Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 5 anti-trans bills in Maine in 2025. The legislation impacts 3 categories:




ME HP0500


Joint Order, to Require the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs to Report Out a Bill Prohibiting Educational Institutions from Being Members of Certain Organizations

The Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs shall report out, to the House, a bill that prohibits an educational institution in this State that receives state funds from being a member of or paying dues or fees to an organization that does not prohibit biological males from participating on teams in sports designated for "girls" or "females."

ME LD1002


An Act to Protect Children's Identification by Requiring Public Schools to Use the Name and Gender Specified on a Child's Birth Certificate

Personnel of a public school and public charter school [...] shall refer to a minor student by the name and gender listed on the student's official record of birth submitted to the school at the time of enrollment [...] unless the minor student's parent provides written permission stating otherwise or documentation of a legal change of name or gender is provided to the school.

ME LD233


An Act to Prohibit Biological Males from Participating in School Athletic Programs and Activities Designated for Females When State Funding Is Provided to the School

A school administrative unit or an elementary school, secondary school or postsecondary educational institution in the State that receives any state funding may not allow a person whose biological sex assigned at birth is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for females.

ME LD380


An Act to Amend Certain Laws Regarding Gender-affirming Health Care Services

Sec. 32. 24-A MRSA §4303, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2023, c. 648, Pt. E, §9, is further amended to read: A. For the purposes of this section, "to advocate for medically appropriate health care" means to discuss or recommend a course of treatment, including gender-affirming health care services and reproductive health care services, to an enrollee; to appeal a managed care plan's decision to deny payment for a service, including gender-affirming health care services and reproductive health care services, pursuant to an established grievance or appeal procedure; or to protest a decision, policy or practice that the provider, consistent with the degree of learning and skill ordinarily possessed by reputable providers, reasonably believes impairs the provider's ability to provide medically appropriate health care, including gender-affirming health care services and reproductive health care services, to the provider's patients.

ME LD868


An Act to Ensure Equity and Safety in Athletics, Restrooms, Changing Rooms and Housing at Elementary, Secondary and Postsecondary Schools

Athletic teams or sports designated as "females," "women" or "girls" may not allow participation by students who are males.