Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 11 anti-trans bills in Utah in 2024. The legislation impacts 7 categories:








UT HB0157


Child Custody Factor Amendments

In considering the past conduct and demonstrated moral standards of each party under 127 Subsection (2)(d) or any other factor a court finds relevant, the court may not: (b) discriminate against a parent based upon the parent's agreement or disagreement with a minor child of the couple's: (i) assertion that the child's gender identity is different from the child's biological sex; or (ii) practice of having or expressing a different gender identity than the child's biological sex.

UT HB0172


Student Athlete Participation Amendments

If H.B. 172, Student Athlete Participation Amendments, and H.B. 257, Sex-Based Designations for Privacy, Anti-bullying, and Women's Opportunities, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends that, on the effective date of H.B. 172: (1) the following language be inserted as new Subsection (4) in Section 63G-31-201, enacted in H.B. 257: "(4) Notwithstanding Subsections (1) through (3), this chapter does not apply to: (a) the School Activity Eligibility Commission created in Section 53G-6-1003; or (b) in the context of a student who has obtained the eligibility approval of the commission under Subsection 53G-6-1004(2) to participate in a gender-designated interscholastic activity that does not correspond with the sex designation on the student's birth certificate, as those terms are defined in Section 53G-6-1001."

UT HB0224


Medical Surgery Amendments

UT HB0253


Use of Sex-designated Facilities in Public and Higher Education

"Female" means a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing eggs. (c) "Male" means a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing sperm. [...] Each higher education institution shall, within the institution's code of student conduct, establish disciplinary procedures for any student who: (i) willfully enters, for a purpose other than the exceptions described in Subsection (4), a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex on the premises of the institution;

UT HB0257


Sex-based Designations for Privacy, Anti-bullying, and Women's Opportunities

Each government entity shall ensure the preservation of distinctions on the basis of sex that protect individual privacy and competitive opportunity, as described in this chapter. (3) (a) To preserve the individual privacy and competitive opportunity of females, an individual is not entitled to and may not access, use, or benefit from a government or otherwise publicly funded facility, program, or event if: (i) the facility, program, or event is designated for females; and (ii) the individual is not female. (b) To preserve the individual privacy and competitive opportunity of males, an individual is not entitled to and may not access, use, or benefit from a government or otherwise publicly funded facility, program, or event if: (i) the facility, program, or event is designated for males; and (ii) the individual is not male

UT HB0261


Equal Opportunity Initiatives

An institution may not [...] engage in prohibited discriminatory practices; [...] "Prohibited discriminatory practice" also means engaging in or maintaining a policy, procedure, practice, program, office, initiative, or required training that [...] is referred to or named diversity, equity, and inclusion [...] establish or maintain an office, division, employment position, or other unit of an institution established to implement, develop, plan, or promote campus policies, procedures, practices, programs, or initiatives, regarding prohibited discriminatory practices [or] employ or assign an employee or a third-party whose duties for an institution include coordinating, creating, developing, designing, implementing, organizing, planning, or promoting policies, programming, training, practices, activities, and procedures relating to prohibited discriminatory practices.

UT HB0303


School Curriculum Requirements

School officials and employees may not: (i) use the official's or employee's position, through instruction, materials, or a display of symbols, images, or language to endorse, promote, or disparage a particular: [...] (C) viewpoint regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; or (ii) invite, suggest, or encourage a student to reconsider or change the student's: [...] social belief or viewpoint; or (C) sexual orientation or gender identity.

UT HB0316


Inmate Assignment Amendments

The department may not: (a) assign an inmate whose biological sex at birth is male to a living area where an inmate whose biological sex at birth is female is assigned; or (b) assign an inmate whose biological sex at birth is female to a living area where an inmate whose biological sex at birth is male is assigned.

UT HB0527


Public Employee Gender-specific Language Requirements

The state board or an LEA may not: [...] (c) pursue disciplinary action against an individual who is instructional personnel or administrative personnel solely because the individual [...] referred to the student by: (i) the student's birth name or biological gender in good faith; or (ii) the name or gender preferred by the student's parent or guardian.



Concurrent Resolution-directives to Government Officers Under the Utah Constitutional Sovereignty Act in Regard to Title IX

This concurrent resolution directs government officers to comply with Utah laws where there is a conflict with the new regulations adopted under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, effective August 1, 2024.



Joint Resolution-legislative Findings on State Sovereignty in Regard to Title IX

This resolution: [...] declares through legislative findings that the federal directive under the new regulations promulgated under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, effective August 1, 2024 (New Regulations), constitutes an overreach of federal administrative authority that violates Utah's rights and interests to provide for the health, safety, welfare of, and to promote the prosperity of, Utah residents;