Trans Legislation Tracker

2024 anti-trans bills tracker

674 bills

43 states

50 passed

AlaskaHawaiiAlabamaArkansasArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutFloridaGeorgiaIowaIdahoIllinoisIndianaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMassachusettsMarylandMaineMichiganMinnesotaMissouriMississippiMontanaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNebraskaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNevadaNew YorkOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVirginiaVermontWisconsinWest VirginiaWyomingDistrict of ColumbiaDelaware

Click on a state to see bills

national bills icon

National anti-trans bills

We tracked an unprecedented 87 national bills in the United States in 2024 during the 118th United States Congress. The bills spanned categories including healthcare, student athletics, the military, incarceration, and education.

Top sheet of bills
One bill
One bill
One bill
Stack of five bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
One bill
One bill
One bill
One bill
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
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Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
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Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
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Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills
Stack of ten bills

What happened with anti-trans bills in 2024?

We tracked 674 bills in 2024, more than any other year on record. It marked the fifth consecutive record-breaking year for total number of anti-trans bills considered in the U.S.

An unprecedented 87 bills were considered at the federal level, as the targeting of trans people increasingly moved to the national stage.

Passed anti-trans bills

In 2024, 50 anti-trans bills passed across 17 states. We've compiled a list of these bills that you can explore by clicking the button below.

What types of bills were considered?

Each bill we track is accompanied by a category label that indicates its primary area of impact. Here's a list of some of the top categories we're following this year.


Most active states

Legislation was considered in 43 states, as well as nationally. Here's a snapshot of the states with the most anti-trans bills.

StateNumber of Bills
South Carolina37

50 bills passed.

614 bills failed.

Legislative attacks continued

2024 was the fifth consecutive record-breaking year for total bills considered. This followed the unprecedented surge in 2023, which tripled the record set the year before.



Anti-trans bills under consideration and passed, 2021-2024

Category overview

Education and healthcare bills made up more than half of all bills considered in 2024.


These bills target educational settings. They aim to deny students name and pronoun autonomy, forcibly out trans students to their parents, and ban basic gender identity education, among other goals.


The number of bills seeking to prohibit gender-affirming care — medical care supported by every major medical association — has surged in recent years. Many seek to outlaw care for minors and adults, and others would impact insurance coverage or access to services.


Sports bills target athletics in K-12 and higher education. They seek to codify sweeping definitions of gender and sex. Over one third of states have already passed laws banning transgender students from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity.


The performance category grew quickly in 2023, targeting gender non-conforming events and the businesses that host them. However, the language of the laws is so broad that it could extend to performances of Shakespeare.


Nearly a decade after North Carolina's infamous HB2, bathroom bills continue to be proposed. This category captures bills that would restrict access to public facilities.


child abuse 2

employment 2

military 4

birth certificates 10

marriage 14

incarceration 15

civil rights 48

other 73

Read the bills

We invite you to explore the texts of anti-trans bills. Below, you will find excerpts from bills that considered in 2024. Each excerpt links back to the bill listing where you can see the full details and read the complete bill.

MO HB2885

Felony charges for "contributing to social transition"

A person commits the offense of contributing to social transition if the person is acting in his or her official capacity as a teacher or school counselor and the person provides support, regardless of whether the support is material, information, or other resources to a child regarding social transition. The offense of contributing to social transition is a class E felony.

Requires a person to be placed on the sexual offender registry.


MO HB1674

"Hostile work environment" bathroom bill

(1) The general assembly hereby finds the following:

(a) Requiring employees to share [a] restroom [...] with members of the opposite sex can create a hostile work environment; and

(b) It is in the public interest to ensure that all employees have access to restroom and locker room facilities that correspond to his or her biological sex.

[...] it is the public policy of [Missouri] to prohibit employers from requiring employees to share multiple-occupancy restrooms or changing areas or locker room facilites with members of the opposite sex.


MO SB868

Forced outing, misgendering, and name autonomy

If a student [expresses] discomfort or confusion about [their] biological sex, the school official shall notify such student's parents of the discussion within forty-eight hours.

No school official shall use a name to address a student other than the name registered by such student's parent

No school official shall use a pronoun [...] that differs from such student's biological sex without the written permission of such student's parents.

No school may require a school official to use a pronoun that does not match a person's biological sex if doing so would be contrary to the school official's religious or moral convictions.


FL H0599

No pronouns at work

It is the policy of the state that a person's sex is an immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to such person's sex.

An employee [...]may not provide to an employer his or her preferred personal title or pronouns if [it does] not correspond to his or her sex.

An employee [...] may not be asked by an employer to provide his or her preferred personal title or pronouns


NH HB1356

Students can't choose their names & pronouns

An employee or contractor shall not:

(a) Use a name [for] a student that does not match the name listed on the student's birth certificate, or derivatives thereof, without written permission from the student's parent or legal guardian;

(b) Use a pronoun [for] a student, unless that pronoun corresponds to the gender listed on the student's birth certificate, without written permission from the student's parent or legal guardian


Legislative Events Today

Want to get involved? Here are the legislative events concerning bills that we are tracking across the country. Find audio and video live streams via NCSL.

See all events
2025-03-11AR HB130710:00HearingRoom 149House Insurance & Commerce
2025-03-11AR HB161510:00HearingRoom 149House Judiciary Committee
2025-03-11AR HB166810:00HearingRoom 149House Judiciary Committee
2025-03-11AR HB166910:00HearingRoom 130House Aging, Children And Youth, & Legislative Affairs
2025-03-11AR HB168410:00HearingRoom 138House Education Committee
2025-03-11AR HB168413:30HearingRoom A, MACJoint Budget Committee
2025-03-11AR SB36200:00HearingOSCSenate State Agencies & Govt'l Affairs
2025-03-11AR SB36200:00HearingRoom A, MACJoint Budget Committee - Special Language
2025-03-11CO HB125300:00HearingRoom 0112House Health & Human Services Hearing
2025-03-11ID H004110:30Executive SessionHouse FloorThird Reading Calendar
2025-03-11MD HB139914:45HearingN/AHouse Health and Government Operations Hearing
2025-03-11MO HB119708:00Executive SessionHouse Hearing Room 6Children and Families Executive Session
2025-03-11ND HB143010:15HearingFort LincolnSenate Human Services Hearing
2025-03-11ND HB143014:15Executive SessionFort LincolnSenate Human Services Executive Session
2025-03-11OH SB109:00HearingRoom 017 (Overflow in Room 018)House Workforce and Higher Education 2nd Hearing, Opponent Testimony
2025-03-11TN HB006412:00HearingHouse Hearing Room IHouse Education Committee Hearing
2025-03-11TN HB075412:00HearingHouse Hearing Room IIHouse Population Health Subcommittee Hearing
2025-03-11TN HB126215:00HearingHouse Hearing Room IIIHouse Education Administration Subcommittee Hearing
2025-03-11WI AB10210:00Hearing417 North (GAR Hall)Assembly Colleges and Universities Public Hearing

Legislative Calendar

Each state has its own legislative calendar. This means that sessions convene and adjourn at different times, depending on the state. The table provides a reference for the 2024 calendar for each state.

Alabama2024 Regular Session2/6/245/20/24
Alaska33rd Legislature1/16/245/15/24
Arizona56th Legislature1/8/244/26/24
Arkansas94th General Assembly4/10/245/9/24
California2024-2024 Biennium1/3/248/31/24
Colorado2024 Regular Session1/10/245/8/24
Connecticut2024 Regular Session2/7/245/8/24
Delaware152nd General Assembly1/9/246/30/24
Florida2024 Regular Session1/9/243/8/24
Georgia2024-2024 Biennium1/8/243/28/24
Hawaii2024 Regular Session1/17/245/2/24
Idaho2024 Regular Session1/8/243/28/24
Illinois103rd General Assembly1/16/245/24/25
Indiana2024 Regular Session1/8/243/14/24
Iowa90th General Assembly1/8/244/16/24
Kansas2024-2024 Biennium1/8/245/3/24
Kentucky2024 Regular Session1/2/244/15/24
Louisiana2024 Regular Session3/11/246/4/24
Maine131st Legislature1/3/244/17/24
Maryland2024 Regular Session1/10/244/8/24
Massachusetts193rd General Court1/3/241/2/25
Michigan102nd Legislature1/10/2412/31/24
Minnesota93rd Legislature2/12/245/20/24
Mississippi2024 Regular Session1/2/245/5/24
Missouri2024 Regular Session1/3/245/17/24
MontanaNo Regular Session in 2024
Nebraska108th Legislature1/3/244/18/24
NevadaNo Regular Session in 2024
New Hampshire2024 Regular Session1/3/246/30/24
New Jersey2024-2025 Biennium1/9/241/13/26
New Mexico2024 Regular Session1/16/242/15/24
New York2024-2024 Biennium1/3/241/2/25
North Carolina2024-2024 Biennium4/24/247/31/24
North DakotaNo Regular Session in 2024
Ohio135th General Assembly1/2/2412/31/24
Oklahoma2024 Regular Session2/5/245/31/24
Oregon2024 Regular Session2/5/243/10/24
Pennsylvania2024-2024 Biennium1/2/2411/30/24
Rhode Island2024 Regular Session1/2/246/30/24
South Carolina125th General Assembly1/9/245/9/24
South Dakota2024 Regular Session1/9/243/25/24
Tennessee113th General Assembly1/9/244/25/24
TexasNo Regular Session in 2024
Utah2024 Regular Session1/16/243/1/24
Vermont2024-2024 Biennium1/3/245/9/24
Virginia2024 Regular Session1/10/243/9/24
Washington2024-2024 Biennium1/8/243/7/24
West Virginia2024 Regular Session1/10/243/9/24
Wisconsin2024-2024 Biennium1/2/241/2/25
Wyoming2024 Budget Session2/12/243/8/24
District of Columbia25th Council1/2/2412/31/24
US Congress118th Congress1/3/2410/30/24

Trans Legislation Tracker