Trans Legislation Tracker

Idaho H0041


Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

Legislative Session


2025 Regular Session

Selected quotes

No flags or banners shall be displayed by a public elementary school or public secondary school that represent a political viewpoint, including but not limited to flags or banners regarding a [...] sexual orientation, gender.


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2025-03-1110:30Executive SessionHouse FloorThird Reading Calendar
2025-03-1011:00Executive SessionHouse FloorSecond Reading Calendar
2025-03-0510:30Executive SessionSenate FloorBy Judiciary And Rules Committee – Crisis Response For Persons With A Neurocognitive Disorder – Amends Existing Law To Revise P
2025-03-0410:30Executive SessionSenate FloorThird Reading Calendar
2025-03-0310:45Executive SessionSenate FloorThird Reading Calendar
2025-02-2810:15Executive SessionSenate FloorThird Reading Calendar
2025-02-2710:45Executive SessionSenate FloorThird Reading Calendar
2025-02-2610:45Executive SessionSenate FloorSecond Reading Calendar
2025-02-2511:00Executive SessionSenate Floor14th Order Calendar
2025-02-2411:00Executive SessionSenate Floor14th Order Calendar
2025-02-2110:30Executive SessionSenate Floor14th Order Calendar
2025-02-2011:00Executive SessionSenate Floor14th Order Calendar
2025-02-1911:00Executive SessionSenate Floor14th Order Calendar
2025-02-1215:00HearingRoom WW55Senate Education Committee
2025-01-2811:00HearingN/AHouse Calendar Committee
2025-01-2711:00HearingN/AHouse Calendar Committee


2025-03-11Read third time in full as amended in Senate -- PASSED 60-10-0
2025-03-11Title apvd
2025-03-11to enrol
2025-03-10Read second time as amended in Senate; Filed for Third Reading
2025-03-07Reported Engrossed; Filed for First Reading of Engrossed Bills
2025-03-07Read first time as amended in Senate; Filed for Second Reading
2025-03-06Returned from the Senate Amended; Held at Desk
2025-03-06House Concurred in Senate Amendments
2025-03-06Returned from the Senate Amended; Held at Desk
2025-03-06Bills as Amended Referred to JRA for Engrossing
2025-03-05Read third time as amended in the Senate -- PASSED 29-6-0
2025-03-05Title apvd
2025-03-05to House
2025-02-26Read second time as amended in the Senate, filed for Third Reading
2025-02-25Placed in the Committee of the Whole
2025-02-25Amendments ordered printed
2025-02-25Reported out as amended; filed for first reading
2025-02-25Amendments reported printed
2025-02-25Read first time as amended in the Senate; Filed for Second Reading
2025-02-18Referred to 14th Order for amendment
2025-02-17Filed in the office of the Secretary of the Senate
2025-02-14Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment
2025-01-29Received from the House passed; filed for first reading
2025-01-29Introduced, read first time; referred to: Education
2025-01-28Read Third Time in Full -- PASSED 59-11-0
2025-01-28Title apvd
2025-01-28to Senate
2025-01-27Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
2025-01-24Reported Printed; Filed for Second Reading
2025-01-23Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing