Trans Legislation Tracker

Alabama HB385


Crimes and offenses, provided that the use of any premises to distribute material that is harmful to minors is a public nuisance and further provided for the definition of "sexual conduct"

Legislative Session


Regular Session 2024

Selected quotes

Relating to crimes and offenses; to amend Sections 6-5-160, 6-5-160.1, 13A-12-200.1, and 13A-12-200.10, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that the use of any premises to distribute material that is harmful to minors is a public nuisance; to further provide for the definition of "sexual conduct"

SEXUAL CONDUCT. The term means any of the following: [...] gender oriented conduct that knowingly exposes minors to persons who are dressed in sexually revealing, exaggerated, or provocative clothing or costumes, or are stripping, or engaged in lewd or lascivious dancing, presentations, or activities in K-12 public schools or public libraries where minors are expected and known to be present without parental presence or consent.


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2024-05-0111:00HearingFinance and TaxationSenate Children and Youth Health (Senate) Hearing
2024-04-0315:00HearingRoom 206House State Government Hearing


2024-05-02Read for the Second Time and placed on the Calendar
2024-05-01Reported Out of Committee Second House
2024-04-30Read for the first time and referred to the Senate Committee on Children and Youth Health
2024-04-30Pending Senate Children and Youth Health
2024-04-25Third Reading in House of Origin
2024-04-25Faulkner 1st Substitute Offered CMBFJWQ-1
2024-04-25Motion to Adopt - Adopted Roll Call 794 CMBFJWQ-1
2024-04-25Motion to Read a Third Time and Pass as Amended - Adopted Roll Call 795
2024-04-04Read for the Second Time and placed on the Calendar
2024-04-03Reported Out of Committee House of Origin
2024-04-02Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on State Government
2024-04-02Pending House State Government