Trans Legislation Tracker

Wisconsin AB510


Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child.

An Act to create 48.9865 of the statutes; Relating to: rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child.

Legislative Session


2023-2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

The right to timely notice by the child's school, through a process consistent with school policy, of when a controversial subject will be taught or discussed in the child's classroom. The bill defines “controversial subject” as a subject of substantial public debate, disagreement, or disapproval and specifies that the term includes instruction about gender identity, sexual orientation, [...] or content that is not age-appropriate. [...] The right to opt out of a class or instructional materials at the child's school for reasons based on either religion or personal conviction.


View bill on LegiScan


2024-01-1110:00Hearing328 NorthwestAssembly Family Law Executive Session
2023-11-0813:00Hearing201 SoutheastAssembly Family Law Public Hearing


2024-05-15Failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Joint Rule 82
2024-05-14Placed on calendar 5-14-2024 pursuant to Joint Rule 82 (2)(a)
2024-03-29Report vetoed by the Governor on 3-29-2024
2024-03-26Presented to the Governor on 3-26-2024
2024-02-15Report correctly enrolled on 2-15-2024
2024-02-13Senate Substitute Amendment 1 offered by Senators Larson, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Pfaff, Roys, Smith, Spreitzer and Wirch
2024-02-13Read a second time
2024-02-13Senate Substitute Amendment 1 rejected, Ayes 22, Noes 10
2024-02-13Ordered to a third reading
2024-02-13Rules suspended to give bill its third reading
2024-02-13Read a third time and concurred in, Ayes 22, Noes 10
2024-02-13Ordered immediately messaged
2024-02-13Received from Senate concurred in
2024-02-09Public hearing requirement waived by committee on Senate Organization, pursuant to Senate Rule 18 (1m), Ayes 3, Noes 2
2024-02-09Placed on calendar 2-13-2024 pursuant to Senate Rule 18(1)
2024-02-05Withdrawn from committee on Education and rereferred to committee on Senate Organization pursuant to Senate Rule 46(2)(c)
2024-02-05Available for scheduling
2024-01-19Read first time and referred to committee on Education
2024-01-18Read a second time
2024-01-18Ordered to a third reading
2024-01-18Rules suspended
2024-01-18Read a third time and passed, Ayes 62, Noes 35
2024-01-18Ordered immediately messaged
2024-01-18Received from Assembly
2024-01-17Representative Macco added as a coauthor
2024-01-16Report passage recommended by Committee on Family Law, Ayes 6, Noes 3
2024-01-16Referred to committee on Rules
2024-01-16Placed on calendar 1-18-2024 by Committee on Rules
2024-01-11Executive action taken
2023-11-08Public hearing held
2023-10-18Read first time and referred to Committee on Family Law