Trans Legislation Tracker

Tennessee HB1414


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 36 and Title 49, relative to the "Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act."

As introduced, enacts the "Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act," which declares that the ability of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of that parent’s child is a fundamental right. - Amends TCA Title 36 and Title 49.

Legislative Session


113th General Assembly


View bill on LegiScan


2023-02-07Assigned to s/c Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee
2023-02-02P2C, ref. to Civil Justice Committee -- Education Administration Committee
2023-02-02Sponsor change.
2023-02-02Sponsor(s) withdrawn.
2023-02-01Intro., P1C.
2023-01-31Filed for introduction