Trans Legislation Tracker

Georgia SB39


Employees' Insurance and Benefits Plans; expenses for gender-affirming care under the state health benefit plan or with any state funds; prohibit coverage

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 18 of Title 45, Chapter 4 of Title 49, and Chapter 1 of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the employees' insurance and benefits plans, public assistance, and general provisions relative to state government, respectively, so as to prohibit coverage of expenses for gender-affirming care under the state health benefit plan or with any state funds; to provide for definitions; to provide for limited exceptions; to prohibit state healthcare facilities and healthcare providers employed by the state from providing gender-affirming care; to provide for related matters; to provide for legislative findings; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Legislative Session


2025-2026 Regular Session

Selected quotes

The board shall adopt rules and regulations regarding the exclusion of expenses for gender-affirming care [...] which shall contain limited exceptions for: (1) Treatments for medical conditions other than gender dysphoria or for the purpose of sex reassignment where such treatments are deemed medically necessary; (2) Treatments for individuals born with a medically verifiable disorder of sex development, including individuals born with ambiguous genitalia or chromosomal abnormalities resulting in ambiguity regarding the individual's biological sex; (3) Treatments for individuals with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome

(a) No state funds shall be expended for health benefits coverage that includes coverage for gender-affirming care as provided for in Code Section 45-18-4.

(b) No healthcare facility owned or operated by the state and no physician or other healthcare provider employed by an agency or entity of this state shall provide gender-affirming care as provided for in Code Section 45-18-4.


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2025-02-0415:00HearingMEZZ 1Senate Insurance And Labor Committee


2025-02-13House Second Readers
2025-02-12House First Readers
2025-02-11Senate Third Read
2025-02-11Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute
2025-02-06Senate Read Second Time
2025-02-05Senate Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute
2025-01-29Senate Read and Referred
2025-01-28Senate Hopper