Trans Legislation Tracker

Iowa SF473


A bill for an act relating to certain sincerely held religious or moral beliefs of child foster care providers and prospective adoptive parents.(Formerly SF 236.)

Legislative Session


91st General Assembly

Selected quotes

The department shall not do any of the following: a. (1) Require a prospective adoptive parent to affirm, accept, or support a policy related to sexual orientation or gender identity that conflicts with the person’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs. (2) Preclude a person from being qualified as a prospective adoptive parent based, in whole or in part, on the person’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs related to sexual orientation or gender identity, including but not limited to the person’s intent to guide, instruct, or raise a child in a manner consistent with the person’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs. b. The department, and the department’s designees, shall not adopt a standard, policy, or rule that precludes a person from being considered as a child’s prospective adoptive parent based, in whole or in part, on the person’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs related to sexual orientation or gender identity.


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No sponsors available.


2025-02-27Introduced, placed on calendar. S.J. 381.
2025-02-27Committee report, approving bill. S.J. 384.