Provision of sexual content to minor, prohibited; libraries prohibited from purchasing certain sexual content; certain entities prohibited from affiliating with American Library Assn.; cause of action, created; exception to Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act for libraries and library employees, repealed
Regular Session 2024
SEXUAL CONTENT. Any material, including physical, digital, or audio material, that includes content regarding sexual conduct, sexuality, or gender ideology that the average individual, applying contemporary community standards, would find inappropriate for a minor to consume without the permission of his or her parent or guardian.
GENDER IDEOLOGY. The theory that: (i) there are more genders than male and female; and (ii) gender is a social construct subject to change based on the opinions and feelings of the individual.
The state, a library, and any other entity that receives state or local funds may not supply any minor with any sexual content.
Date | Action |
2024-04-04 | Read for the first time and referred to the House Committee on Judiciary |
2024-04-04 | Pending House Judiciary |