Trans Legislation Tracker

Iowa HF51


A bill for an act relating to obscenity, including the exposure of a minor to an obscene performance and admittance of a minor to a premises with obscene performances, establishing a private civil cause of action, and providing penalties.

Legislative Session


91st General Assembly

Selected quotes

The parent or guardian of a minor, or a minor upon attaining eighteen years of age, to whom obscene material has been knowingly disseminated or exhibited,[...] or who was exposed to an obscene performance, [...] may bring a civil action against any person who has knowingly disseminated or exhibited obscene material to the minor, or who engaged in, caused, or allowed a person to knowingly engage in an obscene performance in the presence of the minor.

The minimum award of damages in an action brought pursuant to this subsection hall be ten thousand dollars.


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2025-01-14Introduced, referred to Judiciary. H.J. 46.