Trans Legislation Tracker

Ohio HB8


Enact the Parents' Bill of Rights

To amend sections 3314.03 and 3326.11 and to enact section 3313.473 of the Revised Code to enact the "Parents' Bill of Rights" to require public schools to adopt a policy on parental notification on student health and well-being and instructional materials with sexuality content.

Legislative Session


135th General Assembly (2023-2024)


View bill on LegiScan


2023-12-1310:30HearingFinance Hearing RoomSenate Energy and Public Utilities 3rd Hearing
2023-12-1215:00HearingSouth Hearing RoomSenate Education 2nd Hearing, Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party
2023-12-0515:00HearingSouth Hearing RoomSenate Education 1st Hearing, Sponsor
2023-06-1316:00HearingRoom 116House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 6th Hearing, Prop/Opp/IP- Written Only Testimony PV
2023-06-0615:30HearingRoom 116House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 5th Hearing PA
2023-05-0916:00HearingRoom 017House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 4th Hearing, Opponent Testimony
2023-05-0915:30HearingRoom 017House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 4th Hearing, Opponent Testimony
2023-05-0915:30HearingRoom 116House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 4th Hearing, Opponent Testimony
2023-04-2516:00HearingRoom 116House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 2nd Hearing, Proponent Testimony
2023-04-1816:00HearingRoom 116House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 2nd Hearing PA
2023-03-0716:00HearingRoom 116House Primary and Secondary Education Carruthers, 1st Hearing, Sponsor Testimony


2023-09-13Referred to committee: Education
2023-06-14Informally passed
2023-06-14Reported - Amended: Primary and Secondary Education
2023-02-16Referred to committee: Primary and Secondary Education