Trans Legislation Tracker

Tennessee HB1995


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 18, Chapter 6; Title 36, Chapter 3 and Title 68, Chapter 3, relative to marriage.

As introduced, requires the department to create a separate marriage license application form and marriage license form that may be used by applicants if the bride is a female and the groom is a male; prohibits a county clerk from certifying and recording this marriage license form if the form was used to solemnize a marriage between persons other than a female bride and a male groom. - Amends TCA Title 18, Chapter 6; Title 36, Chapter 3 and Title 68, Chapter 3.

Legislative Session


113th General Assembly

Selected quotes

A marriage license application form that may be used by applicants, [...] in addition to providing for the collection of vital information [...], must clearly state in the instructions and on the form that: (i) Only a female applicant may be listed on this form as the bride and only a male applicant may be listed on this form as the groom; [...] A county clerk shall not record and certify a marriage license created pursuant to § 68-3-103(2) (B) if the license was used to solemnize a marriage between persons who do not meet the requirements


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2024-03-0512:00HearingHouse Hearing Room IVHouse Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee Hearing


2024-03-05Taken off notice for cal in s/c Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee of Civil Justice Committee
2024-02-28Sponsor(s) Added.
2024-02-28Placed on s/c cal Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee for 3/5/2024
2024-02-23Sponsor(s) Added.
2024-01-30Assigned to s/c Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee
2024-01-25P2C, ref. to Civil Justice Committee
2024-01-24Intro., P1C.
2024-01-23Filed for introduction