allowing Teachers To Communicate With Parents Concerning A Student's Gender Identity.

To allow a teacher to tell a parent that the gender identity of such parent's child differs from such child's sex assigned at birth.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-22 Referral Education


An Act Prohibiting Biological Males From Participating In Female-only Sports.

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-22 Referral Education


An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities.

To limit participation within female-only college and high school sports to biological females.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-22 Referral Education


An Act Prohibiting State Agencies From Taking Certain Actions Against Parents And Guardians Who Choose To Raise Children Consistent With Their Biological Sex.

To prohibit state agencies from taking certain action against a parent or guardian if the basis for such action relates solely to such parent's or guardian's decision to raise a child consistent with such child's biological sex.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Referred to Joint Committee on Children

2025-01-22 Referral Joint Committee on Children

CT HB06331


An Act Prohibiting Use Of Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Considerations At Public Institutions Of Higher Education.

To prohibit public institutions of higher education from (1) maintaining an office for diversity, equity and inclusion, (2) requiring a diversity statement, and (3) considering a person's immutable characteristics in any admissions, scholarship, grading or employment decisions.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Referred to Joint Committee on Higher Education and Employment Advancement

2025-01-23 Referral Higher Education and Employment Advancement


An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities.

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-24 Referral Education

CT HB06577


An Act Prohibiting Biological Males From Accessing Women's Or Girls' Bathrooms, Lavatories, Locker Rooms And Changing Rooms.

To protect girls and women from biological males accessing women's or girls' bathrooms, lavatories, locker rooms and changing rooms.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health

2025-01-24 Referral Public Health

CT HB06609


An Act Concerning Minors Experiencing Gender Dysphoria Or Incongruence.

To ensure that the best interests of minors are protected when experiencing gender dysphoria or incongruence.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health

2025-01-24 Referral Public Health

CT HB06615


An Act Prohibiting Surgery On A Minor For The Treatment Of Gender Dysphoria.

To prohibit a physician from performing surgery on a minor for the purpose of treating gender dysphoria.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health

2025-01-24 Referral Public Health


An Act Concerning The Requirements For Participation On Gender-specific Sports Teams In High School And College Athletics.

To protect the health, safety and scholarship opportunities of female athletes.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Referred to Joint Committee on Education

2025-01-22 Referral Education

CT SB01045


An Act Concerning Surgery On Minors.

To ensure that the best interests of minors are protected when experiencing gender dysphoria or incongruence.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health

2025-01-22 Referral Public Health


Display of Flags by Governmental Entities

Defining the term "governmental entity"; prohibiting governmental entities from erecting or displaying certain flags; requiring governmental entities to remain neutral in certain circumstances; authorizing a current or retired member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard to use reasonable force to prevent the desecration, destruction, or removal of the United States flag or to replace such flag to a position of prominence, etc.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 02/11/25, 1:45 pm, 110 Senate Building

GA HB104


Equal Athletic Opportunities Act; enact

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 6 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the "Quality Basic Education Act," so as to enact the "Equal Athletic Opportunities Act"; to provide generally for student participation in interscholastic athletic activities and events; to generally prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in such activities and events; to promote fair and safe competition; to provide for the use of student eligibility rules, standards, and classifications; to provide for exceptions to general provisions; to provide for specific designations; to prohibit male students from participating in athletic activities and events designated for female students and vice versa; to provide for definitions; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History House Second Readers

2025-01-27 History House First Readers

2025-01-27 Referral Education

GA HB267


Riley Gaines Act; enact

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend various titles of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide for separate restroom and changing areas for males and females in schools; to provide for sleeping arrangements on school trips to be made according to sex; to provide for definitions throughout the Official Code of Georgia Annotated of certain terms relating to sex; to provide for legislative findings on the importance of certain distinctions between the sexes; to require any collector of vital statistics throughout this state to identify each individual as either male or female; to replace the term "gender" throughout the Code with "sex"; to provide for definitions; to provide for conforming changes; to provide for a short title; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History House Second Readers

2025-02-05 History House First Readers

2025-02-05 Referral Education

2025-02-04 History House Hopper



'Fair and Safe Athletic Opportunities Act'; enact

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 20 of the O.C.G.A., relating to education, so as to provide generally for competitively fair and safe student participation in middle school, high school, and college sports; to promote fair and safe competition; to provide for equal athletic opportunities and safety; to provide for specific designations of teams operated or sponsored by local school systems, public schools, participating private schools, and postsecondary educational institutions in this state; to prohibit males from participating in interscholastic and intercollegiate competitions on teams designated as female; to prohibit females from participating in competition on intercollegiate teams designated as male, subject to exceptions; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute

2025-02-06 History Senate Third Read

2025-02-04 History Senate Read Second Time

2025-02-03 History Senate Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute

GA SB120


Education; public schools, local education agencies, and public postsecondary institutions shall not promote, support, or maintain any programs or activities that advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 1 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general provisions relative to education, so as to provide that public schools, local education agencies, and public postsecondary institutions shall not promote, support, or maintain any programs or activities that advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion; to provide for sanctions; to provide for definitions; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date and applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Senate Hopper



Hospitals and Related Institutions; hormone therapies and puberty-blocking medications for certain purposes to minors; prohibit prescribing or administering

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 7 of Title 31 and Article 1 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to regulation of hospitals and related institutions and the Georgia Composite Medical Board, respectively, so as to prohibit prescribing or administering certain hormone therapies and puberty-blocking medications for certain purposes to minors; to provide for definitions; to provide for limited exceptions; to provide for a remedy for a parent or guardian of a minor; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Senate Read and Referred

2025-01-28 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-01-27 History Senate Hopper



Employees' Insurance and Benefits Plans; expenses for gender-affirming care under the state health benefit plan or with any state funds; prohibit coverage

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 18 of Title 45, Chapter 4 of Title 49, and Chapter 1 of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the employees' insurance and benefits plans, public assistance, and general provisions relative to state government, respectively, so as to prohibit coverage of expenses for gender-affirming care under the state health benefit plan or with any state funds; to provide for definitions; to provide for limited exceptions; to prohibit state healthcare facilities and healthcare providers employed by the state from providing gender-affirming care; to provide for related matters; to provide for legislative findings; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Senate Read Second Time

2025-02-05 History Senate Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute

2025-01-29 History Senate Read and Referred

2025-01-29 Referral Insurance and Labor

2025-01-28 History Senate Hopper



"Freedom of Speech and Belief Act"; enact

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 15 of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to deceptive or unfair practices, so as to protect the exercise of constitutional rights; to prohibit discrimination in the provision of essential services; to provide for public and private enforcement; to provide for definitions; to provide a short title; to provide legislative findings and declarations; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Senate Read and Referred

2025-01-30 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-29 History Senate Hopper

HI HB207


Relating To Sex-specific Student Athletic Teams.

Creates the requirement of school sports to designate sex-specific teams for the purpose of gender equality.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to EDN, JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

2025-01-21 Referral Education

HI HB257


Relating To Certificates Of Birth.

Provides that a new certificate of birth issued by the State shall include a designation of the sex of the person born, based on the genitalia of the person. Authorizes amendments of designations of sex on certificates of birth, provided that the birth registrant is an adult, and a new designation is based on the genitalia of the birth registrant, as confirmed by a physician or physician's assistant. Requires certain original certificates to be unsealed and new certificates to be marked as amended with regard to sex designation.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to HLT, JHA, referral sheet 1

2025-01-21 Referral Health


Relating To Family Court.

Amends provisions relating to criteria in family court determinations regarding custody and visitation rights. Clarifies that no court shall consider a parent's affirmation of their child's gender identity or expression in a custody determination.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to HSH, JHA, referral sheet 1

2025-01-21 Referral Human Services & Homelessness

HI HB268


Relating To Sex-based Athletic Competitions In Sports.

Requires the department of education to designate athletic sports teams based on the biological sex assigned to players at birth. Prevents males from participating in female sports.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to EDN, JHA, referral sheet 1

2025-01-21 Referral Education

IA HF269


A bill for an act prohibiting certain requirements for students and faculty at regents institutions relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, and critical race theory and including applicability provisions.(Formerly HSB 53.)

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Introduced, placed on calendar. H.J. 262.



A bill for an act prohibiting school districts and charter schools from taking disciplinary action against employees, contractors, or students for the use of legal names, the use of student names as listed in school registration forms or records, or for the failure to use personal pronouns in official communications, and providing civil penalties.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Subcommittee recommends passage.

2025-01-27 History Subcommittee Meeting: 01/28/2025 8:30AM RM 103.

2025-01-23 History Subcommittee: Hayes, Matson and Stone. H.J. 123.



A bill for an act relating to education, including by modifying provisions related to private instruction, world language instruction, dual enrollment, and the tuition and textbook tax credit, and including effective date, applicability, and retroactive applicability provisions.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Committee vote: Yeas, 14. Nays, 9. H.J. 142.

2025-01-29 History Committee report, recommending amendment and passage. H.J. 142.

2025-01-27 History Subcommittee recommends passage.

2025-01-23 History Subcommittee Meeting: 01/27/2025 11:30AM RM 103.

2025-01-22 History Subcommittee: Fett, Gehlbach and Matson. H.J. 116.



A bill for an act relating to mandatory reporting to the board of educational examiners of licensed school employees who engage in grooming behavior toward students.(See HF 167.)

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 167.

2025-01-28 History Committee vote: Yeas, 16. Nays, 6. Excused, 1. H.J. 144.

2025-01-28 History Committee report, recommending passage. H.J. 144.

2025-01-28 History Subcommittee recommends passage.

2025-01-22 History Subcommittee Meeting: 01/28/2025 12:30PM House Lounge.

2025-01-21 History Subcommittee: Boden, Hora and Wessel-Kroeschell. H.J. 106.

2025-01-21 History Introduced, referred to Education. H.J. 104.

2025-01-21 History By COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION

2025-01-21 Referral Education



A bill for an act prohibiting certain requirements for students and faculty at regents institutions relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, and critical race theory and including applicability provisions.(See HF 269.)

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 269.

2025-02-05 History Committee vote: Yeas, 7. Nays, 3. Excused, 1. H.J. 268.

2025-02-05 History Committee report, recommending passage. H.J. 268.

2025-01-30 History Subcommittee recommends passage.

2025-01-23 History Subcommittee Meeting: 01/29/2025 4:00PM RM 304.

2025-01-22 History Subcommittee: Holt, Wheeler and Wilburn. H.J. 117.

2025-01-22 History Introduced, referred to Higher Education. H.J. 113.


2025-01-22 Referral Higher Education



A bill for an act prohibiting private institutions of higher education that participate in the Iowa tuition grant program from establishing diversity, equity, and inclusion offices.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Subcommittee Meeting: 02/12/2025 12:30PM House Lounge.

2025-02-03 History Subcommittee Meeting: 02/04/2025 12:15PM House Lounge (Cancelled).

2025-01-22 History Subcommittee: Collins, Hora and Konfrst. H.J. 117.

2025-01-22 History Introduced, referred to Higher Education. H.J. 114.


2025-01-22 Referral Higher Education



A bill for an act prohibiting community colleges from establishing diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and engaging in certain other activities relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Tabled until future meeting.

2025-01-27 History Subcommittee Meeting: 01/29/2025 12:30PM House Lounge.

2025-01-22 History Subcommittee: Collins, Hora and Kurth. H.J. 117.

2025-01-22 History Introduced, referred to Higher Education. H.J. 114.


2025-01-22 Referral Higher Education



A bill for an act prohibiting school districts, charter schools, and innovation zone schools from providing any program, curriculum, test, survey, questionnaire, promotion, or instruction relating to gender identity or sexual orientation to students in grades seven through twelve.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Subcommittee: Wheeler, Levin and Stone. H.J. 125.

2025-01-23 History Introduced, referred to Education. H.J. 122.

2025-01-23 History By COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION

2025-01-23 Referral Education



A bill for an act prohibiting school districts and charter schools from taking disciplinary action against employees, contractors, or students for the use of legal names, the use of student names as listed in school registration forms or records, or for the failure to use personal pronouns in official communications, and providing civil penalties.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Subcommittee recommends passage.

2025-01-28 History Subcommittee Meeting: 01/30/2025 11:00AM Room 315.

2025-01-27 History Subcommittee: Green, Donahue, and Pike. S.J. 142.

ID H0041


Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Introduced, read first time; referred to: Education

2025-01-29 History Received from the House passed; filed for first reading

2025-01-29 Referral Education

2025-01-28 History to Senate

2025-01-28 History Title apvd

2025-01-28 History Read Third Time in Full -- PASSED 59-11-0

2025-01-27 History Read second time; Filed for Third Reading

2025-01-24 History Reported Printed; Filed for Second Reading

2025-01-23 History Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing

ID H0059


Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.

MEDICAL ETHICS DEFENSE ACT -- Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading

2025-01-27 History Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare

2025-01-27 Referral Health and Welfare

2025-01-24 History Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing

ID H0138


Amends existing law to require certain federal waivers for continued medicaid expansion eligibility.

MEDICAID -- Amends existing law to require certain federal waivers for continued medicaid expansion eligibility.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare

2025-02-05 Referral Health and Welfare

2025-02-04 History Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing


Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History U.C. to be returned to Education Committee

2025-01-23 History U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar one legislative day

2025-01-22 History U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar one legislative day

2025-01-21 History U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar one legislative day

2025-01-20 History U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar one legislative day



States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.

BOISE STATE VOLLEYBALL -- States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; to 10th order; held one legislative day



States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges and restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.

MARRIAGE -- States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges and restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Introduced, read first time; referred to: State Affairs

2025-01-28 History Received from the House passed; filed for first reading

2025-01-28 Referral State Affairs

2025-01-27 History to Senate

2025-01-27 History Title apvd

2025-01-27 History Read Third Time in Full -- ADOPTED 46-24-0

2025-01-24 History Read second time; Filed for Third Reading

2025-01-23 History Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading


Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.

TRANSPARENCY IN FINANCIAL SERVICES -- Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment

2025-01-28 History Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs

2025-01-28 Referral State Affairs

2025-01-27 History Introduced; read first time; referred to JR for Printing

2025-01-27 Referral Judiciary and Rules

ID S1048


Adds to existing law to establish provisions to ensure freedom of inquiry in higher education.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions to ensure freedom of inquiry in higher education.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs

2025-01-31 History Introduced; read first time; referred to JR for Printing

2025-01-31 Referral Judiciary and Rules

IL HB1117



Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and student must be expressly designated as (i) a male athletic team or sport, (ii) a female athletic team or sport, or (iii) a coeducational athletic team or sport. Provides that an athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer

IL HB2915



Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and student must abide by the following: if an athletic team or sport is designated as being female, it is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to Rules Committee

2025-02-06 History First Reading

2025-02-06 Referral Rules

2025-02-05 History Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Joe C. Sosnowski

IL HB3666



Amends the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code. Provides that a health care professional shall report to the Department of Public Health each time the health care professional prescribes a puberty blocker to a person under the age of 18. Provides that the report shall be transmitted to the Department on a quarterly basis. Requires the Department to create forms to be used for the reports. Specifies that the forms shall not request or require identifying information of the patient or the health care provider. Requires the Department to ensure anonymity of all patients and health care professionals. Provides that all reports are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and are confidential and that access to the reports shall be limited to authorized Department staff for statistical purposes only. Makes a conforming change in the Freedom of Information Act.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Tom Weber

IL HB3819



Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Provides that sex-reassignment procedures are prohibited for patients younger than 18 years of age. Provides that if sex-reassignment procedures are administered or performed on patients 18 years of age or older, consent must be provided as specified. Provides that the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall revoke the license of any physician who willfully or actively violates the prohibition on sex-reassignment procedures for patients younger than 18 years of age. Amends the Hospital Licensing Act and the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act. Adds a failure to comply with the provisions as grounds for fines, license denial, license suspension or revocation, or refusal to renew a hospital or facility's license. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to provide for emergency rulemaking.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Tom Weber

IL SB1226



Amends the School Code. Provides that school districts shall regulate and restrict access to public restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and other similar places on the basis of biological sex and shall also adopt a policy that provides for gender neutral or alternative facilities for students, staff, and members of the public, as the school district deems appropriate. Provides that school districts are not required to: (1) limit access by a minor accompanied by an adult guardian of the opposite sex into a specified facility appropriate for the adult guardian; (2) prohibit a person with disabilities from using a specified facility appropriate to the biological sex of either the person with disabilities or of an adult caretaker providing assistance; or (3) prohibit access to these facilities by custodial staff, school staff, or other persons in an emergency situation.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Referred to Assignments

2025-01-24 History First Reading

2025-01-24 History Filed with Secretary by Sen. Andrew S. Chesney

2025-01-24 Referral Assignments

IL SB1783



Creates the Prohibition on Government Sponsored Sexual Performances. Provides that a unit of local government or a school district may not allow a live adult performance to be held on publicly owned or operated property under its control. Requires the State to stop distributing all funds to a unit of local government or school district that violates the provisions. Limits home rule powers. Effective immediately.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to Assignments

2025-02-06 History First Reading

2025-02-06 History Filed with Secretary by Sen. Chris Balkema

2025-02-06 Referral Assignments



Creates the Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism Act. Requires the Secretary of State to implement changes to require all Illinois-issued identification documents to reflect the holder's sex as defined in the Act. Requires all State agencies to remove or change their forms and communications to reflect the changes in the Act. Requires the Department of Human Rights to issue guidance to ensure the freedom to express the binary nature of sex and the right to single-sex space in workplaces. Requires the Department of Human Rights to prioritize investigation and litigation to the right and freedoms identified and created under the Act. Provides that the Act takes priority over and supersedes any other State law or rule that appears to or purports to be in conflict with the Act. Makes other changes. Repeals the Equitable Restroom Act. Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to delete "gender-related identity" from the definition of "sexual orientation."

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to Assignments

2025-02-06 History First Reading

2025-02-06 History Filed with Secretary by Sen. Andrew S. Chesney

2025-02-06 Referral Assignments

IL SB2079



Creates the Gender in Athletics Act. Provides that in any intercollegiate athletic activity that is subject to rules, standards, or classifications that provide for student eligibility restrictions in order to ensure, enhance, or promote fair competition, each public institution of higher education shall make all determinations based on sex and not on gender. Grants rulemaking authority to the Board of High Education to implement and enforce the Act. Amends the School Code. Provides that no school district or nonpublic school whose students or teams compete against a school district or nonpublic school may operate, sponsor, or facilitate interscholastic or intramural athletics that permit a person whose gender is male to participate in any interscholastic or intramural athletics that are designated for females. Allows a student who is aggrieved by an alleged violation or anticipated violation to have the right to file a grievance complaint with the school district or nonpublic school for an immediate determination of whether a violation or anticipated violation exists. Provides that if a violation or anticipated violation is determined to exist, the school district or nonpublic school shall issue a decision immediately and may direct that such violation be terminated or adjusted to prevent a further violation, but if the grievance is rejected, the complaining party has the right to an immediate appeal to the State Board of Education for relief.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to Assignments

2025-02-06 History First Reading

2025-02-06 History Filed with Secretary by Sen. Andrew S. Chesney

2025-02-06 Referral Assignments

IL SB2474



Creates the Youth Health Protection Act. Provides that a medical doctor shall not prescribe, provide, administer, or deliver puberty-suppressing drugs or cross-sex hormones and shall not perform surgical orchiectomy or castration, urethroplasty, vaginoplasty, mastectomy, phalloplasty, or metoidioplasty on biologically healthy and anatomically normal persons under the age of 18 for the purpose of treating the subjective, internal psychological condition of gender dysphoria or gender discordance. Provides that any efforts to modify the anatomy, physiology, or biochemistry of a biologically healthy person under the age of 18 who experiences gender dysphoria or gender discordance shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall be subject to discipline by the licensing entity or disciplinary review board. Provides that no medical doctor or mental health provider shall refer any person under the age of 18 to any medical doctor for chemical or surgical interventions to treat gender dysphoria or gender discordance. Contains definitions, a statement of purpose, and legislative findings. Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987 to make related changes.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Referred to Assignments

2025-02-07 History First Reading

2025-02-07 History Filed with Secretary by Sen. Andrew S. Chesney

2025-02-07 Referral Assignments

IN HB1428


Freedom of conscience in health care.

Freedom of conscience in health care. Provides that a health care provider, health care entity, and a health carrier may not be required to provide or refer an individual for a health care service that violates the conscience of the health care provider, health care entity, or health carrier. Establishes an exception for a health carrier. Specifies that a health care provider, health care entity, or a health carrier may not be subject to discrimination and certain other acts and liability for declining to provide the health care service. Establishes a civil action for a violation of these provisions. Provides that a person who prevails in a civil action is entitled to certain relief.

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History Representative Cash added as coauthor

2025-01-21 History First reading: referred to Committee on Public Health

2025-01-21 History Authored by Representative Miller D

2025-01-21 Referral Public Health

IN HB1456


Assignment of offenders to correctional facilities.

Assignment of offenders to correctional facilities. Requires a correctional facility operated by the department of correction to provide privacy protections based upon an individual's sex. Requires facility and program assignment decisions to be made in compliance with the required privacy protections. Provides a private cause of action against a correctional facility for certain privacy violations.

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History Representative Teshka added as coauthor

2025-01-21 History First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code

2025-01-21 History Authored by Representative Mayfield

2025-01-21 History Coauthored by Representative King

2025-01-21 Referral Courts and Criminal Code

IN HB1496


State educational institution administration.

State educational institution administration. Prohibits use of public funds by a state educational institution for policies or programs and campus activities outside the classroom that: (1) advocate for campus diversity, equity, and inclusion; or (2) promote or engage in political or social activism. Makes related changes.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History First reading: referred to Committee on Education

2025-01-21 History Authored by Representative Bascom

2025-01-21 History Coauthored by Representatives Teshka, Zimmerman, Davis

2025-01-21 Referral Education

IN HB1520


Professional licensing.

Professional licensing. Removes the following licensing provisions: (1) hearing aid dealers; (2) auctioneers and auction companies; and (3) electrologists. Removes specific courses required for certain behavioral health licensure. Replaces specific courses required for certain behavioral health licensure with a requirement that the program be nationally accredited. Makes conforming changes.

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History Representative Wesco added as coauthor

2025-01-21 History First reading: referred to Committee on Employment, Labor and Pensions

2025-01-21 History Authored by Representative Pierce K

2025-01-21 Referral Employment, Labor and Pensions


Discrimination in providing financial services.

Discrimination in providing financial services. Prohibits a financial services provider from discriminating in providing financial services to a consumer by using a social credit score as a basis for directly or indirectly: (1) declining to provide to the consumer full and equal access to one or more financial services; or (2) providing the consumer with one or more financial services on less favorable terms and conditions than would otherwise apply to the consumer if a social credit score were not used. Defines "social credit score" for purposes of these provisions. Specifies that the term does not include an analysis that involves a financial services provider's evaluation of any quantifiable risks of a consumer's participation in certain business activities or business associations, if the analysis is based on impartial, financial risk based standards that are: (1) established in advance; and (2) publicly disclosed to customers and potential customers; by the financial services provider. Provides that if a financial services provider refuses to provide, terminates, or restricts one or more financial services with respect to a consumer, the consumer may request from the financial services provider a statement of the specific reasons constituting the basis for the refusal, termination, or restriction. Provides that a financial services provider that receives such a request shall transmit to the consumer a written statement setting forth the specific reasons constituting the basis for the refusal, termination, or restriction. Sets forth requirements regarding the: (1) content of; and (2) means and time frame for submitting; a request or statement under these provisions. Provides that a violation of these provisions constitutes a deceptive act that is actionable under the deceptive consumer sales act only by the attorney general. Provides that a consumer aggrieved by a violation of these provisions may bring a civil action (including a class action) for damages, injunctive relief, or both.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Representative Judy added as coauthor

2025-01-27 History Representatives Lauer and Lucas added as coauthors

2025-01-21 History First reading: referred to Committee on Financial Institutions

2025-01-21 History Authored by Representative Ireland

2025-01-21 Referral Financial Institutions

IN SB0235


Limitations on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Limitations on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Establishes prohibitions and requirements on state agencies, recipients of state contracts or grants, state educational institutions, and health profession licensing boards regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Allows the attorney general to bring an action concerning noncompliance against a state educational institution. Establishes: (1) requirements regarding a standardized admissions test; and (2) requirements regarding altering academic standards; for postsecondary educational institutions that offer certain health education programs.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Senator Young M added as coauthor

2025-01-23 History Senator Tomes added as coauthor

2025-01-23 History Committee report: amend do pass, adopted


Definition of sex and gender; birth certificates.

Definition of sex and gender; birth certificates. Defines "sex" and "gender" for the purposes of the Indiana Code. States that the definition of "sex" and "gender" are meant to be synonymous in the Indiana Code unless specifically defined otherwise and is clarifying language. Requires the bureau of motor vehicles and the Indiana department of health (state department) to update the definition of sex used by the agencies. Requires the state department to: (1) identify birth certificates issued with a change in sex classification by court order; (2) change the sex on the birth certificate back to the originating sex and reissue the birth certificate; and (3) void the superseded document.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Senator Doriot added as coauthor

2025-01-28 History Senator Alexander added as coauthor

2025-01-28 History Senator Johnson T added as second author

KS HB2071


Enacting the help not harm act to restrict the use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibit healthcare providers from providing gender transition whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorize a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments, require professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatment and prohibit professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History House Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Health and Human Services

2025-01-28 History House Hearing: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 1:30 PM Room 112-N

2025-01-23 History House Referred to Committee on Health and Human Services

2025-01-23 History House Introduced

2025-01-23 Referral Health and Human Services



Prohibiting discrimination by financial services companies on the basis of social credit score and requiring registered investment advisers to obtain written consent from clients prior to investing client moneys in mutual funds, equity funds, companies and financial institutions that engage in ideological boycotts.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Senate Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

2025-01-21 Referral Financial Institutions and Insurance



Enacting the help not harm act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare providers from providing gender transition care to children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments, requiring professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Senate Enrolled and presented to Governor on Wednesday, February 5, 2025

2025-01-31 History House Final Action - Passed; Yea: 83 Nay: 35

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Be passed

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Ruiz, S. was rejected

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Ruiz, S.

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Ruiz, S. was rejected Yea: 30 Nay: 86

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Ruiz, S.

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Oropeza was rejected Yea: 27 Nay: 80

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Oropeza

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative McDonald was rejected Yea: 29 Nay: 84

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative McDonald

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Hoye was rejected Yea: 29 Nay: 83

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Hoye

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Meyer was rejected Yea: 31 Nay: 85

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Meyer

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Meyer was rejected Yea: 31 Nay: 84

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Meyer

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Carr was rejected Yea: 31 Nay: 85

2025-01-30 History House Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Carr

2025-01-29 History House Referred to Committee of the Whole

2025-01-29 History House Received and Introduced

2025-01-29 History Senate Emergency Final Action - Passed as amended; Yea: 32 Nay: 8

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Senator Sykes was rejected

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Senator Sykes

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Senator Holscher was rejected

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Senator Holscher

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Senator Haley was rejected

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Senator Haley

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Senator Haley was rejected

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Senator Haley

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee of the Whole - Committee Report be adopted

2025-01-29 History Senate Motion to advance to EFA, subject to amendment, debate and roll call.

2025-01-29 History Senate Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Public Health and Welfare

2025-01-28 History Senate Hearing: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 8:30 AM Room 548-South

2025-01-28 History Senate Hearing: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 8:30 AM Room 142-S - CANCELED

2025-01-23 History Senate Referred to Committee on Public Health and Welfare

2025-01-23 Referral Public Health and Welfare

2025-01-22 History Senate Introduced



Requiring employees of school districts and postsecondary educational institutions to use the name and pronouns consistent with a student's biological sex and birth certificate and authorizing a cause of action for violations therefor.

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History Senate Hearing: Monday, February 10, 2025, 1:30 PM Room 144-S

2025-01-28 History Senate Referred to Committee on Education

2025-01-28 Referral Education

2025-01-27 History Senate Introduced

KY HB154


AN ACT relating to gender transition services.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms;prohibit health care providers from accepting payment or reimbursement for gender transition services from a state or local government or Medicare, except when specific conditions exist; require licensing or certifying agencies to revoke a health care provider's license for a violation; create new sections of KRS Chapter 205 and Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304, and amend KRS 18A.225, 164.2871, and 304.17C-125 to require Medicaid, the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program (KCHIP), state or local government health plans and limited health service benefit plans, health plans and limited health service benefit plans that provide Medicare benefits that are publicly funded or subsidized, the state employee health plan, and state postsecondary education institution self-insured health plans to comply with the prohibition on payment or coverage for gender transition services; state findings of the General Assembly relating to the purpose of the Act; apply certain provisions to health plans issued or renewed on or after the effective date of Act.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History to Health Services (H)

2025-02-04 Referral Health Services

KY HB163


AN ACT relating to public school facilities.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 162 to define terms; require at least 95% of restroom facilities in a specified school building be designated for a specific biological sex; amend KRS 156.160 to conform.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History to Primary and Secondary Education (H)


AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty.

Amend KRS 446.350 to define "government" and "substantially burden"; outline procedures and relief that may be sought if statute is violated; outline procedures and relief for any inmate who alleges a violation of this statute; establish duties and authority of the Attorney General; apply to laws adopted before or after the effective date of this statute; include severability clause; waive sovereign, judicial, and governmental immunity; waive qualified immunity under specified circumstances.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History to Judiciary (H)

2025-02-04 Referral Judiciary

KY HB292


AN ACT relating to interscholastic athletics.

Amend KRS 156.070 to establish an interscholastic varsity athletics eligibility rule for transfers between member schools.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History to Primary and Secondary Education (H)

2025-02-07 Referral Primary and Secondary Education

2025-02-04 History to Committee on Committees (H)

2025-02-04 History introduced in House

2025-02-04 Referral Committee On Committees


AN ACT relating to equality in access to financial services.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to define terms; prohibit financial institutions from discriminating in, or agreeing, conspiring, or coordinating to discriminate in, the provision of financial services by utilizing a social credit score; establish notice requirements when a financial institution refuses to provide, restricts, or terminates financial services; make violation an unfair, false, misleading, or deceptive trade practice in violation of KRS 367.170; establish remedies; authorize enforcement by the Attorney General; require construction in favor of broad protection of conduct, opinions, and beliefs protected by certain laws.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History to Banking & Insurance (H)

2025-02-07 Referral Banking and Insurance

2025-02-05 History to Committee on Committees (H)

2025-02-05 History introduced in House

2025-02-05 Referral Committee On Committees



AN ACT relating to executive orders and declaring an emergency.

Invalidate Executive Order 2024-632 relating to the prohibition of state and federal funds being used for the practice of conversion therapy; EMERGENCY.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History to State Government (H)

2025-02-04 Referral State Government


AN ACT relating to sex-based classifications.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 61 to define "boy," "equal," "female," "girl," "male," "man," "sex," and "woman"; prohibit any state or local law, regulation, ordinance, or policy from treating males or females unfairly from similiarly situated members of the opposite sex, but permit separation of the sexes if in the interest of maintaining safety, privacy, and fairness; provide a non-exhaustive list of examples of areas in which public entities may distinguish between the sexes; require any public school, public school district, state agency, department, local government, special district or any political subdivision of those entities that collects vital statistics to identify each person as either male or female; provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Women's Bill of Rights.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History to Committee on Committees (S)

2025-02-06 History introduced in Senate

2025-02-06 Referral Committee on Committees



AN ACT relating to correctional facilities.

Create new section of KRS Chapter 197 to define terms; prohibit hormone treatment or elective surgery for gender reassignment.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History to Committee on Committees (S)

2025-02-06 History introduced in Senate

2025-02-06 Referral Committee on Committees

MD HB156


Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams - Designation Based on Sex (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act)

Requiring certain interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams or sports sponsored by certain schools to be expressly designated based on biological sex; prohibiting certain entities from taking certain adverse actions against a school for maintaining separate interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams and sports for students of the female sex; and providing that certain individuals have the right to bring a civil action under certain circumstances.

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means

MD SB588


Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams and Sports - Designation (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act)

Requiring certain interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams or sports sponsored by certain schools to be expressly designated in a certain manner; prohibiting certain interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams or sports from including certain students; prohibiting certain entities from taking certain adverse actions against a school under certain circumstances; etc.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m.

2025-01-27 History First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment

2025-01-27 Referral Education, Energy, and the Environment

MD SB948


Children - Parental Rights - Educational Rights

Requiring each county board of education, in consultation with certain individuals, to develop and implement a certain policy to promote parental involvement in students' education; and establishing a complaint and appeals process for violations of a certain policy.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m.

2025-02-03 History First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment

2025-02-03 Referral Education, Energy, and the Environment

ME LD233


An Act to Prohibit Biological Males from Participating in School Athletic Programs and Activities Designated for Females When State Funding Is Provided to the School

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History In concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

2025-01-21 History The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on JUDICIARY.

2025-01-21 History Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

2025-01-21 History On motion of Representative MURPHY of Scarborough, the Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on JUDICIARY.

2025-01-21 History Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS suggested and ordered printed.

2025-01-21 Referral Judiciary

MI HB4024


Civil rights: privacy; restriction of student access to certain restrooms and changing areas based on biological sex; provide for. Creates new act.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Bill Electronically Reproduced 01/28/2025

2025-01-28 History Referred To Committee On Education And Workforce

2025-01-28 History Read A First Time

2025-01-28 History Introduced By Representative Rep. Joseph Fox

2025-01-28 Referral Education And Workforce

MI HB4031


Recreation: athletics and sports; publicly funded individual sports programs that provide separate programs for males and females; require athletes to be scored according to their biological sex. Creates new act.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Bill Electronically Reproduced 01/28/2025

2025-01-28 History Referred To Committee On Education And Workforce

2025-01-28 History Read A First Time

2025-01-28 History Introduced By Representative Rep. Jaime Greene

2025-01-28 Referral Education And Workforce



Read Act modified, appropriations cancelled; education innovation provisions modified; P-TECH approval process modified; Office of Achievement and Innovation established in the Department of Education; equity, diversity, and inclusion appropriation modified; and school performance reporting system established.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Introduction and first reading, referred to Education Policy

2025-02-06 Referral Education Policy

MN SF716


Drag performances as adult entertainment classification

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety

2025-01-27 History Introduction and first reading

2025-01-27 Referral Judiciary and Public Safety

MN SF744


Therapies and procedures performed for the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors prohibition

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Referred to Health and Human Services

2025-01-30 History Introduction and first reading

2025-01-30 Referral Health and Human Services


Biological definition of male and female establishment

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Introduction and first reading

2025-02-03 Referral Health and Human Services

MO HB1016


Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

2025-01-29 History Referred: Emerging Issues(H)

2025-01-29 Referral Emerging Issues

2025-01-27 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-23 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO HB1024


Prohibits educational institutions from using state funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion purposes

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-23 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO HB1038


Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

2025-01-29 History Referred: Emerging Issues(H)

2025-01-29 Referral Emerging Issues

2025-01-27 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-23 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)


Modifies provisions relating to the biological definition of male and female

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-27 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO HB1081


Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

2025-01-29 History Referred: Emerging Issues(H)

2025-01-29 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-29 Referral Emerging Issues

2025-01-28 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO HB1085


Enacts provisions governing the social transition of children in schools

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-28 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO HB113


Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

MO HB1144


Establishes a definition for reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-30 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO HB1197


Establishes immunity from civil liability for certain actions taken by private schools related to access to restrooms or changing areas

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-02-05 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)



Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)



Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

MO HB624


Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

MO HB742


Prohibits state departments from spending money on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Referred: Rules - Administrative(H)

2025-01-28 History Reported Do Pass (H) - AYES: 10 NOES: 4 PRESENT: 0

2025-01-27 History Voted Do Pass (H)

2025-01-27 History Executive Session Completed (H)

2025-01-22 History Public Hearing Completed (H)



Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Public Hearing Completed (H)

2025-01-29 History Referred: Children and Families(H)

2025-01-29 Referral Children And Families



Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-01-28 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)



Proposes a constitutional amendment to assert the right of parents to participate in and direct the education of their children free from government interference

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Read Second Time (H)

2025-02-04 History Introduced and Read First Time (H)

MO SB100


Modifies provisions relating to amending birth certificates

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-01-23 Referral Families, Seniors and Health

MO SB115


Establishes provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

Latest actions

2025-02-11 History Hearing Scheduled S Education Committee

2025-01-23 History Second Read and Referred S Education Committee

2025-01-23 Referral Education

MO SB117


Establishes the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act prohibiting discussion of certain topics by school personnel

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Second Read and Referred S Education Committee

2025-01-23 Referral Education

MO SB212


Requires all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms to be designated for and used by male or female students only

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Second Read and Referred S Education Committee

2025-02-03 Referral Education


Prohibits public entities from entering into certain contracts

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Second Read and Referred S Economic and Workforce Development Committee

2025-02-03 Referral Economic and Workforce Development



Modifies provisions relating to gender transition

Latest actions

2025-02-11 History Hearing Scheduled S Families, Seniors and Health Committee



Prohibits elementary and secondary schools and institutions of postsecondary education from being members of athletic organizations that allow students to use performance enhancing drugs

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Hearing Conducted S Education Committee



Prohibits diversity-equity-inclusion requirements in school districts and charter schools

Latest actions

2025-02-11 History Hearing Scheduled S Education Committee


Creates new provisions relating to state contracts with certain companies

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History S First Read

MO SB595


Repeals the 2027 expiration of a provision of law prohibiting students from participating on an athletic team that is designated for the opposite biological sex

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History S First Read

MO SB597


Establishes provisions relating to single-sex access to restrooms and other facilities in public buildings and educational institutions

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History S First Read

MO SB632


Establishes a cause of action against business for violations of privacy in changing facilities or restrooms

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History S First Read



Removes the expiration date on certain provisions relating to gender transition

Latest actions

2025-02-11 History Hearing Scheduled S Families, Seniors and Health Committee



Modifies provision relating to prohibited discriminatory practices

Latest actions

2025-02-11 History Hearing Scheduled S Families, Seniors and Health Committee



Establishes the "Reproductive Health Care Protection Act"

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Families, Seniors and Health



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Families, Seniors and Health



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Families, Seniors and Health



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Families, Seniors and Health



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Families, Seniors and Health



Amends the Constitution to assert the right of parents to participate in and direct the education of their children free from government interference

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Education Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Education



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Second Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee

2025-02-06 Referral Families, Seniors and Health

MS HB1060


Gender dysphoria; require school personnel to notify parents of student who request to be referred to as different gender or nonhuman.

An Act To Require School Administrators, Teachers, Counselors Or Other Personnel Of The School To Provide Written Notification To The Parent Or Legal Guardian Of Any Student Identifying At School As A Gender Or Pronoun That Does Not Align With The Child's Sex On Their Birth Certificate, Sex Assigned At Birth Or Using Sex-segregated School Programs And Activities Or School Facilities That Do Not Align With The Child's Sex Assignment At Birth, Within Three Days Of Becoming Aware Of Such Conduct Or Request By The Affected Student; To Provide That No School Personnel Shall Be Disciplined Or Suffer Any Unlawful Reprisal For Refusing To Acknowledge A Student By A Preferred Gender, Pronoun Or Animal Species That Is Inconsistent With The Child's Sex Assignment At Birth; To Prescribe The Legislative Intent; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

MS HB1179


State-supported postsecondary educational institutions; prohibit spending on DEI initiatives.

An Act To Prohibit State Supported Postsecondary Educational Institutions Under The Purview Of The Board Of Trustees Of State Institutions Of Higher Learning Or The Mississippi Community College Board From Soliciting Pledges Or Expending Any Funds, Regardless Of The Sources From Which Such Funds Are Derived, For The Purpose Of Promoting Or Implementing Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Initiatives For Students And Employees Of The Postsecondary Educational Institution; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS HB1193


Public K-12 and Post Secondary schools; prohibit DEI statements and practices.

An Act To Prohibit State Institutions Of Higher Learning From Creating, Promoting And Implementing Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion (dei) Programs; To Define Relevant Terms; And To Prohibit The Use Of Diversity Statements And Training In Hiring, Admissions, And Employment Practices At State Institutions Of Higher Learning; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Motion to Reconsider Entered (Rosebud, Hood, Yates)

2025-02-05 History Passed As Amended

2025-02-05 History Amended

2025-02-05 History Committee Substitute Adopted

2025-02-04 History Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub

2025-01-20 History Referred To Judiciary A

2025-01-20 Referral Judiciary A

MS HB1246


"Requiring Efficiency For Our College and Universities System (REFOCUS) Act"; create to establish task force and to curtail discriminatory indoctrination.

An Act To Enact The "requiring Efficiency For Our Colleges And Universities System (refocus) Act"; To Establish The "mississippi University System Efficiency Task Force" To Examine The Efficiency And Effectiveness Of The Public University System In Mississippi, As It Relates To The Universities' Collective Mission Of Enrolling And Graduating More Degreed Mississippians And Retaining Them In The State, And Anticipated Nationwide Challenges With Regard To Demographic Shifts And A Projected Overall Decline In Enrollment; To Require The Task Force To Develop Recommendations To The Legislature On Changes To Policy And Laws In Mississippi With A Goal Of Increasing The Efficiency Of The Public University System In The State; To Set The Membership Of The Task Force; To Provide For Other Provisions Related Thereto, Including Per Diem And Voting; To Establish The Purpose Of Section 4 Of This Act; To Define Terms; To Require Public Institutions Of Higher Learning And Community Colleges To Ensure That Each Unit Does Not Establish Or Maintain A Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Office; To Ensure Universities And Colleges Treat Each Student, Faculty, And Staff Member Fairly; To Require Universities And Colleges To Make A Report To Their Respective Governing Boards; To Require The Governing Boards To Make Reports To The Legislature; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges;Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS HB1385


Families Rights and Responsibilities Act; enact.

An Act Entitled The "mississippi Families' Rights And Responsibilities Act"; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That All Parental Rights Are Exclusively Reserved To A Parent Of A Child Without Interference From The State Or Political Subdivision Of The State; To Provide That The Local School Board In Consultation With Parents And Teachers Shall Develop And Adopt A Policy To Promote The Involvement Of Parents Of Children Enrolled In The Public Schools; To Require Parental Consent For Medical And Mental Health Care; To Provide A Cause Of Action For Violations Of This Act; To Provide Rules Of Construction; To Bring Forward Sections 41-41-3, 41-41-7 And 41-41-11, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Relating To Implied Consent For Medical Procedures On Minors; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Judiciary A

2025-01-20 Referral Judiciary A

MS HB1416


"Mississippi Public Universities Reform Act"; enact to prohibit diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs and diversity statements.

An Act To Establish The "mississippi Public Universities Reform Act"; To Reform State-supported Postsecondary Educational Institutions By Prohibiting Funding For Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Offices And Officers; To Prohibit Mandatory Dei Training And Diversity Statements In Admissions, Hiring, And Promotions; To Mandate Merit-based Decisions For Admissions And Employment; To Authorize The Reallocation Of Dei Funding To Scholarships And Tuition Reduction; To Require Annual Compliance Reporting By Universities; To Establish Enforcement Mechanisms Through Civil And Legal Actions; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Judiciary A

2025-01-20 Referral Judiciary A

MS HB1516


"Parents' Bill of Rights Act"; enact and bring forward provisions related to.

An Act To Establish The "parents' Bill Of Rights Act"; To Define Terminology Used Herein; To Establish That A Parent's Liberty To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Health Care And Mental Health Of His Or Her Child Is A Fundamental Right; To Prohibit The State Or Any Political Subdivision Thereof From Substantially Burdening A Parent's Fundamental Right Without Demonstrating That The Burden Is Required By A Compelling Governmental Interest; To Provide That All Parental Rights Are Exclusively Reserved To A Parent Of A Child Without Obstruction By Or Interference From The State Or Any Political Subdivision Thereof; To Provide That Abuse Or Neglect Of A Child By A Parent Or The Action Or Decision Of A Parent That Would End Life Are Not Authorized By This Act; To Prohibit Employees Of This State And Any Political Subdivision Thereof, Except For Law Enforcement Personnel, From Encouraging Or Coercing A Child To Withhold Information From The Child's Parent; To Further Prohibit Such Employees From Withholding Information That Is Relevant To A Child's Physical, Emotional Or Mental Health From A Child's Parent; To Require The Board Of Education Of A School District To Develop And Adopt A Policy To Promote The Involvement Of Parents Of Children Enrolled In The District's Schools; To Prescribe The Minimum Requirement Procedures To Be Addressed By The Policy; To Provide The Board Of Education Of A School District With The Discretion To Adopt A Policy To Provide To Parents The Information In An Electronic Form; To Require Parents To Submit A Written Or Electronic Request For The Child's Information To The School Principal Or The Superintendent Of The School District; To Require The School Principal Or Superintendent To Provide The Requested Information To The Parents Within Ten Days Of Receiving The Request, Or Submit To The Parent A Written Explanation Of The Reasons For The Denial Of The Requested Information; To Prescribe The Process By Which A Parent May Submit A Formal Consideration Of The Request Of Information With The School Board If The Requested Information Is Not Received Five Days After Submitting The Initial Request; To Establish A Cause Of Action For Violation Of This Act; To Provide That This Act Shall Serve As A Defense To Any Cause Of Action That Is Raised As A Result Of A Violation Thereof; To Provide That The Rules Of Construction Shall Provide Broad Protection Of A Parent's Fundamental Rights As Inalienable Unless Those Rights Have Been Legally Waived Or Legally Terminated; To Bring Forward Sections 37-3-49, 37-13-173, 37-15-3, 37-7-301, 37-13-171 And 43-21-105, Mississippi Code Of 1972, For Purposes Of Possible Amendments; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Judiciary A

2025-01-20 Referral Judiciary A

MS HB1542


Diversity, equity and inclusion; prohibit instruction, assessment and training on conducted by public schools and charter schools.

An Act To Prohibit The Local School Board Of A Public School Or Governing Board Of A Charter School From Implementing Any Program Of Instruction Or Assessments For Students And Any Employee Trainings, Programs Or Activities Designed To Promote Diversity, Equity And Inclusion; To Define The Term "diversity, Equity And Inclusion"; To Prohibit A School Or Charter School From Spending Money Appropriated To The School For A Fiscal Year Until The Governing Board Of The School District Or Charter School Submits To The Legislature And The State Board Of Education A Report Evidencing Compliance With Statutorily Imposed Restriction On Diversity, Equity And Inclusion; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Judiciary A

2025-01-20 Referral Judiciary A

MS HB1605


Mississippi Safe Dormitories Act; establish.

An Act To Establish The "mississippi Safe Dorms Act"; To Declare Legislative Findings Regarding Student Safety At State Institutions Of Higher Learning; To Define Relevant Terms; To Prohibit Students Registered Under The Sex Offender Registration Laws From Residing In On-campus Housing; To Prohibit Employees Of State Institutions Of Higher Learning From Entering Into Consensual Relationships With Students Over Whom They Have Authority; To Require State Institutions Of Higher Learning To Provide Single-sex Living Facilities And Require First-year Students To Reside In Such Facilities; To Establish Exceptions For Certain Persons Entering Single-sex Facilities; To Require Institutions To Develop Materials And Procedures To Educate Students And Staff About Policies To Reduce Sexual Assault Risks; To Authorize Students Aggrieved By Violations Of This Act To File Civil Actions For Relief And Damages; To Specify A One-year Limitation Period For Filing Such Suits; To Waive Immunity For State Institutions Of Higher Learning That Violate This Act; To Provide For The Severability Of This Act; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS HB1609


Diversity, Equity ad Inclusion; prohibit public IHLs from expending appropriated funds to promote.

An Act To Define Terms; To Prohibit Public Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Expending Appropriated Funds To Establish, Sustain, Support, Or Staff A Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Office; To Prohibit Public Or Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Expending Funds To Contract, Employ, Engage, Or Hire An Individual To Serve As A Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Officer; To Establish Parameters For The Prohibitions On Offices And Officers Of Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion At Public Institutions Of Higher Learning; To Allow The Ihl Board To Reallocate Funds That Otherwise Would Have Been Expended On Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Offices Or Officers In Fiscal Year 2025 To Cover Certain Merit Scholarships And Tuition Costs; To Prohibit Public Or Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Requiring Diversity Training; To Prohibit Public Institutions Of Higher Learning From Requiring Or Soliciting Diversity Statements For Certain Purposes; To Prohibit Public Or Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Granting Preferential Consideration To Certain Individuals Based On Race, Sex, Color, Ethnicity, Gender, Or Sexual Orientation; To Require Each Public Institution Of Higher Learning To Produce A Report Confirming Compliance With This Act; To Establish A Process For Reporting Violations Of This Act; To Allow The Attorney General To File Suit To Compel Compliance; To Establish A Civil Cause Of Action For Violations Of This Act; To Establish Proper Jurisdiction; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Judiciary A

2025-01-20 Referral Judiciary A

MS HB188


"Dignity and Safety for Incarcerated Women Act"; enact.

An Act To Create The "dignity And Safety For Incarcerated Women Act"; To Define Certain Terms As Used Under This Act; To Provide That Every Restroom And Changing Room Within A Correctional Facility That Is For Use By Incarcerated Individuals Shall Be Designated For Use By Members Of One Sex; To Prohibit Any Incarcerated Individual From Entering A Restroom Or Changing Room That Is Designated For One Sex Unless He Or She Is A Member Of That Sex; To Provide That Every Restroom, Changing Room And Sleeping Quarter Within A Correctional Facility That Is Designated For The Use Of Incarcerated Adults That Is Accessible By Multiple Individuals At The Same Time Shall Be Designated For Use Only By Members Of One Sex; To Provide Certain Remedies For Violations Of This Act; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub

MS SB2218


Mississippi Safe Dormitories Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Mississippi Safe Dormitories Act; To Present Legislative Findings; To Define Terms; To Prohibit Certain Students From Residing In A Living Facility Owned, Managed By, Or Under The Authority Of A State Institution Of Higher Learning; To Prohibit Employees Of A State Institution From Entering Into Romantic, Sexual, Or Intimate Relationships With Certain Students; To Stipulate Certain Guidelines Concerning On-campus Living; To Require State Institutions To Provide Certain Information About Institutional Policies To Interested Parties; To Create A Civil Action And Monetary Penalty For Violations Of This Act; To Create A Statute Of Limitations For Violations Of This Act; To Provide That State Institutions Of Higher Learning Are Not Immune From Suit Or Liability Under This Act; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges;Judiciary, Division A

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS SB2219


Rejecting Racism in Higher Education Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Rejecting Racism In Higher Education Act; To Establish The Legislative Findings Of The Act, Including That It Is The Intent Of The Legislature That Administrators, Faculty, And Other Employees Of Public Elementary And Secondary Education Institutions Maintain Nondiscriminatory Policies In Accordance With Title Iv And Title Vi Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964; To Provide That No Officer, Agent, Administrator, Employee, Teacher, Or Contractor Of A Postsecondary Institution May Segregate, Track, Classify, Or Treat Differently Students On The Basis Of Race, Ethnicity, Color, Or National Origin Except Where Expressly Required By State Or Federal Law; To Provide That A Postsecondary Institution Shall Not Expend Any State Funds And Shall Reject Any Federal Funds Whose Receipt Requires The Institution To Promote, Support, Or Maintain Any Diversity, Equity, Or Inclusion Programs Or Campus Activities Whether Or Not Targeted Or Provided To Employees, Students, Guests, Or The Public; To Provide That Postsecondary Institutions That Are In Violation Of This Act Shall Not Be Eligible For State Funding; To Provide That In Addition To Enforcement By The Attorney General Of Mississippi, An Individual May Also Bring A Private Right Of Action Against Any Postsecondary Institution Engaged In Such Prohibited Discrimination For An Injunction, Actual Damages, And Liquidated Damages Of One Million Dollars; To Provide That Nothing In This Statute Prohibits Or Authorizes Officers, Agents, Administrators, Employees, Teachers, Or Contractors Of A Postsecondary Institution Or Students From Discussing Public Policy Issues Of The Day Or Ideas That Individuals May Find Unwelcome, Disagreeable Or Offensive; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges;Judiciary, Division A

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS SB2221


Campus safety; require institutions of higher learning to review safety procedures concerning student living accommodations.

An Act To Require Public Institutions Of Higher Learning To Make A Report To Either The Board Of Trustees Of The Mississippi State Institutions Of Higher Learning Or The Mississippi Community College Board About Coeducational Dormitories On Their Campuses; To Require The Board Of Trustees Of The Mississippi State Institutions Of Higher Learning And The Mississippi Community College Board To Make A Consolidated Report To The Legislature About Coeducational Dormitories On All Campuses Under Their Purview; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS SB2223


Programs for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; prohibit universities from establishing or maintaining.

An Act To Define Terms; To Prohibit Public Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Expending Appropriated Funds To Establish, Sustain, Support, Or Staff A Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Office; To Prohibit Public Or Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Expending Funds To Contract, Employ, Engage, Or Hire An Individual To Serve As A Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Officer; To Establish Parameters For The Prohibitions On Offices And Officers Of Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion At Public Institutions Of Higher Learning; To Allow The Ihl Board To Reallocate Funds That Otherwise Would Have Been Expended On Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Offices Or Officers In Fiscal Year 2025 To Cover Certain Merit Scholarships And Tuition Costs; To Prohibit Public Or Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Requiring Diversity Training; To Prohibit Public Institutions Of Higher Learning From Requiring Or Soliciting Diversity Statements For Certain Purposes; To Prohibit Public Or Land-grant Institutions Of Higher Learning From Granting Preferential Consideration To Certain Individuals Based On Race, Sex, Color, Ethnicity, Gender, Or Sexual Orientation; To Require Each Public Institution Of Higher Learning To Produce A Report Confirming Compliance With This Act; To Establish A Process For Reporting Violations Of This Act; To Allow The Attorney General To File Suit To Compel Compliance; To Establish A Civil Cause Of Action For Violations Of This Act; To Establish Proper Jurisdiction; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges;Judiciary, Division A

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS SB2364


Safety and privacy in correctional facility rooms; provide certain standards.

An Act To Define Certain Terms Relating To The Safety And Privacy Of Females In Correctional Facilities; To Provide That Every Restroom And Changing Room Within A Correctional Facility That Is For Use By Incarcerated Individuals Shall Be Designated For Use By Members Of One Sex; To Prohibit Any Incarcerated Individual From Entering A Restroom Or Changing Room That Is Designated For One Sex Unless He Or She Is A Member Of That Sex; To Provide That Every Restroom, Changing Room And Sleeping Quarter Within A Correctional Facility That Is Designated For The Use Of Incarcerated Adults That Is Accessible By Multiple Individuals At The Same Time Shall Be Designated For Use Only By Members Of One Sex; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Corrections

2025-01-20 Referral Corrections


Equality in Financial Services Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Equality In Financial Services Act; To Define Terms; To State Legislative Findings And Determinations; To Prohibit A Financial Institution From Discriminating In The Provision Of Financial Services To A Person Or Conspiring Or Coordinating To Discriminate In The Provision Of Financial Services To A Person; To Provide That A Violation Of This Act Shall Be A Violation Of Title 75, Chapter 24, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide A Private Cause Of Action; To Amend Section 75-24-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Conform; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Business and Financial Institutions

2025-01-20 Referral Business and Financial Institutions

MS SB2468


Free to Speak Law; enact.

An Act To Enact The Free To Speak Law; To Define Terms; To Provide That An Employee Of A Public School, Community College Or University Shall Not Address An Unemancipated Minor Student By A Name Other Than The Student's Legal Name Or By A Pronoun Or Title That Is Inconsistent With The Student's Sex Without The Written Permission Of A Student's Parent Or Guardian; To Provide That An Employee Of A Public School, Community College Or University, Shall Not Be Subject To An Adverse Employment Action For Declining To Address A Person Using A Name Other Than The Person's Legal Name Or By A Pronoun Or Title That Is Inconsistent With The Person's Sex Or For Declining To Identify His Or Her Pronouns; To Provide That A Student Of A Public School, Community College Or University Shall Not Be Subject To Any Disciplinary Action For Declining To Address A Person Using A Name Other Than The Person's Legal Name Or By A Pronoun Or Title That Is Inconsistent With The Person's Sex Or For Declining To Identify His Or Her Pronouns. And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Education;Judiciary, Division A

2025-01-20 Referral Education

MS SB2515


REFOCUS Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The "requiring Efficiency For Our Colleges And Universities System (refocus) Act"; To Establish The "mississippi University System Efficiency Task Force" To Examine The Efficiency And Effectiveness Of The Public University System In Mississippi, As It Relates To The Universities' Collective Mission Of Enrolling And Graduating More Degreed Mississippians And Retaining Them In The State, And Anticipated Nationwide Challenges With Regard To Demographic Shifts And A Projected Overall Decline In Enrollment; To Require The Task Force To Develop Recommendations To The Legislature On Changes To Policy And Laws In Mississippi With A Goal Of Increasing The Efficiency Of The Public University System In The State; To Set The Membership Of The Task Force; To Provide For Other Provisions Related Thereto, Including Per Diem And Voting; To Establish The Purpose Of Section 4 Of This Act; To Define Terms; To Require Public Institutions Of Higher Learning And Community Colleges To Ensure That Each Unit Does Not Establish Or Maintain A Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Office; To Ensure Universities And Colleges Treat Each Student, Faculty, And Staff Member Fairly; To Require Universities And Colleges To Make A Report To Their Respective Governing Boards; To Require The Governing Boards To Make Reports To The Legislature; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Motion to Reconsider Entered

2025-02-06 History Passed

2025-02-06 History Motion to Recommit Lost

2025-02-06 History Committee Substitute Adopted

2025-02-03 History Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS SB2516


Safe Dormitories Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The "safe Dormitories Act"; To Set The Legislative Findings And Definitions; To Provide That Any Public Building That Maintains Multiple-occupancy Dormitory Rooms Shall Provide Student Residents The Option To Be Housed Only In A Dormitory Room With Roommates Of The Same Sex; To Prohibit A Person From Entering Into A Dormitory Room Designated Exclusively For Use By Persons Of The Opposite Sex; To Set Certain Specific Exceptions Related To This Prohibition; To Require Any Applicable Governmental Entity To Establish Regulations And Disciplinary Procedures For Any Such Person; To Establish Certain Violations Of The Act; To Authorize Private Enforcement Of The Act And Causes Of Action; To Require The Attorney General To Bring An Action To Enforce Compliance With The Act; To Provide A Severability Clause To The Act; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Universities and Colleges;Judiciary, Division A

2025-01-20 Referral Universities and Colleges

MS SB2870


Mississippi Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Mississippi Families' Rights And Responsibilities Act To Provide That The State, Any Political Subdivision Of The State, Or Any Other Governmental Entity Shall Not Substantially Burden The Fundamental Right Of A Parent To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Health Care And Mental Health Of That Parent's Child Without Demonstrating That The Burden Is Required By A Compelling Governmental Interest Of The Highest Order As Applied To The Parent And The Child And Is The Least Restrictive Means Of Furthering That Compelling Governmental Interest; To Require The Consent Of A Parent Or Guardian For Certain Actions, Including Prescribing Medication Or Performing Surgery; To Set Certain Exceptions To The Consent Requirement; To Provide That No State Employee Shall Withhold Information About The Child's Physical, Emotional Or Mental Health From The Parent; To Provide A Cause Of Action To Parents For Any Violation Of The Act; To Provide That A Parent May Raise The Provisions Of This Act As A Defense Against Certain Judicial Or Administrative Proceedings; To Provide Certain Limitations On The Provisions Of The Act; To Set Certain Transparency Measures For Public Schools And Charter Schools; To Establish Teachers' Expressive Rights Within A School; To Provide Rules Of Construction Related To The Act; And For Related Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Died In Committee

2025-01-20 History Referred To Public Health and Welfare

2025-01-20 Referral Public Health and Welfare

MT HB121


Provide privacy in certain restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History (S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading

2025-02-07 History (S) Committee Report--Bill Concurred (S) Judiciary

2025-02-05 History (S) Committee Executive Action--Bill Concurred (S) Judiciary

2025-01-25 History (S) Hearing (S) Judiciary

MT HB300


Generally revise laws related to discrimination in education

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History (S) First Reading

2025-02-06 History (H) Transmitted to Senate

2025-02-06 History (H) 3rd Reading Passed

2025-02-06 History (H) Scheduled for 3rd Reading

2025-02-05 History (H) 2nd Reading Passed

2025-02-05 History (H) Scheduled for 2nd Reading

2025-02-03 History (H) Committee Report--Bill Passed as Amended (H) Judiciary

2025-02-03 History (H) Committee Executive Action--Bill Passed as Amended (H) Judiciary

2025-01-24 History (H) Hearing (H) Judiciary

2025-01-24 History (H) First Reading

2025-01-24 History (H) Referred to Committee (H) Judiciary

2025-01-24 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-23 History (H) Introduced

2025-01-22 History (LC) Draft Delivered to Requester

2025-01-20 History (LC) Draft Ready for Delivery

MT HB319


Prohibiting employer requirements for employees to attend controversial social vision training

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History (H) Fiscal Note Signed

2025-01-31 History (H) Fiscal Note Received

2025-01-30 History (H) Hearing (H) Judiciary

2025-01-28 History (H) First Reading

2025-01-28 History (H) Referred to Committee (H) Judiciary

2025-01-28 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-27 History (H) Fiscal Note Requested

2025-01-27 History (H) Introduced

2025-01-27 History (LC) Draft Delivered to Requester

2025-01-25 History (LC) Draft Ready for Delivery

2025-01-22 History (LC) Draft in Assembly

2025-01-21 History (LC) Draft in Final Drafter Review

2025-01-21 History (LC) Draft in Input/Proofing

2025-01-20 History (LC) Draft in Edit



Resolution on sports laws

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History (H) Hearing (H) Judiciary

2025-01-30 History (H) First Reading

2025-01-30 History (H) Referred to Committee (H) Judiciary

2025-01-30 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-29 History (H) Introduced

2025-01-28 History (LC) Draft Delivered to Requester

2025-01-20 History (LC) Draft Ready for Delivery

2025-01-19 History (LC) Draft in Assembly

2025-01-19 History (LC) Draft in Final Drafter Review

MT SB164


Revise offense of endangering the welfare of children

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History (H) First Reading

2025-02-05 History (H) Referred to Committee (H) Judiciary

2025-02-05 Referral Judiciary

2025-02-04 History (S) Transmitted to House

2025-02-04 History (S) 3rd Reading Passed

2025-02-04 History (S) Scheduled for 3rd Reading

2025-02-03 History (S) 2nd Reading Passed

2025-02-03 History (S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading

2025-01-29 History (S) Committee Report--Bill Passed (S) Judiciary

2025-01-29 History (S) Committee Executive Action--Bill Passed (S) Judiciary

2025-01-22 History (S) Hearing (S) Judiciary

MT SB218


Provide for private right of action for injuries caused by certain medical interventions to treat gender dysphoria

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History (S) Committee Report--Bill Passed (S) Judiciary

2025-02-07 History (S) Committee Executive Action--Bill Passed (S) Judiciary

2025-02-05 History (S) Hearing (S) Judiciary

2025-01-28 History (S) Referred to Committee (S) Judiciary

2025-01-28 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-27 History (S) First Reading

2025-01-27 History (S) Introduced

2025-01-27 History (LC) Draft Delivered to Requester

2025-01-25 History (LC) Draft Ready for Delivery

2025-01-24 History (LC) Draft in Assembly

2025-01-24 History (LC) Draft in Final Drafter Review

2025-01-23 History (LC) Draft in Input/Proofing

2025-01-21 History (LC) Draft in Edit

2025-01-20 History (LC) Draft in Legal Review

ND HB1144


Transgender student accommodations and restroom use in public schools; and to provide a penalty.

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 15.1-06-21 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to transgender student accommodations and restroom use in public schools; and to provide a penalty.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Second reading, passed, yeas 73 nays 18

2025-02-06 History Amendment adopted, placed on calendar

2025-02-05 History Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 8 3 2

2025-01-27 History Committee Hearing 03:15


Gender usage in the North Dakota Century Code.

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 1-01-34 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to gender usage in the North Dakota Century Code.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Committee Hearing 09:00

ND HB1430


The regulation of social workers.

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 43-41 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the regulation of social workers.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Committee Hearing 10:30

ND HCR3013


A concurrent resolution urging the United States Supreme Court to restore the definition of marriage to a union between one man and one woman.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary

2025-01-29 Referral Judiciary

ND SB2244


A parent's interest in a child's upbringing.

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15.1-06 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to parental involvement in a child's education; and to amend and reenact section 14-09-32.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a parent's interest in a child's upbringing.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Received from Senate

2025-02-05 History Second reading, passed, yeas 36 nays 9

2025-02-04 History Amendment adopted, placed on calendar

2025-02-03 History Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 6 1 0

2025-01-29 History Committee Hearing 10:00

ND SB2392


The regulation of prohibited discriminatory practices; and to provide for a legislative management report.

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new chapter to title 15, a new chapter to title 15.1, a new section to chapter 54-10, and a new chapter to title 54 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the regulation of prohibited discriminatory practices; and to provide for a legislative management report.

Latest actions

2025-02-11 History Committee Hearing 09:00

2025-01-27 History Introduced, first reading, referred to Education

2025-01-27 Referral Education


A concurrent resolution urging the the National Collegiate Athletic Association to revoke its transgender student-athlete eligibility policy, which directly discriminates against female student athletes in collegiate women's sports.

Latest actions

2025-02-12 History Committee Hearing 09:00

2025-01-29 History Introduced, first reading, referred to Education

2025-01-29 Referral Education


A concurrent resolution urging the United States Federal Government, Congress, and the Governor of North Dakota to end the disadvantaged business enterprise program.

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History Committee Hearing 02:30

2025-01-30 History Introduced, first reading, referred to Industry and Business

2025-01-30 Referral Industry and Business

NE LB552


Prohibit public postsecondary educational institutions from having a diversity, equity, and inclusion office and taking certain actions relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Referred to Education Committee

2025-01-24 Referral Education

2025-01-22 History Date of introduction



Adopt the Stand With Women Act

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Notice of hearing for February 07, 2025



Establishing the parental bill of rights.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Public Hearing: 02/18/2025 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 206-208


Permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain circumstances.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Public Hearing: 02/19/2025 09:00 am Legislative Office Building 206-208

2025-01-21 History ==CANCELLED== Public Hearing: 02/19/2025 03:15 pm Legislative Office Building 206-208


Prohibiting denial of banking and insurance services based on any factor that is not quantitative, impartial, and risk-based as measured by an objective standard.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Executive Session: 01/30/2025 11:00 am Legislative Office Building 302-304

NH HB712


Limiting breast surgeries for minors.

Latest actions

2025-01-22 History Introduced (in recess of) 01/09/2025 and referred to Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs House Journal 3

2025-01-22 Referral Health, Human Services & Elderly Affairs

NH SB211


Relative to biological sex in student athletics.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Introduced 01/09/2025 and Referred to Education; Senate Journal 3

2025-01-23 Referral Education

NH SB268


Permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain limited circumstances.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Hearing: 02/13/2025, Room 100, State House, 02:30 pm; Senate Calendar 9A

2025-01-23 History Introduced 01/09/2025 and Referred to Judiciary; Senate Journal 3

2025-01-23 Referral Judiciary



Relative to state recognition of biological sex.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Hearing: 02/13/2025, Room 100, State House, 02:45 pm; Senate Calendar 9A

NM HB185


Protection Of Women's Sports Act

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Sent to HCPAC - Referrals: HCPAC/HJC

2025-01-28 Referral Consumer & Public Affairs



Revises provisions relating to the licensing of certain providers of health care. (BDR 54-255)

AN ACT relating to providers of health care; revising requirements for continuing education and training for certain providers of health care; requiring the Board of Medical Examiners to require a physician assistant on inactive status to pay a biennial registration fee; increasing the maximum amount of certain fees charged and collected by the Board; requiring the Board, if authorized by a licensee, to provide to an employer of the licensee or an entity credentialing the licensee certain documents and information; providing for the biennial renewal of certain licenses issued by the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine; establishing and revising certain fees charged by the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Read first time. To committee.

NV SB112


Revises provisions relating to athletics. (BDR 34-36)

AN ACT relating to athletics; requiring certain schools and institutions of higher education to designate by sex the athletic teams and sports sponsored by the schools or institutions; prohibiting male or female athletes from competing on teams designated for the other sex; prohibiting certain actions from being brought against a school or institution for maintaining a separate athletic team or sport designated for pupils and students of the female or male sex; establishing certain causes of action; establishing the statute of limitations for such actions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Read first time. To committee.

2025-01-27 History From printer.

2025-01-23 History Prefiled. Referred to Committee on Education. To printer.

2025-01-23 Referral Education



Enact Advance Ohio Higher Education Act

To amend sections 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.45, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3356.01, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 4117.14, and 4117.15; to enact new section 3333.045 and sections 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, 3345.0218, 3345.0219, 3345.382, 3345.451, 3345.452, 3345.453, 3345.454, 3345.455, 3345.456, 3345.591, 3345.80, and 3345.88; and to repeal section 3333.045 of the Revised Code to enact the Advance Ohio Higher Education Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Referred to committee: Higher Education

2025-01-29 Referral Higher Education

2025-01-22 History Introduced


State government; state funds; display of flags; effective date; emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Policy recommendation to the Government Oversight committee; Do Pass General Government

2025-02-04 History Referred to General Government

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Government Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Government Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral General Government

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative West (Kevin)

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1224


Health care; defining terms; granting certain protections to health care institutions and health care payors; civil actions; discrimination; protections; effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Rules

2025-02-04 Referral Rules

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative West (Kevin)

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1225


Vital records; amendment of certificate or records; biological sex; effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Rules

2025-02-04 Referral Rules

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative West (Kevin)

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1289


Higher education; Academic Loyalty Oath Ban; prohibition of ideological oaths; right of action; effective date; emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Rules

2025-02-04 Referral Rules

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative Caldwell (Chad)

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1344


Prescriptions for off-label medications; terms; moral, ethical, or religious exemptions; immunity from liability; good- faith effort; temporary privileges; at-home and outpatient dispensing; disciplinary action; exceptions; World Health Organization; effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Rules

2025-02-04 Referral Rules

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative Humphrey

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1361


Schools; definitions; prohibiting school personnel and students from requesting and using certain pronouns or alternate names in certain situations; effective date; emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Referred to Common Education

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Education Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Common Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative Woolley

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1688


Vital records; vital statistics; definition; corrections; birth certificates; death certificates; fetal death certificates; effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Referred to Public Health

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Public Health

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative Roe

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB1964


Parental rights; Parents' Bill of Rights; private right of action; review; materials; object; opt in; fine; violation; term; effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Referred to Civil Judiciary

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Civil Judiciary

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative Williams

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK HB2149


Torts; limitation of action; body dysmorphia affirmation procedures; effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Referred to Civil Judiciary

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight

2025-02-04 Referral Civil Judiciary

2025-02-03 History Authored by Representative Hall

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB1002


Gender transition procedures; prohibiting certain use of public funds; providing penalties. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Jett

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB1049


Health care; creating the Wrongful Life Act; prohibiting certain services on a minor; authorizing certain civil actions and damages. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Standridge

2025-02-03 History First Reading


Financial services; creating the Financial Services Freedom Act. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Revenue and Taxation

2025-02-04 Referral Revenue and Taxation

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Jett

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB210


Child care; requiring child care facilities to ensure absence of certain content in specified materials; making noncompliant facilities ineligible for certain funding. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Woods

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB211


Child care; requiring child care facilities to ensure absence of certain content in specified materials; providing for corrective and administrative action. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Woods

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB348


Schools; directing responsibility for content of all instructional materials; requiring adoption of policy for objections to use of specific materials. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Bergstrom

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB413


Schools; creating the Oklahoma Sexual Education Reform and Parental Rights Protection Act; requiring written consent for a student to participate in certain instruction. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Jett

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB418


Department of Corrections; requiring certain designation for certain sexes. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Public Safety

2025-02-04 Referral Public Safety

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Daniels

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB550


Crimes and punishment; making certain acts unlawful. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Public Safety

2025-02-04 Referral Public Safety

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Deevers

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB591


Education; creating the Free to Speak Act; prohibiting public school and certain institution of higher learning employees from addressing certain students in certain manner. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Deevers

2025-02-03 History First Reading


Oklahoma Children's Code; prohibiting certain actions by the Department of Human Services in relation to adoptive and foster parents. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Daniels

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB665


Freedom of conscience; creating the Medical Ethics Defense Act; granting certain rights and protections to certain medical practitioners, healthcare institutions, or healthcare payers. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Jett

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB749


Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Freedom of Expression and Transparency Act. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Coauthored by Representative Tedford (principal House author)

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Rader

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB759


Schools; amending the Parents' Bill of Rights. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Coauthored by Senator Bergstrom

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Prieto

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB796


Higher education; prohibiting certain activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Pugh

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB845


Higher education; directing institution of higher education governing boards to ensure certain actions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion do not occur. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Standridge

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB846


Higher education; creating the Stop DEI Act; prohibiting an institution of higher education from requiring, soliciting, or incentivizing participation in certain practices or content. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Standridge

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB847


Schools; prohibiting a school district or charter school from compelling use of certain pronoun; providing for monitoring of compliance. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Coauthored by Representative Woolley (principal House author)

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Bullard

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB848


Education funding; creating the Oklahoma Independent Education Act; requiring development of plan to phase out acceptance and use of certain federal funds. Effective date. Emergency.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Coauthored by Representative West (Kevin) (principal House author)

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator Bullard

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OK SB959


Health care; granting certain rights and protections to health care institutions and payors; prohibiting certain discrimination and adverse actions. Effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services

2025-02-04 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-02-03 History Authored by Senator McIntosh

2025-02-03 History First Reading

OR SB899


Relating to gender reassignment surgery.

The Act raises the age when a person may receive some gender-affirming treatments to 18 years of age. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Prohibits physicians from performing irreversible gender reassignment surgery on a minor. Creates exceptions.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Referred to Health Care.

2025-01-21 History Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

2025-01-21 Referral Health Care


Recognizing two sexes, male and female; and providing for duties and prohibitions.

An Act recognizing two sexes, male and female; and providing for duties and prohibitions.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

2025-02-04 Referral State Government

SC H3011


Parental Rights in Education Act

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Enacting The "parental Rights In Education Act"; By Adding Article 3 To Chapter 28, Title 59 So As To Provide Necessary Definitions, To Recognize That Parents Have The Ultimate Responsibility To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Healthcare, And Mental Health Of Their Children, To Prohibit The State From Substantially Burdening Those Parental Rights And To Require The State To Obtain Parental Consent In Certain Circumstances, And To Create A Cause Of Action For Violation Of The Chapter, Among Other Things; And To Designate The Existing Provisions Of Chapter 28, Title 59, As Article 1 Entitled "general Provisions."

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Rankin, Long, Oremus, Terribile, Gibson, Huff, Lawson, Burns, Edgerton

SC H3094


Child Welfare

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Enacting The "south Carolina Parental Rights To Affirm Biological Sex In Child Welfare And Placement Act" By Adding Section 63-7-50 So As To Encourage Children To Identify With Their Biological Sex By Requiring Courts And Agencies To Consider A Child's Biological Sex As A Positive Factor In Child Welfare Proceedings; To Provide That Parents And Legal Guardians Have The Right To Encourage A Child To Align With Their Biological Sex , Including In Making Medical Decisions, And To Offer Protections For Exercising This Right; To Define Terms; To Require The Department Of Social Services And Family Court System To Develop Policies And The Department Of Social Services To Submit Annual Reports; And For Other Purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Teeple

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Long, Oremus, Gibson, Huff, Edgerton

SC H3118


Parental Bill of Rights

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Adding Chapter 23 To Title 63 So As To Provide That Parents Have Fundamental Rights Regarding The Upbringing, Education, And Care Of Their Children; To Define Necessary Terms; To Limit The Ability Of The Government To Infringe On Parental Rights; To Identify Certain Fundamental Rights Of Parents; To Require That School Districts Create Parental Involvement Policies; To Prohibit Healthcare Providers From Soliciting Or Providing Healthcare Services To Children Without Written Parental Consent; To Provide That The Chapter's Provisions Supersede State Of Emergency Declarations; And To Create A Cause Of Action For Violations Of This Chapter; And By Amending Section 63-5-340, Relating To The Age At Which A Minor May Consent To Health Services, So As To Raise The Age To Eighteen.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Rankin, Long, Oremus, Gibson, Huff, Lawson, Edgerton

SC H3184


DEI in state universities

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Adding Section 59-101-680 To Prohibit The Use Of Political Ideology Or Statements On Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion In Making Admissions Or Employment Decisions By Public Institutions Of Higher Learning, To Prohibit The Use Of Public Funds For Such Purposes, To Prohibit Such Institutions From Requiring Faculty Or Employees To Complete Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Training Or Take Adverse Action Against Faculty Or Employees Who Refuse Or Fail To Participate In Such Training, To Prohibit Such Institutions From Infringing On First Amendment Rights Of Free Speech Of Students, Faculty, Or Employees, To Provide Reporting Requirements, To Clarify The Applicability Of These Provisions, And To Provide Institutions Shall Provide Electronic Copies Of These Provisions To Students, Employees, And Faculty, Among Other Things.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Terribile

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Rankin, Oremus, Gibson, Lawson, Burns

SC H3263


Student physical privacy

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Enacting The "south Carolina Student Physical Privacy Act" By Adding Article 5 To Chapter 23, Title 59 So As To Provide Various Measures To Promote And Ensure Privacy Among Sexes Using Certain Restrooms And Changing Facilities In Public Schools And Public Institutions Of Higher Learning, And To Provide Penalties For Noncompliance, Among Other Things.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Rankin, Long, Oremus, Terribile, Gibson, Huff, Lawson, Burns, Edgerton

SC H3381


Defense of Children's Innocence Act

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Enacting The "defense Of Children's Innocence Act" By Adding Section 6-1-200 So As To Provide That Any Business Where Drag Shows Are Held Is Deemed To Be A Sexually Oriented Business For All Local Ordinances Relating To A Sexually Oriented Business; By Adding Section 6-1-210 So As To Prohibit A State Agency, Political Subdivision, Or Any Entity That Is Supported In Whole Or In Part By Public Funds From Using Any Public Funds To Host Or Provide A Drag Show; And By Amending Section 16-15-385, Relating To Disseminating Harmful Materials To Minors, So As To Include The Offense Of Allowing A Minor To View A Drag Show.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Bowers

2025-02-05 History Scrivener's error corrected

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Rankin, Long, Oremus, Gibson, Burns, Edgerton


Human Biological Sexes

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Adding Article 29 To Chapter 1, Title 1 So As To Provide Definitions And Other Rules Of Construction Relating To Human Biological Sexes For Purposes Of The Laws, Administrative Regulations, And Guidelines Of South Carolina.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Mitchell, Rankin, Long, Oremus, Gibson, Lawson, Burns, Edgerton

SC H3572


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Adding Section 59-101-680 So As To Provide Public Institutions Of Higher Learning Are Prohibited From Using Political Ideology Or Statements On Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion In Making Admissions Or Employment Decisions By Public Institutions Of Higher Learning, To Prohibit The Use Of Public Funds For Such Purposes, To Prohibit Such Institutions From Requiring Faculty Or Employees To Complete Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Training Or Take Adverse Action Against Faculty Or Employees Who Refuse Or Fail To Participate In Such Training, To Prohibit Such Institutions From Infringing On First Amendment Rights Of Free Speech Of Students, Faculty, Or Employees, To Provide Reporting Requirements, To Clarify The Applicability Of These Provisions, And To Provide Institutions Shall Provide Electronic Copies Of These Provisions To Students, Employees, And Faculty, Among Other Things.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Frank

2025-01-28 History Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Rankin, Long, Oremus, Edgerton, Gibson, Huff, Lawson, Burns, Magnuson

SC S0243


Parental Rights in Education

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws So As To Enact The "parental Rights In Education Act"; By Adding Article 3 To Chapter 28, Title 59, So As To Recognize That Parents Have The Ultimate Responsibility To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Healthcare, And Mental Health Of Their Children, To Prohibit The State From Substantially Burdening Those Parental Rights, To Require The State To Obtain Parental Consent In Certain Circumstances, To Create A Cause Of Action For Violation Of The Chapter, And To Provide Necessary Definitions; And To Designate The Existing Provisions Of Chapter 28, Title 59, As Article 1 Entitled "general Provisions."

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Scrivener's error corrected

SC S0322


Free Speech

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws So As To Enact The "free To Speak Act"; By Adding Section 59-1-505 So As To Prohibit Public School Employees From Knowingly And Intentionally Addressing An Unemancipated Minor Who Is A Student At The School Where The Employee Is Employed By A Pronoun Or Title That Is Inconsistent With The Student's Sex Without The Written Permission Of A Student's Parent Or Guardian, And To Protect Public School Employees From Adverse Employment Action For Declining To Address A Student Using A Pronoun That Is Inconsistent With The Student's Sex, For Declining To Identify His Pronouns, And For Other Reasons, And To Require The Governing Body Of Each School District To Adopt Policies Consistent With This Code Section; And By Adding Section 59-101-680 So As To Prohibit Public Institutions Of Higher Learning Employees From Knowingly And Intentionally Addressing An Unemancipated Minor Who Is A Student At The School Where The Employee Is Employed By A Pronoun Or Title That Is Inconsistent With The Student's Sex, And To Protect Employees Of Institutions Of Higher Learning From Adverse Employment Action For Declining To Address A Student Using A Pronoun That Is Inconsistent With The Student's Sex, For Declining To Identify His Pronouns, And For Other Reasons, And To Require The Governing Body Of Each Public Institution Of Higher Learning To Adopt Policies Consistent With This Code Section.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to Committee on Education

2025-02-06 History Introduced and read first time

2025-02-06 Referral Education

SD HB1177


Require an employee of a school district, the Board of Regents, or the South Dakota Board of Technical Education to receive permission of a parent or guardian of an unemancipated minor student before addressing the student with a name other than the student's legal name and to prohibit the compulsory use of gendered language inconsistent with sex.

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History Scheduled for hearing

2025-02-07 History Scheduled for hearing

2025-02-03 History Referred to House Education H.J. 171

2025-02-03 Referral Education

2025-01-30 History First Reading House H.J. 154

SD HB1201


Establish requirements for school counseling services.

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History Scheduled for hearing

2025-02-03 History First read in House and referred to House Education H.J. 170

2025-02-03 Referral Education


Prohibit the use of a diversity, equity, or inclusion program in a law enforcement agency.

Latest actions

2025-02-10 History Scheduled for hearing

2025-02-07 History Scheduled for hearing

2025-02-05 History Prime Sponsor Changed at the Request of the Prime Sponsor H.J. 197

2025-02-04 History First read in House and referred to House State Affairs H.J. 184

2025-02-04 Referral State Affairs

SD HB1259


Prohibit unauthorized access to certain multi-occupancy rooms and to provide a penalty therefor.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to House State Affairs H.J. 213

2025-02-06 Referral State Affairs

2025-02-05 History First Reading House H.J. 199

SD HB1260


Require that birth certificates and certain official documents reflect biological sex.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to House State Affairs H.J. 213

2025-02-06 Referral State Affairs

2025-02-05 History First Reading House H.J. 199


Authorize display of certain flags on public property.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Withdrawn at the Request of the Prime Sponsor H.J. 225

2025-02-06 History Referred to House Local Government H.J. 213

2025-02-06 Referral Local Government

2025-02-05 History First Reading House H.J. 199

SD HCR6012


Urging the Supreme Court of the United States to establish marriage as between a man and a woman.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Referred to House Judiciary H.J. 212

2025-02-06 Referral Judiciary

2025-02-05 History First Reading House H.J. 195

TN HB0064


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to residential educational programs.

As introduced, requires all residential educational programs in this state, regardless of type or duration, that allow minors to participate or to access residential facilities to segregate all restrooms, changing areas, and showers by immutable biological sex. - Amends TCA Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Placed on s/c cal Education Administration Subcommittee for 2/11/2025

2025-02-05 Referral Education Administration Subcommittee

2025-01-28 History Assigned to s/c Education Administration Subcommittee

TN HB0315


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 8; Title 10; Title 16; Title 36; Title 39; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to marriage.

As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Covenant Marriage Act" to create covenant marriage, which is entered into by one male and one female, who understand and agree that marriage is a lifelong relationship; permits a spouse in a covenant marriage to obtain a judgment of divorce under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 10; Title 16; Title 36; Title 39; Title 67 and Title 68.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Assigned to s/c Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee

2025-02-03 History P2C, ref. to Judiciary Committee

2025-02-03 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-27 History Intro., P1C.

2025-01-24 History Sponsor change.

2025-01-24 History Sponsor(s) withdrawn.

2025-01-23 History Sponsor(s) Added.

2025-01-22 History Filed for introduction


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 37; Title 41; Title 49 and Title 68, relative to public safety.

As introduced, enacts the "Women's Safety and Protection Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 37; Title 41; Title 49 and Title 68.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Sponsor(s) Added.

2025-02-05 History Placed on s/c cal Civil Justice Subcommittee for 2/12/2025

2025-02-05 History Assigned to s/c Civil Justice Subcommittee

2025-02-05 History P2C, ref. to Judiciary Committee

2025-02-05 Referral Judiciary

2025-02-05 Referral Civil Justice Subcommittee

2025-02-03 History Intro., P1C.

2025-01-29 History Filed for introduction

TN HB0754


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 1; Title 4; Title 33; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to health care.

As introduced, requires gender clinics accepting funds from this state to perform gender transition procedures to also perform detransition procedures; requires insurance entities providing coverage of gender transition procedures to also cover detransition procedures; requires certain gender clinics and insurance entities to report information regarding detransition procedures to the department of health. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 4; Title 33; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Intro., P1C.

2025-02-03 History Filed for introduction

TN HB0884


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 14, relative to adult-oriented establishments.

As introduced, specifies that a community or municipal center that is being used to offer adult cabaret entertainment is an "adult-oriented establishment" for purposes of regulating its hours of operation, location, and physical characteristics. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 14.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Intro., P1C.

2025-02-04 History Filed for introduction


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 49, Chapter 7, relative to the "Dismantling DEI Departments Act."

As introduced, enacts the "Dismantling DEI Departments Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 49, Chapter 7.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Intro., P1C.

2025-02-04 History Filed for introduction

TN HB1044


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 63, relative to rights of conscience and free speech.

As introduced, enacts the "Medical Ethics Defense Act." - Amends TCA Title 63.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Intro., P1C.

2025-02-05 History Filed for introduction

TN HB1262


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to public schools.

As introduced, makes various changes to the categories of individuals who are not required to use a preferred pronoun, and for whom a preferred pronoun be disregarded, if the pronoun is inconsistent with the person's biological sex; makes various changes to the civil liability and adverse action protections as it relates to the use of, or the refusal to use, a pronoun or preferred pronoun. - Amends TCA Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Filed for introduction


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 1; Title 3; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8, relative to biological sex.

As introduced, declares that the policy of this state is that there are only two sexes, a biological male and a biological female. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 3; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Filed for introduction


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 37; Title 41; Title 49 and Title 68, relative to public safety.

As introduced, enacts the "Women's Safety and Protection Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 37; Title 41; Title 49 and Title 68.

Latest actions

2025-02-12 History Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee

2025-02-12 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-29 History Filed for introduction

TN SB0472


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to residential educational programs.

As introduced, requires all residential educational programs in this state, regardless of type or duration, that allow minors to participate or to access residential facilities to segregate all restrooms, changing areas, and showers by immutable biological sex. - Amends TCA Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-12 History Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Education Committee

2025-02-12 Referral Education

2025-01-29 History Filed for introduction

TN SB0676


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 1; Title 4; Title 33; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to health care.

As introduced, requires gender clinics accepting funds from this state to perform gender transition procedures to also perform detransition procedures; requires insurance entities providing coverage of gender transition procedures to also cover detransition procedures; requires certain gender clinics and insurance entities to report information regarding detransition procedures to the department of health. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 4; Title 33; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

Latest actions

2025-02-12 History Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

2025-02-12 Referral Commerce and Labor

2025-01-31 History Filed for introduction


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 1; Title 3; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8, relative to biological sex.

As introduced, declares that the policy of this state is that there are only two sexes, a biological male and a biological female. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 3; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Filed for introduction

TN SB0937


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 8; Title 9, Chapter 8; Title 29, Chapter 20 and Title 49, relative to freedom of speech.

As introduced, specifies that certain individuals are not required to use another's preferred name or pronoun, if the preferred name or pronoun is not consistent with the individual's legal name or sex; insulates certain individuals from civil liability for using, or refusing to use, certain names or pronouns in reference to another; allows a civil action to be filed against certain employers and public schools that implement certain preferred pronoun policies or that allow certain names or pronouns to be used in reference to an unemancipated minor without first obtaining parental consent. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 8; Title 9, Chapter 8; Title 29, Chapter 20 and Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Filed for introduction

TN SB0955


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 63, relative to rights of conscience and free speech.

As introduced, enacts the "Medical Ethics Defense Act." - Amends TCA Title 63.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Filed for introduction

TN SB1083


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 49, relative to hiring practices of governmental entities.

As introduced, enacts the "Dismantle DEI Act," which prohibits local governments and public institutions of higher education from basing hiring decisions on any metrics that consider an applicant's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability, or hiring a particular candidate in order to achieve any goals to increase diversity, equity, or inclusion in the workplace. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Filed for introduction


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 49, Chapter 7, relative to the "Dismantling DEI Departments Act."

As introduced, enacts the "Dismantling DEI Departments Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 49, Chapter 7.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Filed for introduction

TN SB1126


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to preferred pronouns.

As introduced, makes various changes to the categories of individuals who are not required to use a preferred pronoun, and for whom a preferred pronoun be disregarded, if the pronoun is inconsistent with the person's biological sex; makes various changes to the civil liability and adverse action protections as it relates to the use of, or the refusal to use, a pronoun or preferred pronoun. - Amends TCA Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Filed for introduction

TN SB1252


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to public schools.

As introduced, makes various changes to the categories of individuals who are not required to use a preferred pronoun, and for whom a preferred pronoun be disregarded, if the pronoun is inconsistent with the person's biological sex; makes various changes to the civil liability and adverse action protections as it relates to the use of, or the refusal to use, a pronoun or preferred pronoun. - Amends TCA Title 49.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Filed for introduction

TX HB2062


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using certain private spaces; authorizing a civil penalty.

Latest actions

2025-01-24 History Filed

TX HB2258


Imposing private civil liability on anyone who causes or contributes to the social transitioning of a minor.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Filed

TX HB2291


Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Filed

TX HB2311


Relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at public institutions of higher education.

Latest actions

2025-01-31 History Filed

TX HB2339


Relating to prohibiting public institutions of higher education from offering programs or courses in LGBTQ or DEI studies.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Filed

TX HB2342


Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Filed

TX HB2354


Relating to charter schools, including the admission, enrollment, and employment policies of and the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Filed

TX HB2548


Relating to a prohibition on public institutions of higher education requiring students to enroll in certain courses to complete a certificate or degree program, using such courses to satisfy general education requirements, funding such courses using state appropriations, or requiring related faculty practices, and to freshman student orientation at those institutions.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Filed


Relating to the inclusion of a person's sex on driver's licenses, commercial driver's licenses, commercial learner's permits, and personal identification certificates.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Filed

TX SB1068


Relating to intercollegiate athletic competitions based on biological sex.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Filed

2025-02-03 History Received by the Secretary of the Senate

TX SB115


Relating to civil liability for, governmental health plan coverage of, and public funding for gender modification procedures and treatments.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs

TX SB116


Relating to the statute of limitations on a health care liability claim involving certain gender modification drugs provided to and procedures performed on a minor.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs

TX SB240


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using certain private spaces; authorizing a civil penalty.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs

TX SB242


Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain criminal offenses involving material or conduct that may be obscene or is otherwise harmful to children.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Co-author authorized

2025-02-03 History Referred to Criminal Justice

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral Criminal Justice

TX SB406


Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs

2025-01-28 History Co-author authorized

TX SB412


Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to Criminal Justice

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral Criminal Justice

TX SB619


Relating to protection of persons from participation in a health care service for reasons of conscience; providing a civil remedy; authorizing disciplinary action.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to Health & Human Services

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral Health & Human Services

TX SB689


Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by certain governmental entities.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs

TX SB753


Relating to prohibiting certain conduct by physicians and health care providers involving gender transitioning and gender reassignment procedures and treatments for children; creating a criminal offense.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-07 History Read first time

2025-02-07 Referral State Affairs

TX SB810


Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-07 History Read first time

2025-02-07 Referral State Affairs



Relating to the definition and use of the terms "male" and "female" for purposes of certain government documents.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to State Affairs

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral State Affairs



Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity for public school students.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to Education K-16

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral Education K-16



Relating to defenses to prosecution for certain criminal offenses involving material or conduct that may be obscene or is otherwise harmful to children.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Referred to Criminal Justice

2025-02-03 History Read first time

2025-02-03 Referral Criminal Justice


Relating to prohibitions on deceptive and unfair practices related to financial institutions discriminating in the provision of financial services to consumers and other persons.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Filed

2025-01-28 History Received by the Secretary of the Senate

TX SB983


Relating to local school health advisory councils and instruction regarding human sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity provided by public schools.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Filed

2025-01-29 History Received by the Secretary of the Senate

US HB1015


To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for certain rules for housing or transportation based on gender and to provide for a limitation on gender-related medical treatment.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

2025-02-05 History Introduced in House

2025-02-05 Referral Judiciary

US HB1016


To prohibit individuals from accessing or using single-sex facilities on Federal property other than those corresponding to their biological sex, and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

2025-02-05 History Introduced in House

2025-02-05 Referral Oversight And Government Reform

US HB1017


To prohibit an entity from receiving Federal funds if such entity permits an individual to access or use a single-sex facility on the property of such entity that does not correspond to the biological sex of such person, and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

2025-02-05 History Introduced in House

2025-02-05 Referral Oversight And Government Reform

US HB1028


To modify eligibility requirements for amateur sports governing organizations.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

2025-02-05 History Introduced in House

2025-02-05 Referral Judiciary

US HB653


To protect children from medical malpractice in the form of gender transition procedures.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on the Judiciary, Education and Workforce, Natural Resources, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

2025-01-23 History Introduced in House

2025-01-23 Referral Energy And Commerce

US HB742


To prohibit Federal funds from being used to provide certain gender transition procedures to minors.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

2025-01-28 History Introduced in House

2025-01-28 Referral Energy And Commerce


To enact into law the executive order relating to ending diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the Federal Government, and for other purposes.

Latest actions

2025-01-28 History Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

2025-01-28 History Introduced in House

2025-01-28 Referral Oversight And Government Reform

US SB209


A bill to protect children from medical malpractice in the form of gender-transition procedures.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

2025-01-23 Referral Judiciary

US SB312


A bill to establish a Federal tort against pediatric gender clinics and other entities pushing gender-transition procedures that cause bodily injury to children or harm the mental health of children.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

2025-01-29 Referral Judiciary

UT HB0083


Child Welfare Modifications

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History House/ to standing committee in House Judiciary Committee

2025-02-03 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-21 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-01-21 History House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 Referral Rules

UT HB0250


Public Employee Gender-specific Language Requirements

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History House/ to standing committee in House Education Committee

2025-02-04 Referral Education

2025-01-21 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-01-21 History House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 History House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 Referral Rules

UT HB0252


State Custody Amendments

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Senate/ to standing committee in Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee

2025-02-05 Referral Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice

2025-02-04 History Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) in Senate Rules Committee

2025-02-04 History Senate/ received from House in Waiting for Introduction in the Senate

2025-02-04 History House/ to Senate in Senate Secretary

2025-02-04 Referral Rules

2025-02-03 History House/ held in House Docket Clerk

2025-02-03 History House/ passed 3rd reading in Senate Secretary

2025-02-03 History House/ floor amendment in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-02-03 History House/ uncircled in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-31 History House/ circled in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-31 History House/ 3rd reading in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-27 History House/ 2nd reading in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-27 History House/ comm rpt/ substituted in House Judiciary Committee

2025-01-24 History House Comm - Favorable Recommendation in House Judiciary Committee

2025-01-24 History House Comm - Substitute Recommendation in House Judiciary Committee

2025-01-23 History House/ to standing committee in House Judiciary Committee

2025-01-23 Referral Judiciary

2025-01-21 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-01-21 History House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 History House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 Referral Rules

UT HB0269


Privacy Protections in Sex-designated Areas

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History House/ placed on Concurrence Calendar in House Concurrence Calendar

2025-02-07 History House/ received from Senate in Clerk of the House

2025-02-06 History Senate/ to House with amendments in Clerk of the House

2025-02-06 History Senate/ passed 3rd reading in Clerk of the House

2025-02-06 History Senate/ floor amendment in Senate 3rd Reading Calendar

2025-02-06 History Senate/ 3rd reading in Senate 3rd Reading Calendar

2025-02-05 History Senate/ passed 2nd reading in Senate 3rd Reading Calendar

2025-02-05 History Senate/ uncircled in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-02-05 History Senate/ circled in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-02-05 History Senate/ 2nd reading in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-01-31 History Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-01-31 History Senate/ committee report favorable in Senate Education Committee

2025-01-30 History Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation in Senate Education Committee

2025-01-30 History Senate/ to standing committee in Senate Education Committee

2025-01-30 Referral Education

2025-01-29 History Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) in Senate Rules Committee

2025-01-29 Referral Rules

2025-01-28 History Senate/ received from House in Waiting for Introduction in the Senate

2025-01-28 History House/ to Senate in Senate Secretary

2025-01-28 History House/ passed 3rd reading in Senate Secretary

2025-01-28 History House/ uncircled in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-24 History House/ circled in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-24 History House/ 3rd reading in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-24 History House/ 2nd reading in House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills

2025-01-24 History House/ comm rpt/ substituted in House Business, Labor, and Commerce Committee

2025-01-23 History House Comm - Favorable Recommendation in House Business, Labor, and Commerce Committee

2025-01-23 History House Comm - Substitute Recommendation in House Business, Labor, and Commerce Committee

2025-01-22 History House/ to standing committee in House Business, Labor, and Commerce Committee

2025-01-22 Referral Business, Labor, and Commerce

2025-01-21 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-01-21 History House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 Referral Rules

2025-01-19 History Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

2025-01-19 History Bill Numbered but not Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

UT HB0283


Child and Family Services Amendments

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History House/ to standing committee in House Health and Human Services Committee

2025-02-05 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-01-23 History House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in House Rules Committee

2025-01-21 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-01-21 History House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House

2025-01-21 Referral Rules

2025-01-20 History Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

2025-01-20 History Bill Numbered but not Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel


Child Custody Proceedings Amendments

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in House Rules Committee

2025-02-04 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-02-04 History House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House

2025-02-04 History Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

2025-02-04 History Bill Numbered but not Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

2025-02-04 Referral Rules

UT HB0424


School Activity Eligibility Commission Amendments

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History House/ 1st reading (Introduced) in House Rules Committee

2025-02-06 History House/ received bill from Legislative Research in Clerk of the House

2025-02-06 Referral Rules

2025-02-05 History Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

2025-02-05 History Bill Numbered but not Distributed in Legislative Research and General Counsel

UT SB0074


Corrections Modifications

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Senate/ passed 2nd reading in Senate 3rd Reading Calendar

2025-02-07 History Senate/ substituted in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-02-07 History Senate/ 2nd reading in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-01-30 History Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar in Senate 2nd Reading Calendar

2025-01-30 History Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended in Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee

2025-01-28 History Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation in Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee

2025-01-28 History Senate Comm - Amendment Recommendation in Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee

2025-01-28 History Senate Comm - Substitute Recommendation in Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee

2025-01-21 History Senate/ to standing committee in Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee

2025-01-21 History Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) in Senate Rules Committee

2025-01-21 Referral Rules

2025-01-21 Referral Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice

2025-01-20 History Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst in Waiting for Introduction in the Senate

VA HB1809


K-12 schools and higher educational institutions; student participation in women's sports, etc.

K-12 schools and institutions of higher education; student participation in women's sports; civil cause of action. Requires each interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport sponsored by a public school, or any other school that is a member of the Virginia High School League, or by a public institution of higher education to be expressly designated as one of the following based on the biological sex of the students who participate on the team or in the sport: (i) males, men, or boys; (ii) females, women, or girls; or (iii) coed or mixed if participation on such team or sport is open to both males and females. The bill requires that the biological sex of any student seeking to participate on such an expressly designated team be affirmed by a signed physician's statement. The bill prohibits any such team or sport that is expressly designated for females from being open to students whose biological sex is male. The bill prohibits any government entity, licensing or accrediting organization, or athletic association or organization from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against any such school or institution of higher education based on a violation of the provisions of the bill and creates a cause of action for any school or institution of higher education that suffers harm as a result of a violation of the bill. Finally, the bill creates a civil cause of action for any student who suffers harm as a result of a knowing violation of a provision of the bill by a school or institution or as a result of the student's reporting a violation of a provision of the bill by a school, institution, athletic association, or organization.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Left in Rules

2025-01-22 History Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1809)


Financial institutions; discrimination prohibited, penalty.

Financial institutions; discrimination prohibited; penalty. Prohibits a financial institution from denying or cancelling its services to or otherwise discriminating against a person in making available services on the basis of factors including the person's political opinions, speech, or affiliations and other factors enumerated in the bill. The bill provides that a violation of its provisions constitutes a prohibited practice under the Virginia Consumer Protection Act.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Left in Labor and Commerce

2025-02-05 Referral Labor and Commerce

2025-01-21 History Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (4-Y 3-N)

2025-01-21 History Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2073)

VA HB2146


Actions for medical malpractice; minors, gender transition procedures.

Actions for medical malpractice; minors; gender transition procedures. Provides a 20-year statute of limitations for any cause of action for personal injury or wrongful death accruing on or after July 1, 2025, on behalf of a person who was a minor at the time against a health care provider for medical malpractice wherein the act or omission giving rise to such cause of action occurred during a gender transition procedure, as defined in the bill, on such minor.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Left in Courts of Justice

VA HB2182


Sage's Law; minor students experiencing gender incongruence, etc.

Sage's Law; minor students experiencing gender incongruence; parental notification of certain requests and parental permission for certain plans required; parental care. Requires each public elementary or secondary school principal or his designee to (i) as soon as practicable, inform at least one parent of a minor student enrolled in such school if such minor requests that any such employee participate while at school in the social affirmation of such minor student's gender incongruence or the transition of such minor student to a sex or gender different from the minor's biological sex, as such terms are defined in the bill, and (ii) request and receive permission from at least one parent of a minor student enrolled at such school prior to the implementation at such school of any plan concerning any gender incongruence experienced by such minor, including any counseling of such minor at school. Any such plan shall include provision for parental participation to the extent requested by the parent. The bill also clarifies, in the definition of the term "abused or neglected child," that in no event shall referring to and raising the child in a manner consistent with the child's biological sex, including related mental health or medical decisions, be considered abuse or neglect.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Left in Education

VA HB2405


Gender reassignment surgery; prohibition on individuals younger than 18 years of age.

Prohibition of gender reassignment surgery on individuals younger than 18 years of age. Prohibits gender reassignment surgery, as defined in the bill, for individuals younger than 18 years of age. The bill establishes enforcement procedures for violations of the provisions of the bill.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Left in Rules

VA HB2605


Medical Conscience Protection Act; established.

Medical Conscience Protection Act established. Establishes the right of a health care professional not to participate in any medical procedure or service that violates such health care professional's conscience, as those terms and conditions are defined in the bill. The bill provides protections for health care professionals who disclose violations of the bill or report violations of laws or ethical guidelines for the safe provision of any medical procedure or service. The bill also provides a private right of action for any party harmed by violations of the bill.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Left in Health and Human Services

2025-02-05 Referral Health and Human Services

2025-01-30 History Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (5-Y 3-N)

2025-01-28 History Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2605)

2025-01-21 History Assigned sub: Health Professions

2025-01-21 Referral Health and Human Services: Health Professions

VA SB1074


Youth Health Protection Act; established, civil penalty.

Youth Health Protection Act established; civil penalty. Creates the Youth Health Protection Act, which makes it unlawful for any individual to provide gender transition procedures, defined in the bill, for minors and prohibits the use of public funds for gender transition procedures. The bill allows parents, guardians, or custodians to withhold consent for any treatment, activity, or mental health care services that are designed or intended to form their child's conceptions of sex and gender or to treat gender dysphoria or gender nonconformity. The bill prohibits government agents, other than law-enforcement personnel, from encouraging or coercing a minor to withhold information from the minor's parent. The bill establishes a duty for a government agent with knowledge that a minor has exhibited symptoms of gender dysphoria or gender nonconformity or otherwise demonstrates a desire to be treated in a manner incongruent with the minor's sex to immediately notify each of the minor's parents, guardians, or custodians in writing, with descriptions of relevant circumstances. The bill prohibits discrimination against persons (i) providing information regarding violations of the Act to their employer or specified public entities or (ii) who make disclosures under the Act of information that evinces any violation of law, rule, or regulation; any violation of any standard of care or other ethical guidelines for the provision of health care service; or gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety. The bill establishes a civil action for any violation of the Act by a clinic, health care system, medical professional, or other responsible person with a two-year statute of limitations. The bill prohibits political subdivisions of the Commonwealth from enacting, adopting, maintaining, or enforcing any measure that interferes with the professional conduct and judgment of a mental health care professional or counselor undertaken within the course of treatment and communication with clients, patients, other persons, or the public. The bill provides for enforcement by the Attorney General or a mental health care professional or counselor through an action for injunctive relief and allows a mental health care professional to recover reasonable attorney fees and reasonable costs incurred in obtaining an injunction. The bill waives sovereign immunity to suit and immunity from liability under this statute.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Passed by indefinitely in Education and Health (9-Y 6-N)

2025-01-21 History Assigned Education sub: Health

2025-01-21 Referral Education: Health

VA SB1079


Elementary and secondary schools; athletics, participation in female sports, civil cause of action.

Elementary and secondary schools; athletics; participation in female sports; civil cause of action. Requires each public elementary or secondary school and each private elementary or secondary school that competes in sponsored athletic events against such public schools to designate all athletic teams and intramural athletic teams sponsored by such school based on biological sex as follows: (i) for "males," "men," or "boys"; (ii) for "females," "women," or "girls"; or (iii) as "coed" or "mixed" if such team is open to participation by (a) males, men, or boys and (b) females, women, or girls. The bill prohibits any student whose biological sex is male and who has not physically transitioned to female prior to puberty from participating on any school athletic team or squad designated for "females," "women," or "girls." Finally, the bill creates a civil cause of action for students and schools that suffer harm as a result of a violation of the provisions of the bill, provided that such action is initiated within two years of the harm occurring.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Passed by indefinitely in Education and Health (9-Y 6-N)


Financial institutions; discrimination prohibited, penalty.

Financial institutions; discrimination prohibited; penalty. Prohibits a financial institution from denying or cancelling its services to or otherwise discriminating against a person in making available services on the basis of factors including the person's political opinions, speech, or affiliations and other factors enumerated in the bill. The bill provides that a violation of its provisions constitutes a prohibited practice under the Virginia Consumer Protection Act.

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History Passed by indefinitely in Commerce and Labor (9-Y 6-N)

2025-01-21 History Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1453)

VA SB749


K-12 schools and institutions of higher education; student participation in women's sports; civil cause of action.

K-12 schools and institutions of higher education; student participation in women's sports; civil cause of action. Requires each interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport sponsored by a public school, or any other school that is a member of the Virginia High School League, or by a public institution of higher education to be expressly designated as one of the following based on the biological sex of the students who participate on the team or in the sport: (i) males, men, or boys; (ii) females, women, or girls; or (iii) coed or mixed if participation on such team or sport is open to both males and females. The bill requires that the biological sex of any student seeking to participate on such an expressly designated team be affirmed by a signed physician's statement. The bill prohibits any such team or sport that is expressly designated for females from being open to students whose biological sex is male. The bill prohibits any government entity, licensing or accrediting organization, or athletic association or organization from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against any such school or institution of higher education based on a violation of the provisions of the bill and creates a cause of action for any school or institution of higher education that suffers harm as a result of a violation of the bill. Finally, the bill creates a civil cause of action for any student who suffers harm as a result of a knowing violation of a provision of the bill by a school or institution or as a result of the student's reporting a violation of a provision of the bill by a school, institution, athletic association, or organization.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Passed by indefinitely in Education and Health (9-Y 6-N)

WA HB1629


Concerning restrictions on the placement of inmates of different biological sexes in correctional facilities.

Latest actions

2025-01-27 History First reading, referred to Community Safety.

2025-01-27 Referral Community Safety

WA HB1699


Defending equity in interscholastic sports.

Latest actions

2025-01-29 History First reading, referred to Education.

2025-01-29 Referral Education

WY HB0001


General government appropriations-2.

AN ACT relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government for the fiscal biennium commencing July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026; providing definitions; providing additional appropriations and transfers of funds for the period of the budget; increasing or decreasing specified amounts; adjusting the number of positions; modifying prior appropriations; providing for duties, terms and conditions and other requirements relating to appropriations for the period of the budget as specified; providing for position and other budgetary limitations; providing for loans and loan repayments; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History 3rd Reading:Passed 43-14-5-0-0

2025-02-05 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-02-03 History COW:Passed

2025-01-30 History Introduced and Referred to HCOW

2025-01-29 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-28 History Bill Number Assigned


What is a Woman Act.

AN ACT relating to common law, statutes and rules of construction; specifying definitions and standards for the application of a person's biological sex in law, rules or regulations; providing for the law to distinguish between accommodations for males and females; requiring the collection of vital statistics and other data to identify persons as male or female at birth; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-01-20 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-20 History 3rd Reading:Passed 50-9-3-0-0

2025-01-20 History 3rd Reading:Passed 50-9-3-0-0

WY HB0060


Student eligibility in sports-amendments.

AN ACT relating to education; amending student eligibility requirements in interscholastic or intercollegiate activities; specifying requirements for the University of Wyoming and community colleges for student eligibility; prohibiting participation in athletic activities as specified; providing definitions; repealing alternate procedures for determining student eligibility; making conforming amendments; and providing for effective dates.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Received for Introduction

2025-02-03 History 3rd Reading:Passed 51-6-5-0-0

2025-01-31 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-01-30 History COW:Passed

2025-01-24 History Placed on General File

2025-01-24 History H04 - Education:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0

WY HB0072


Protecting women's privacy in public spaces act.

AN ACT relating to the administration of the government; specifying requirements for the use of sex-designated restrooms, showers, sleeping quarters and locker room facilities at public facilities; providing for complaints and civil actions; specifying duties for public entities; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Received for Introduction

2025-02-07 History 3rd Reading:Passed 52-8-2-0-0

2025-02-06 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-02-05 History 2nd Reading:Laid Back

2025-02-04 History COW:Passed

2025-01-24 History Placed on General File

2025-01-24 History H04 - Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0

WY HB0115


Medical Ethics Defense Act.

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; allowing health care providers, health care institutions and health care payers the right to refuse to participate in or pay for health care services as specified; authorizing religious-based health care organizations to make decisions consistent with religious beliefs; prohibiting discrimination for making health care decisions based on conscience; prohibiting adverse licensing actions based on protected expressive activity; specifying liability and damages for notice requirements; providing immunity; providing definitions; specifying applicability; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Did not Consider for Introduction

WY HB0147


Prohibition of institutional discrimination.

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting governmental entities from engaging in any diversity, equity or inclusion program, activity or policy; prohibiting governmental entities engaging in institutional discrimination; prohibiting required attendance for certain programs or trainings; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; providing applicability; and providing for effective dates.

Latest actions

2025-01-21 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-20 History 3rd Reading:Passed 51-8-3-0-0


Adoption discrimination-keep kids first act.

AN ACT relating to children; providing legislative findings; specifying protections for specified adoption and foster care providers and parents; prohibiting discriminatory actions associated with adoption and foster care; specifying remedies and causes of action; making conforming amendments; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4

2025-02-07 History No report prior to CoW Cutoff

2025-01-30 History Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor

2025-01-30 Referral Labor, Health & Social Services

WY HB0164


Medical prescriptions-off-label purposes.

AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; authorizing prescribers to prescribe medications for off-label indication as specified; authorizing pharmacists to dispense medications for off-label indication as specified; providing prescribers and pharmacists immunity from disciplinary action as specified; providing for severability of provisions as specified; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-04 History Received for Introduction

2025-02-03 History 3rd Reading:Passed 42-15-5-0-0

2025-01-31 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-01-30 History COW:Passed

2025-01-27 History Placed on General File

2025-01-27 History H10 - Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-1-1-0-0

2025-01-21 History Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor

2025-01-21 Referral Labor, Health & Social Services

WY HB0194


Obscenity amendments.

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crime of promoting obscenity to minors; amending the crime of promoting obscenity as specified; providing and amending definitions; repealing an exemption from the crime of promoting obscenity for activities conducted in the course of employment at a school, college, university, museum or public library; repealing obsolete provisions; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4

2025-02-07 History No report prior to CoW Cutoff

2025-01-21 History Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary

2025-01-21 Referral Judiciary

WY HB0200


Parent rights-amendments.

AN ACT relating to education; clarifying procedures and requirements for school districts to provide parents notice of information regarding students; prohibiting school districts from requiring school district personnel and students to use a student's preferred pronoun if the pronoun does not align with the student's biological sex; requiring parental or guardian permission before instruction relating to diversity, equity or inclusion; authorizing school district personnel to opt out of mandatory trainings as specified; providing definitions; requiring reporting; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Received for Introduction

2025-02-06 History 3rd Reading:Passed 34-26-2-0-0

2025-02-05 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-02-04 History COW:Passed

2025-02-03 History Placed on General File

2025-02-03 History H04 - Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0

2025-01-21 History Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education

2025-01-21 Referral Education

WY HB0222


Medical Ethics Defense Act-2.

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; allowing health care professionals, health care institutions and health care payers the right not to participate in or pay for health care services as specified; authorizing religious-based health care organizations to make decisions consistent with religious beliefs; prohibiting discrimination for making health care decisions based on conscience; prohibiting adverse licensing actions based on protected expressive activity; specifying liability and damages for notice requirements; providing immunity; providing definitions; specifying applicability; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.

Latest actions

2025-02-03 History Placed on General File

2025-02-03 History H10 - Labor:Recommend Do Pass 7-1-0-1-0

2025-01-27 History Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor

2025-01-27 Referral Labor, Health & Social Services

WY HB0274


Biological males in women's sports.

AN ACT relating to school sports; amending the prohibition on students of the male sex from competing on a team designated for students of the female sex to include institutions of higher education; providing whistleblower protections; providing for a cause of action; removing governmental immunity as specified; repealing alternate procedures for determining student eligibility; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-05 History Placed on General File

2025-02-05 History H02 - Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0

2025-02-03 History H10 - Labor:Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations

2025-02-03 History H10 - Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-1-0-1-0

2025-02-03 Referral Appropriations

2025-01-23 History Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor

2025-01-23 Referral Labor, Health & Social Services

2025-01-22 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-21 History Bill Number Assigned

WY SF0001


General government appropriations.

AN ACT relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government for the fiscal biennium commencing July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026; providing definitions; providing additional appropriations and transfers of funds for the period of the budget; increasing or decreasing specified amounts; adjusting the number of positions; modifying prior appropriations; providing for duties, terms and conditions and other requirements relating to appropriations for the period of the budget as specified; providing for position and other budgetary limitations; providing for loans and loan repayments; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History Received for Introduction

2025-02-07 History 3rd Reading:Passed 28-3-0-0-0

2025-02-05 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-02-03 History COW:Passed

2025-01-30 History Introduced and Referred to SCOW

2025-01-29 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-28 History Bill Number Assigned

WY SF0044


Fairness in sports-intercollegiate athletics.

AN ACT relating to education; requiring students at the University of Wyoming and Wyoming community colleges to compete in intercollegiate athletic competitions based on their biological sex; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-01-23 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-22 History 3rd Reading:Passed 27-3-1-0-0

2025-01-21 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-01-20 History COW:Passed

WY SF0062


Restrooms in publicly funded schools-2.

AN ACT relating to school districts; requiring public school children to use restrooms that align with their sex at birth; requiring reasonable accommodations; providing exceptions; providing penalties; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-01-30 History Received for Introduction

2025-01-29 History 3rd Reading:Passed 27-3-1-0-0

2025-01-28 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-01-27 History COW:Passed

2025-01-24 History Placed on General File

2025-01-24 History S04 - Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0

WY SF0077


Compelled speech is not free speech.

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting the state and its political subdivisions from requiring the use of preferred pronouns; authorizing a civil remedy; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-06 History Received for Introduction

2025-02-06 History 3rd Reading:Passed 27-3-1-0-0

2025-02-05 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-02-04 History COW:Passed

2025-01-29 History Placed on General File

2025-01-29 History S01 - Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0

WY SF0103


Terminating and defunding diversity, equity and inclusion.

AN ACT relating to the administration of the government; generally prohibiting diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and mandates by state agencies and educational institutions; conditioning the expenditure of appropriated funds as specified; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

Latest actions

2025-02-07 History 2nd Reading:Passed

2025-02-06 History COW:Passed

2025-01-30 History Placed on General File

2025-01-30 History S05 - Agriculture:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0

2025-01-24 History Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture

2025-01-24 Referral Agriculture, State and Public Lands & Water Resources