Trans Legislation Tracker

Iowa SSB1150


A bill for an act restricting county and city diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.(See SF 507.)

Legislative Session


91st General Assembly

Selected quotes

"Diversity, equity, and inclusion" includes all of the following: [...] Any effort to promote or promulgate trainings, programming, or activities designed or implemented with reference to race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation. [...] Any effort to promote, as the official position of the school district, a particular, widely contested opinion referencing [...] allyship, transgender ideology, [...] social justice, intersectionality, neopronouns, heteronormativity, disparate impact, gender theory, [...] or any related formulation of these concepts.

The bill allows parents or guardians of a student enrolled in the school, or an employee of the school [...] to bring a civil action. [...] If a parent, guardian, or employee is the prevailing party in that civil action, the bill requires the court to award reasonable court costs and attorney fees to the parent, guardian, or employee, and to assess a $50,000 civil penalty.

The bill includes community colleges within the definition of “public institution of higher education” in 2024 Iowa Acts, chapter 1152, so that these restrictions also apply to community colleges. In addition, the bill authorizes a student enrolled in a public institution of higher education, or an employee [...] to bring a civil action. [...] If a student or employee is the prevailing party in the civil action, the bill requires the court to award reasonable court costs and attorney fees to the student or employee, and to assess a $100,000 civil penalty.


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No sponsors available.


2025-03-0311:00HearingRoom 116Senate Local Government Committee
2025-03-0311:00HearingRM 116Senate Local Government Committee
2025-02-2710:00HearingRM 116Senate Local Government Committee
2025-02-2412:00HearingRoom 217 Conference RoomSenate Local Government Subcommittee


2025-03-03Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 507.
2025-02-24Subcommittee recommends passage.
2025-02-20Subcommittee Meeting: 02/24/2025 12:00PM Room 217 Conference Room.
2025-02-18Introduced, referred to Local Government.
2025-02-18Subcommittee: Westrich, Quirmbach, and Sires.