North Dakota HB1333


State pre-emption of local laws regulating obscenity; and to provide a penalty.

AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 12.1-27.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to restrictions on adult-oriented performances; to amend and reenact section 12.1-27.1-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to state pre-emption of local laws regulating obscenity; and to provide a penalty.

Legislative Session


68th Legislative Assembly


2023-04-1014:30Hearing327BConference Committee (House Judiciary)
2023-04-0315:49Executive SessionPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Executive Session
2023-03-2709:43Executive SessionPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Executive Session
2023-03-2709:15Executive SessionPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Executive Session
2023-03-2110:42Executive SessionPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Executive Session
2023-03-2014:30HearingPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Hearing
2023-01-2309:00Hearing327BHouse Judiciary Hearing


2023-04-26Filed with Secretary Of State 04/24
2023-04-25Signed by Governor 04/21
2023-04-19Signed by President
2023-04-19Signed by Speaker
2023-04-19Sent to Governor
2023-04-17Conference committee report adopted
2023-04-13Reported back from conference committee, placed on calendar (House accede)
2023-04-12Conference committee report adopted
2023-04-12Second reading, passed, yeas 76 nays 14
2023-04-11Reported back from conference committee, placed on calendar (House accede)
2023-04-06Conference committee appointed Sickler Larson Braunberger
2023-04-05Refused to concur
2023-04-05Conference committee appointed Karls VanWinkle Roers Jones
2023-04-03Committee Hearing 03:49
2023-04-03Rereferred to Judiciary
2023-04-03Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 7 0 0
2023-04-03Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
2023-04-03Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 44 nays 3
2023-04-03Returned to House (12)
2023-03-31Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 7 0 0
2023-03-27Committee Hearing 09:15
2023-03-27Committee Hearing 09:43
2023-03-21Committee Hearing 10:42
2023-03-20Committee Hearing 02:30
2023-02-13Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary
2023-01-27Received from House
2023-01-26Second reading, passed, yeas 79 nays 13
2023-01-25Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
2023-01-24Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 10 1 2
2023-01-23Committee Hearing 09:00
2023-01-11Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary