Trans Legislation Tracker

Florida H1291


Educator Preparation Programs

Prohibits courses & curriculum of teacher preparation programs, postsecondary educator preparation institutes, professional learning certification programs, & school leader preparation programs from distorting certain events & including certain curriculum & instruction; & requires teacher preparation programs, postsecondary educator preparation institutes, professional learning certification programs, & school leader preparation programs to afford candidates certain opportunities.

Legislative Session


2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

Teacher preparation program courses [...] may not [...] include a curriculum or instruction that teaches identity politics, violates s. 1000.05, or is based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, and privilege are inherent in the institutions of the United States and were created to maintain social, political, and economic inequities.

Postsecondary institutions that are accredited or approved as described in State Board of Education rule may seek approval from the Department of Education to create educator preparation institutes for the purpose of providing any or all of the following: [...] 6. Instruction [does not teach] identity politics, violates s. 1000.05, or is based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, and privilege are inherent in the institutions of the United States and were created to maintain social, political, and economic inequities.


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2024-02-0710:00HearingN/AHouse Education & Employment Committee Hearing
2024-01-3015:00HearingN/AHouse Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee Hearing


2024-05-03Chapter No. 2024-141
2024-05-02Approved by Governor
2024-04-25Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
2024-03-06Withdrawn from Rules
2024-03-06Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
2024-03-06Substituted for CS/SB 1372
2024-03-06Read 2nd time 900
2024-03-06Amendment(s) failed (325746)
2024-03-06Read 3rd time
2024-03-06CS passed; YEAS 28 NAYS 12
2024-03-06In Messages
2024-03-06Ordered enrolled
2024-03-01Read 3rd time
2024-03-01CS passed; YEAS 81, NAYS 31
2024-03-01In Messages
2024-03-01Referred to Rules
2024-02-29Read 2nd time
2024-02-29Amendment 070441 Failed
2024-02-29Amendment 927129 Failed
2024-02-29Amendment 862751 Failed
2024-02-29Amendment 487835 Failed
2024-02-29Amendment 258727 Failed
2024-02-29Placed on 3rd reading
2024-02-29Added to Third Reading Calendar
2024-02-26Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/29/2024)
2024-02-09Bill referred to House Calendar
2024-02-09Added to Second Reading Calendar
2024-02-08Reported out of Education & Employment Committee
2024-02-08Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)
2024-02-08CS Filed
2024-02-081st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)
2024-02-07Favorable with CS by Education & Employment Committee
2024-02-05Added to Education & Employment Committee agenda
2024-01-30Favorable by Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
2024-01-30Reported out of Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
2024-01-30Now in Education & Employment Committee
2024-01-26Added to Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee agenda
2024-01-13Referred to Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
2024-01-13Referred to Education & Employment Committee
2024-01-13Now in Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
2024-01-091st Reading (Original Filed Version)