Trans Legislation Tracker

Alabama HB130


Education, instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation in public K-12 schools, prohibited

Legislative Session


Regular Session 2024

Selected quotes

An individual or group of individuals providing classroom instruction to students in kindergarten through the twelfth grade at a public K-12 school shall not engage in classroom discussion or provide classroom instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity.


View bill on LegiScan


2024-05-0109:00HearingFinance and TaxationSenate Education Policy (Senate) Hearing
2024-03-2013:30HearingRoom 206House Education Policy Hearing
2024-03-0613:30HearingRoom 206House Education Policy Hearing


2024-05-02Read for the Second Time and placed on the Calendar
2024-05-01Reported Out of Committee Second House
2024-04-25Read for the first time and referred to the Senate Committee on Education Policy
2024-04-25Pending Senate Education Policy
2024-04-23Third Reading in House of Origin
2024-04-23Education Policy Engrossed Substitute Offered YUXP22N-1
2024-04-23Motion to Adopt - Adopted Roll Call 731 YUXP22N-1
2024-04-23Drummond 1st Amendment Offered VXB4VLV-1
2024-04-23Motion to Adopt - Adopted Roll Call 732 VXB4VLV-1
2024-04-23Harrison 1st Amendment Offered BFTG4J4-1
2024-04-23Rafferty 1st Amendment Offered 1CDT3ZL-1
2024-04-23Motion to Table - Adopted Roll Call 733 1CDT3ZL-1
2024-04-23Motion to Read a Third Time and Pass as Amended - Adopted Roll Call 734
2024-03-21Read for the Second Time and placed on the Calendar
2024-03-20Education Policy 1st Amendment EX7EC2C-1
2024-03-20Reported Out of Committee House of Origin from House Education Policy YUXP22N-1
2024-02-07Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on Education Policy
2024-02-07Pending House Education Policy