Trans Legislation Tracker

TN SB2782


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 29; Title 36; Title 37; Title 39 and Title 68, relative to prohibited medical procedures.

As introduced, creates a civil cause of action against any person who knowingly removes a minor from this state without the consent of a parent of the minor for the purpose of assisting the minor in obtaining a healthcare procedure that is for the purpose of enabling the minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor's sex or treating purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor's sex and asserted identity. - Amends TCA Title 29; Title 36; Title 37; Title 39 and Title 68.

Selected quotes

A person shall not knowingly remove a minor from this state without the consent of a parent of the minor if the purpose of the removal is to assist the minor in obtaining a medical procedure that, if performed by a healthcare provider within this state, would be a violation of this section.

Legislative Session


113th General Assembly


Read bill text


2024-04-0112:30HearingCordell Hull BuildingSenate Judiciary Hearing


2024-04-29Enrolled and ready for signatures
2024-04-25Conf. comm. report adopted, Ayes 63, Nays 16 PNV 0
2024-04-25Conference Committee report adopted, Aye 25, Nay 4
2024-04-25Conf. comm. appointed. (Richey, Farmer, Doggett, Hardaway)
2024-04-25H. refused to recede from its non-concurrence
2024-04-25Conference Committee appointed. (Bailey, Yarbro, Pody)
2024-04-25H. refused to recede from S am. no. 1
2024-04-25Senate refused to concur in amendment
2024-04-24Placed on Senate Message Calendar for 4/25/2024
2024-04-24Passed H., as am., Ayes 75, Nays 21, PNV 0
2024-04-24H. adopted am. (Amendment 2 - HA1119)
2024-04-24Am. withdrawn. (Amendment 1 - HA0888)
2024-04-24Subst. for comp. HB.
2024-04-15Rcvd. from S., held on H. desk.
2024-04-11Sponsor(s) Added.
2024-04-11Engrossed; ready for transmission to House
2024-04-11Passed Senate as amended, Ayes 26, Nays 4
2024-04-11Senate adopted Amendment (Amendment 1 - SA0953)
2024-04-09Placed on Senate Regular Calendar for 4/11/2024
2024-04-02Recommended for passage with amendment/s, refer to Senate Calendar Committee Ayes 7, Nays 1 PNV 0
2024-04-01Placed on Senate Judiciary Committee calendar for 4/2/2024
2024-04-01Action deferred in Senate Judiciary Committee to 4/2/2024
2024-03-27Placed on Senate Judiciary Committee calendar for 4/1/2024
2024-02-05Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee
2024-02-01Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
2024-01-31Filed for introduction