Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 2 anti-trans bills in Nevada in 2025. The legislation impacts 2 categories:





Revises provisions relating to the licensing of certain providers of health care. (BDR 54-255)

AN ACT relating to providers of health care; revising requirements for continuing education and training for certain providers of health care; requiring the Board of Medical Examiners to require a physician assistant on inactive status to pay a biennial registration fee; increasing the maximum amount of certain fees charged and collected by the Board; requiring the Board, if authorized by a licensee, to provide to an employer of the licensee or an entity credentialing the licensee certain documents and information; providing for the biennial renewal of certain licenses issued by the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine; establishing and revising certain fees charged by the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

NV SB112


Revises provisions relating to athletics. (BDR 34-36)

AN ACT relating to athletics; requiring certain schools and institutions of higher education to designate by sex the athletic teams and sports sponsored by the schools or institutions; prohibiting male or female athletes from competing on teams designated for the other sex; prohibiting certain actions from being brought against a school or institution for maintaining a separate athletic team or sport designated for pupils and students of the female or male sex; establishing certain causes of action; establishing the statute of limitations for such actions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

The designation of an interscholastic or intramural athletic team or sport based on sex, the exclusion of a member of the male sex from a team or sport designated for females or the exclusion of a member of the female sex from a team or sport designated for males pursuant to section 5 of this act does not constitute discrimination on the basis of sex or gender identity or expression for the purposes of any state statute or local ordinance.