Trans Legislation Tracker

Arizona SB1443


Parental rights; compensatory damages

Legislative Session


Fifty-seventh Legislature - First Regular Session (2025)

Selected quotes

All parental rights are exclusively reserved to a parent of a minor child without obstruction [...] including: [...] the right to access and review all records relating to the minor child [...and] the right to request, access and review all written and electronic medical records of the minor child.

If the court awards compensatory damages pursuant to this subsection, the total amount of the compensatory damages award shall be at least $2,500 for each violation of this chapter.


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2025-03-1209:00HearingHHR 4House Judiciary
2025-02-1713:00HearingCaucus Room 1Senate Rules
2025-02-1209:00HearingSHR 2Senate Health and Human Services


2025-03-12House JUD Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (6-2-0-1-0-0)
2025-03-04House read second time
2025-03-03Introduced in House and read first time
2025-03-03Assigned to House JUD Committee
2025-03-03Assigned to House RULES Committee
2025-02-26Senate third reading PASSED voting: (17-11-2-0)
2025-02-26Transmit to House
2025-02-25Senate Committee of the Whole action: Do Pass
2025-02-18Senate minority caucus: Do pass
2025-02-18Senate majority caucus: Do pass
2025-02-17Senate RULES Committee action: Proper For Consideration, voting: (0-0-0-0)
2025-02-17Senate consent calendar
2025-02-12Senate HHS Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (5-1-1-0)
2025-02-05Senate read second time
2025-02-04Introduced in Senate and read first time
2025-02-04Assigned to Senate HHS Committee
2025-02-04Assigned to Senate RULES Committee