Trans Legislation Tracker

Wisconsin AB378


Designating University of Wisconsin and technical college sports and athletic teams based on the sex of the participants.

An Act to amend 36.12 (1) and 38.23 (1); and to create 36.25 (58) and 38.12 (15) of the statutes; Relating to: designating University of Wisconsin and technical college sports and athletic teams based on the sex of the participants.

Legislative Session


2023-2024 Regular Session


View bill on LegiScan


2023-12-1309:31Hearing411 SouthSenate Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families Public Hearing
2023-10-1010:30Hearing300 NortheastAssembly Colleges and Universities Executive Session
2023-10-0409:00Hearing412 EastAssembly Colleges and Universities Public Hearing


2024-04-15Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
2023-12-13Public hearing held
2023-10-13Read first time and referred to committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families
2023-10-12Received from Assembly
2023-10-12Ordered immediately messaged
2023-10-12Read a third time and passed, Ayes 63, Noes 35
2023-10-12Rules suspended
2023-10-12Ordered to a third reading
2023-10-12Read a second time
2023-10-10Referred to calendar of 10-12-2023 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1)
2023-10-10Report passage recommended by Committee on Colleges and Universities, Ayes 9, Noes 5
2023-10-10Executive action taken
2023-10-10Representative Michalski added as a coauthor
2023-10-04Public hearing held
2023-08-11Read first time and referred to Committee on Colleges and Universities