Trans Legislation Tracker

West Virginia HB4884


Allowing healthcare workers to refuse to perform procedures related to sex reassignment or gender identity transitioning for religious or conscientious objection

The purpose of this bill is to create a healthcare provider right to object to certain procedures act with definitions; defining treatments or patients that may be objected to; and providing right to file civil action for damages and injunctive relief and action by the Attorney General.

Legislative Session


2024 Regular Session

Selected quotes

No healthcare provider, may be required to: (1) Perform, assist, or participate in medical procedures, treatments, counseling, prescriptions or surgeries related to sex reassignment or gender identity transitioning, where to do so would be contrary to the person's religious or conscientious objection, or (2) Accept a patient for purposes of medical procedures, treatments, counseling, prescriptions or surgeries related to sex reassignment or gender identity transitioning, where to do so would be contrary to the person's religious or conscientious objection.


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2024-01-18Filed for introduction
2024-01-18To Health and Human Resources then Judiciary
2024-01-18Introduced in House
2024-01-18To House Health and Human Resources