Trans Legislation Tracker

Arkansas HB1684


To Create The Parents And Teachers Helping Students Succeed (paths) Act.

Legislative Session


95th General Assembly (2025 Regular)

Selected quotes

A parent shall be entitled to: [...] Remove his or her student temporarily from a class or other school activity if the class or other school activity conflicts with his or her religious or moral beliefs or if he or she deems the class or other school activity to espouse, promote, advance, or compel his or her student to adopt a critical theory concept.

A public school district board of directors and a governing body of an open-enrollment public charter school shall: [...] Not adopt procedures or student support forms that: (i) Prohibit school personnel from notifying the parent of a student regarding: (a) The student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being; [...] or (ii) Encourage a student to withhold information from his or her parent as it pertains to his or her mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being or a change in related services or monitoring as it pertains to him or her.

School personnel shall not discourage or prohibit parental notification of and involvement in critical decisions that affect a student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.


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2025-03-1113:30HearingRoom A, MACJoint Budget Committee
2025-03-1110:00HearingRoom 138House Education Committee
2025-03-1010:00HearingRoom 138House Education Committee


2025-03-05Read the first time, rules suspended, read the second time and referred to the Committee on EDUCATION COMMITTEE- HOUSE