Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 18 anti-trans bills in Illinois in 2025. The legislation impacts 6 categories:







IL HB1117



Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and student must be expressly designated as (i) a male athletic team or sport, (ii) a female athletic team or sport, or (iii) a coeducational athletic team or sport. Provides that an athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

(a) Any athletic team or sport [...] must be expressly designated as being: (1) a male athletic team or sport; (2) a female athletic team or sport; or (3) a coeducational athletic team or sport. (b) An athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex.

IL HB1161



Creates the Safety and Opportunity for Girls Act. Provides that notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no receipt of State funding may be contingent upon an educational institution forgoing the maintenance of sex-segregated spaces by the educational institution, including bathrooms and locker rooms. Provides that notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no receipt of State funding may be contingent upon an educational institution forgoing the maintenance of sex-segregated athletic or academic programs by the educational institution.

No receipt of State funding may be contingent upon an educational institution forgoing the maintenance of sex-segregated spaces by the educational institution, including bathrooms and locker rooms.

IL HB1204



Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students must be expressly designated as (i) a male athletic team or sport, (ii) a female athletic team or sport, or (iii) a coeducational athletic team or sport. Provides that an athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

Designation of team or sport based on biological sex. (a) Any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or other entity that has as one of its purposes promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among schools and students within this State must be expressly designated as being: (1) a male athletic team or sport; (2) a female athletic team or sport; or (3) a coeducational athletic team or sport. (b) An athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex.

IL HB1209



Creates the Classification by Biological Sex Act. Sets forth findings. Provides that any public school or school district and any State or local agency, department, or office that collects vital statistics for the purpose of complying with antidiscrimination laws or for the purpose of gathering public health, crime, economic, or other data shall classify each individual who is part of the collected data set as either male or female at birth. Amends the Statute on Statutes. Sets forth the meaning of the following terms as used in any statute or any rule or regulation: sex; female and male; woman and girl; man and boy; and mother and father.

A person's sex is either male or female, as classified at birth.

IL HB1214



Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Provides that sex-reassignment procedures are prohibited for patients younger than 18 years of age. Provides that if sex-reassignment procedures are administered or performed on patients 18 years of age or older, consent must be provided as specified. Provides that the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall revoke the license of any physician who willfully or actively violates the prohibition on sex-reassignment procedures for patients younger than 18 years of age. Amends the Hospital Licensing Act and the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act. Adds a failure to comply with the provisions as grounds for fines, license denial, license suspension or revocation, or refusal to renew a hospital or facility's license. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to provide for emergency rulemaking.

"Sex-reassignment procedures" means any medical procedure, including a surgical procedure, to affirm a person's perception of his or her sex if that perception is inconsistent with the person's sex.

IL HB1216



Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and student must be expressly designated as (i) a male athletic team or sport, (ii) a female athletic team or sport, or (iii) a coeducational athletic team or sport. Provides that an athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

Designation of team or sport based on biological sex. (a) Any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or other entity that has as one of its purposes promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among schools and students within this State must be expressly designated as being: (1) a male athletic team or sport; (2) a female athletic team or sport; or (3) a coeducational athletic team or sport. (b) An athletic team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex.

IL HB1845



Creates the Illinois Right of Conscience Act. Provides that every person has the right to refuse to speak, create art or crafts, perform or participate in any way in any particular form of services that is contrary to that person's conscience.

It is the public policy of Illinois that every person has the right of conscientious refusal to speak, create art or crafts, perform or participate in any way in any particular form of services contrary to his or her conscience.

IL HB2915



Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and student must abide by the following: if an athletic team or sport is designated as being female, it is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

Provides that any athletic team or sport that is under the jurisdiction of an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and student must abide by the following: if an athletic team or sport is designated as being female, it is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex. Requires a school district or nonpublic school to obtain a written statement signed by a student's parent or guardian or the student verifying the student's age, biological sex, and that the student has not taken performance enhancing drugs; provides for a penalty for false or misleading statements. Prohibits a governmental entity or an association or entity that provides for interscholastic athletics or athletic competition among schools and students from entertaining a complaint, opening an investigation, or taking any other adverse action against a school district or nonpublic school for maintaining athletic teams or sports in accordance with these provisions.

IL HB3243



Creates the Illinois Abortion Law of 2025, with provisions similar to those of the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 before its repeal by Public Act 101-13, as well as including provisions defining "viability" and "fetal heartbeat" and restricting the performance of an abortion to a patient who resides in the State. Creates the Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act of 2025 and the Abortion Performance Refusal Act of 2025, with provisions similar to those of the Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act and the Abortion Performance Refusal Act before their repeal by Public Act 101-13. Creates the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 2025, with provisions similar to those of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 before its repeal by Public Act 102-685. Amends various Acts by restoring the language that existed before the amendment of those Acts by Public Acts 101-13 and 102-1117. Repeals the Reproductive Health Act, the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Act, the Lawful Health Care Activity Act, the Protecting Reproductive Health Care Services Act, and the Youth Health and Safety Act. Effective immediately.

"Lawful health care" means: (1) reproductive health care that is not unlawful under the laws of this State [...]; or (2) the treatment of gender dysphoria or the affirmation of an individual's gender identity or gender expression, including but not limited to, all supplies, care, and services of a medical, behavioral health, mental health, surgical, psychiatric, therapeutic, diagnostic, preventative, rehabilitative, or supportive nature that is not unlawful under the laws of this State.

IL HB3666



Amends the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code. Provides that a health care professional shall report to the Department of Public Health each time the health care professional prescribes a puberty blocker to a person under the age of 18. Provides that the report shall be transmitted to the Department on a quarterly basis. Requires the Department to create forms to be used for the reports. Specifies that the forms shall not request or require identifying information of the patient or the health care provider. Requires the Department to ensure anonymity of all patients and health care professionals. Provides that all reports are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and are confidential and that access to the reports shall be limited to authorized Department staff for statistical purposes only. Makes a conforming change in the Freedom of Information Act.

A health care professional shall report to the Department, on a form established by the Department, each time the health care professional prescribes a puberty blocker to a person under the age of 18.

IL HB3686



Amends the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. Provides that any compound containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs is a Schedule V controlled substance.

The controlled substances listed in this section are included in Schedule V. [...] (f) Any compound containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs.

IL HB3819



Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Provides that sex-reassignment procedures are prohibited for patients younger than 18 years of age. Provides that if sex-reassignment procedures are administered or performed on patients 18 years of age or older, consent must be provided as specified. Provides that the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall revoke the license of any physician who willfully or actively violates the prohibition on sex-reassignment procedures for patients younger than 18 years of age. Amends the Hospital Licensing Act and the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act. Adds a failure to comply with the provisions as grounds for fines, license denial, license suspension or revocation, or refusal to renew a hospital or facility's license. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to provide for emergency rulemaking.

Sex-reassignment procedures are prohibited for patients younger than 18 years of age. [...] "Sex-reassignment procedures" means any medical procedure, including a surgical procedure, to affirm a person's perception of his or her sex if that perception is inconsistent with the person's sex.

IL SB1226



Amends the School Code. Provides that school districts shall regulate and restrict access to public restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and other similar places on the basis of biological sex and shall also adopt a policy that provides for gender neutral or alternative facilities for students, staff, and members of the public, as the school district deems appropriate. Provides that school districts are not required to: (1) limit access by a minor accompanied by an adult guardian of the opposite sex into a specified facility appropriate for the adult guardian; (2) prohibit a person with disabilities from using a specified facility appropriate to the biological sex of either the person with disabilities or of an adult caretaker providing assistance; or (3) prohibit access to these facilities by custodial staff, school staff, or other persons in an emergency situation.

A school district shall regulate and restrict access to public restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and other similar places on the basis of biological sex.

IL SB1783



Creates the Prohibition on Government Sponsored Sexual Performances. Provides that a unit of local government or a school district may not allow a live adult performance to be held on publicly owned or operated property under its control. Requires the State to stop distributing all funds to a unit of local government or school district that violates the provisions. Limits home rule powers. Effective immediately.

Creates the Prohibition on Government Sponsored Sexual Performances. Provides that a unit of local government or a school district may not allow a live adult performance to be held on publicly owned or operated property under its control. Requires the State to stop distributing all funds to a unit of local government or school district that violates the provisions. Limits home rule powers.



Creates the Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism Act. Requires the Secretary of State to implement changes to require all Illinois-issued identification documents to reflect the holder's sex as defined in the Act. Requires all State agencies to remove or change their forms and communications to reflect the changes in the Act. Requires the Department of Human Rights to issue guidance to ensure the freedom to express the binary nature of sex and the right to single-sex space in workplaces. Requires the Department of Human Rights to prioritize investigation and litigation to the right and freedoms identified and created under the Act. Provides that the Act takes priority over and supersedes any other State law or rule that appears to or purports to be in conflict with the Act. Makes other changes. Repeals the Equitable Restroom Act. Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to delete "gender-related identity" from the definition of "sexual orientation."

Requires the Secretary of State to implement changes to require all Illinois-issued identification documents to reflect the holder's sex as defined in the Act. Requires all State agencies to remove or change their forms and communications to reflect the changes in the Act. Requires the Department of Human Rights to issue guidance to ensure the freedom to express the binary nature of sex and the right to single-sex space in workplaces. Requires the Department of Human Rights to prioritize investigation and litigation to the right and freedoms identified and created under the Act. Provides that the Act takes priority over and supersedes any other State law or rule that appears to or purports to be in conflict with the Act. [...] Repeals the Equitable Restroom Act. Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to delete "gender-related identity" from the definition of "sexual orientation."

IL SB2079



Creates the Gender in Athletics Act. Provides that in any intercollegiate athletic activity that is subject to rules, standards, or classifications that provide for student eligibility restrictions in order to ensure, enhance, or promote fair competition, each public institution of higher education shall make all determinations based on sex and not on gender. Grants rulemaking authority to the Board of High Education to implement and enforce the Act. Amends the School Code. Provides that no school district or nonpublic school whose students or teams compete against a school district or nonpublic school may operate, sponsor, or facilitate interscholastic or intramural athletics that permit a person whose gender is male to participate in any interscholastic or intramural athletics that are designated for females. Allows a student who is aggrieved by an alleged violation or anticipated violation to have the right to file a grievance complaint with the school district or nonpublic school for an immediate determination of whether a violation or anticipated violation exists. Provides that if a violation or anticipated violation is determined to exist, the school district or nonpublic school shall issue a decision immediately and may direct that such violation be terminated or adjusted to prevent a further violation, but if the grievance is rejected, the complaining party has the right to an immediate appeal to the State Board of Education for relief.

Provides that in any intercollegiate athletic activity that is subject to rules, standards, or classifications that provide for student eligibility restrictions in order to ensure, enhance, or promote fair competition, each public institution of higher education shall make all determinations based on sex and not on gender.



Amends the Departments of State Government Law. Provides that a department of the State government may not enforce any policy that favors or discriminates against a person based on the person's race, sex, or disability. Provides that all departments of the State government must, on the effective date of the amendatory Act, abolish all DEIA programs established under the Office of Equity. Abolishes the Office of Equity. Repeals the Commission on Equity and Inclusion Act.

All Departments must [...] abolish all DEIA programs established under the Office of Equity. [...] The Office of Equity is abolished.

IL SB2474



Creates the Youth Health Protection Act. Provides that a medical doctor shall not prescribe, provide, administer, or deliver puberty-suppressing drugs or cross-sex hormones and shall not perform surgical orchiectomy or castration, urethroplasty, vaginoplasty, mastectomy, phalloplasty, or metoidioplasty on biologically healthy and anatomically normal persons under the age of 18 for the purpose of treating the subjective, internal psychological condition of gender dysphoria or gender discordance. Provides that any efforts to modify the anatomy, physiology, or biochemistry of a biologically healthy person under the age of 18 who experiences gender dysphoria or gender discordance shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall be subject to discipline by the licensing entity or disciplinary review board. Provides that no medical doctor or mental health provider shall refer any person under the age of 18 to any medical doctor for chemical or surgical interventions to treat gender dysphoria or gender discordance. Contains definitions, a statement of purpose, and legislative findings. Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987 to make related changes.

Prohibition on treatment of persons under the age of 18 for gender dysphoria or gender discordance. (a) A medical doctor shall not prescribe, provide, administer, or deliver puberty-suppressing drugs or cross-sex hormones and shall not perform surgical orchiectomy or castration, urethroplasty, vaginoplasty, mastectomy, phalloplasty, or metoidioplasty on biologically healthy and anatomically normal persons under the age of 18 for the purpose of treating the subjective, internal psychological condition of gender dysphoria or gender discordance. (b) Any efforts to modify the anatomy, physiology, or biochemistry of a biologically healthy person under the age of 18 who experiences gender dysphoria or gender discordance shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall be subject to discipline by the licensing entity or disciplinary review board with competent jurisdiction. (c) No medical doctor or mental health provider shall refer any person under the age of 18 to any medical doctor for chemical or surgical interventions to treat gender dysphoria or gender discordance.