Trans Legislation Tracker

Virginia HB1399


Elementary schools, etc.; designation of interscholastic, etc., sports, student participation.

Elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education; interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, and club athletic teams and sports; student participation; certain requirements. Requires each interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education to be expressly designated as one of the following based on each team member's biological sex at birth: (i) for "males," "men," or "boys"; (ii) for "females," "women," or "girls"; or (iii) as "coed" or "mixed," including both (a) males, men, or boys and (b) females, women, or girls. The bill prohibits any interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education and that is expressly designated for "males," "men," or "boys" from being open to any student whose biological sex at birth is female unless such school or institution does not sponsor such a team or sport that is expressly designated for "females," "women," or "girls" or as "coed" or "mixed." The bill prohibits any interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education and that is expressly designated for "females," "women," or "girls" from being open to any student whose biological sex at birth is male. The bill prohibits any interscholastic, intercollegiate, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education from competing against any interscholastic, intercollegiate, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a private elementary or secondary school or a private institution of higher education unless such private school or institution complies with the applicable provisions of the bill for the team or sport that it sponsors. The bill also establishes a cause of action for students, schools, and institutions that suffer harm as a result of a violation of certain provisions of the bill. The bill finally prohibits any school board from using any funds or permitting any school within the local school division to use any funds to join, affiliate with, pay dues or fees to, or in any way financially support any interscholastic athletic association, body, or entity unless the constitution, rules, or policies of such association, body, or entity recognizes, sanctions, and regulates interscholastic competition between wrestling teams exclusively comprised of students whose biological sex at birth is female. Elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education; interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, and club athletic teams and sports; student participation; certain requirements. Requires each interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education to be expressly designated as one of the following based on each team member's biological sex at birth: (i) for "males," "men," or "boys"; (ii) for "females," "women," or "girls"; or (iii) as "coed" or "mixed," including both (a) males, men, or boys and (b) females, women, or girls. The bill prohibits any interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education and that is expressly designated for "males," "men," or "boys" from being open to any student whose biological sex at birth is female unless such school or institution does not sponsor such a team or sport that is expressly designated for "females," "women," or "girls" or as "coed" or "mixed." The bill prohibits any interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education and that is expressly designated for "females," "women," or "girls" from being open to any student whose biological sex at birth is male. The bill prohibits any interscholastic, intercollegiate, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education from competing against any interscholastic, intercollegiate, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a private elementary or secondary school or a private institution of higher education unless such private school or institution complies with the applicable provisions of the bill for the team or sport that it sponsors. The bill also establishes a cause of action for students, schools, and institutions that suffer harm as a result of a violation of certain provisions of the bill. The bill finally prohibits any school board from using any funds or permitting any school within the local school division to use any funds to join, affiliate with, pay dues or fees to, or in any way financially support any interscholastic athletic association, body, or entity unless the constitution, rules, or policies of such association, body, or entity recognizes, sanctions, and regulates interscholastic competition between wrestling teams exclusively comprised of students whose biological sex at birth is female.

Legislative Session


2023 Regular Session


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2023-01-3008:30HearingHouse Committee RoomHouse Education Committee Hearing
2023-01-3007:00HearingHouse Committee RoomHouse Education - Higher Education Subcommittee Hearing


2023-02-07Left in Education
2023-01-20Assigned Education sub: Higher Education
2022-11-30Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/23 23100012D
2022-11-30Referred to Committee on Education