Trans Legislation Tracker

Arizona HB2126


Medical records; parental rights

Legislative Session


Fifty-seventh Legislature - First Regular Session (2025)

Selected quotes

A health care entity shall give a parent access to any electronic portal and any other HEALTH care delivery platform that is separate but equal to the minor child's access throughout the minority of the parent's child. [...] This right includes access to written and electronic medical records for services that do not require parental consent.


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2025-03-1209:00HearingSHR 2Senate Health and Human Services
2025-02-1713:00HearingHHR 4House Rules
2025-02-1014:00HearingHHR 4House Health & Human Services


2025-03-12Senate HHS Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (3-2-2-0)
2025-03-04Senate read second time
2025-03-03Introduced in Senate and read first time
2025-03-03Assigned to Senate HHS Committee
2025-03-03Assigned to Senate RULES Committee
2025-02-25House third reading PASSED voting: (35-25-0-0)
2025-02-25Transmit to Senate
2025-02-20House Committee of the Whole action: Do Pass
2025-02-18House majority caucus: Do pass
2025-02-18House minority caucus: Do pass
2025-02-17House RULES Committee action: constitutional and in proper form, voting: (7-0-0-1-0-0)
2025-02-17House consent calendar
2025-02-10House HHS Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (8-4-0-0-0-0)
2025-01-22House read second time
2025-01-21Introduced in House and read first time
2025-01-21Assigned to House HHS Committee
2025-01-21Assigned to House RULES Committee