Trans Legislation Tracker

North Dakota SB2231


Preferred pronoun discriminatory practices and school policies on expressed gender.

AN ACT to create and enact sections 14-02.4-03.1 and 15.1-06-21 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to preferred pronoun discriminatory practices and school policies on expressed gender.

Legislative Session


68th Legislative Assembly


View bill on LegiScan


2023-03-2015:11Executive Session327BHouse Judiciary Executive Session
2023-03-2010:30Hearing327BHouse Judiciary Hearing
2023-02-0710:46Executive SessionPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Executive Session
2023-02-0714:45Executive SessionPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Executive Session
2023-01-2514:30HearingPeace GardenSenate Judiciary Hearing


2023-04-24Filed with Secretary of State 04/24
2023-04-03Consideration of Governor's veto
2023-04-03Veto sustained, yeas 56 nays 36
2023-03-31Laid over one legislative day
2023-03-30Vetoed by Governor 03/30
2023-03-30Consideration of Governor's veto
2023-03-30Passed over veto, yeas 37 nays 9
2023-03-24Signed by Speaker
2023-03-24Signed by President
2023-03-24Sent to Governor
2023-03-23Returned to Senate
2023-03-22Second reading, passed, yeas 60 nays 32
2023-03-21Reported back, do pass, place on calendar 9 1 3
2023-03-20Committee Hearing 10:30
2023-03-20Committee Hearing 03:11
2023-02-17Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary
2023-02-13Received from Senate
2023-02-10Second reading, passed, yeas 34 nays 12
2023-02-09Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
2023-02-08Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 6 1 0
2023-02-07Committee Hearing 10:46
2023-02-07Committee Hearing 02:45
2023-01-25Committee Hearing 02:30
2023-01-12Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary