Trans Legislation Tracker

New Mexico HB559


Gender Identity & Child Custody

Legislative Session


2025 Regular Session

Selected quotes

In awarding custody of a minor [...] the court shall not: (1) consider a parent's gender affirmation of the parent's child's gender identity when the child's gender identity is incongruent with the child's sex; (2) consider a parent's decision to not affirm a child's gender identity or a parent's decision to not provide gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for the parent's child; and (3) determine that a parent's decision not to provide gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for the parent's child is: (a) detrimental to the child's health, safety and welfare; (b) an inadequate provision for the child's needs, care or nurturance consistent with the child's physical and psychological development; (c) abuse, as defined in the Abuse and Neglect Act; (d) a lack of a safe environment; (e) inadequate provision of health care; (f) inadequate guidance; (g) a lack of moral fitness; (h) a detrimental attitude toward the child; (i) an inability for the parent to foster a positive, loving relationship with the child; or (j) an inability for the parent to bond with the child.


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2025-02-20Sent to HCPAC - Referrals: HCPAC/HJC