Trans Legislation Tracker

Idaho SCR111


States findings of the Legislature and recognizes Mother's Day through Father's Day as Traditional Family Values Month to raise awareness about the challenges facing traditional families and the alarming rate at which the traditional American family is declining.

TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES MONTH -- States findings of the Legislature and recognizes Mother's Day through Father's Day as Traditional Family Values Month to raise awareness about the challenges facing traditional families and the alarming rate at which the traditional American family is declining.

Legislative Session


2025 Regular Session

Selected quotes

WHEREAS, research demonstrates children who grow up in families with traditional values and gender roles are more likely to have traditional values and gender role expectations themselves;

WHEREAS, there is an unprecedented attack on these beliefs and the celebration of these beliefs;

WHEREAS, much remains to be done to ensure that traditional family roles and values are both celebrated and encouraged to provide the most nurturing and healthy environment possible to raise the next generation of American children.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session of the Sixty-eighth Idaho Legislature, the Senate and the House of Representatives concurring therein, that the Idaho Legislature: [...] Recognizes the value of a traditional family consisting of the natural female mother and male father [...and] recognizes the first week of Traditional Family Values Month.


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2025-02-26Received from the Senate, Filed for First Reading
2025-02-26Read First Time, Referred to State Affairs
2025-02-25Read in full -- ADOPTED 27-7-1
2025-02-25Title apvd
2025-02-25to House
2025-02-24Reported Printed; referred to 10th order; held one legislative day
2025-02-21Introduced; read first time; referred to JR for Printing