Trans Legislation Tracker

Georgia SB120


Education; public schools, local education agencies, and public postsecondary institutions shall not promote, support, or maintain any programs or activities that advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 1 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general provisions relative to education, so as to provide that public schools, local education agencies, and public postsecondary institutions shall not promote, support, or maintain any programs or activities that advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion; to provide for sanctions; to provide for definitions; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date and applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Legislative Session


2025-2026 Regular Session

Selected quotes

(b) No public school, local education agency, or postsecondary institution shall promote, support, or maintain any programs or activities that advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion [...] (c) Any postsecondary institution that violates subsection (b) of this Code section shall be subject to the withholding of state funding or state administered federal funding. Such withholding of state funding or state administered federal funding shall include funds provided to the postsecondary institution directly as well as funding for scholarships, loans, and grants pursuant to Chapter 3 of this title for students of such postsecondary institution.


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2025-03-06Senate Tabled
2025-03-04Senate Read Second Time
2025-03-03Senate Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute
2025-02-10Senate Read and Referred
2025-02-06Senate Hopper