Trans Legislation Tracker

Arkansas HB1512


To Create The Arkansas Access Act; And To Amend Various Provisions Of The Arkansas Code As They Relate To Education In The State Of Arkansas.

Legislative Session


95th General Assembly (2025 Regular)

Selected quotes

When taking an action on the accreditation or renewal of accreditation of a state-supported institution of higher education, an accrediting agency shall not: (1) Base the accrediting decision in any way on a review or consideration of DEI; (2) Collect information related to DEI; (3) Include any requirement related to DEI, including without limitation requirement of a diversity statement from a state-supported institution of higher education or any employee or contractor of a state-supported institution of higher education;

Prohibitions. (a) An officer, agent, administrator, employee, teacher, or contractor of a state-supported institution of higher education shall not compel another officer, agent, administrator, employee, teacher, contractor, or student of the state-supported institution of higher education to personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to ideas or beliefs in violation of Title IV [...] that an individual should be adversely or advantageously treated on the basis of his or her [...] sex [and] shall not compel another officer, agent, administrator, employee, teacher, contractor, or student of the state-supported institution of higher education to personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to a political [...] or other ideological viewpoint.


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2025-02-2010:00HearingRoom 138House Education Committee


2025-03-10Returned by the Committee with the recommendation that it do pass as amended 2
2025-03-06Placed on second reading for the purpose of amendment.
2025-03-06Amendment No. 1 read and adopted and the bill ordered engrossed.
2025-02-17Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and referred to the Committee on EDUCATION COMMITTEE- HOUSE