Trans Legislation Tracker

Oklahoma SB591


Education; creating the Free to Speak Act; prohibiting public school and certain institution of higher learning employees from addressing certain students in certain manner. Effective date. Emergency.

Legislative Session


2025 Regular Session

Selected quotes

An employee of a public school or institution of higher learning, regardless of the scope of his or her official duties: 1. Shall not knowingly and intentionally address an unemancipated minor student by a name other than the student's legal name, or a derivative thereof, or by a pronoun or title that is inconsistent with the student's sex without the written permission of a student's parent or legal guardian;

2. Shall not be subject to adverse employment action for declining to address a person using a name other than the person's legal name, or a derivative thereof, or by a pronoun or title that is inconsistent with the person's sex; and

3. Shall not be subject to adverse employment action for declining to identify his or her pronouns.

A student enrolled in a public school or state institution of higher learning shall not be subject to any disciplinary action for declining to: 1. Address a person using a name other than the person's legal name, or a derivative thereof, or by a pronoun or title that is inconsistent with the person's sex; and 2. Identify his or her pronouns.

“Female” means an individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historic accident the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization;

“Male” means an individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historic accident the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes sperm for fertilization;

“Sex” means the physical condition of being male or female based on genetics and physiology, as identified on an individual's original birth certificate;


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2025-02-04Second Reading referred to Education
2025-02-03Authored by Senator Deevers
2025-02-03First Reading