We are tracking 14 anti-trans bills in Oregon in 2025. The legislation impacts 5 categories:
The Act tells certain entities to designate sports by sex. The Act forbids males from playing in female sports. (Flesch Readability Score: 72.35). Requires each athletic association, conference or organization with authority over intercollegiate sports, post-secondary institution of education and school district to designate athletic competitions and extracurricular sports according to biological sex. Prohibits biological males from participating in athletic competitions or extracurricular sports designated for biological females. Requires academic entities to designate bathrooms and locker rooms for exclusive use by either persons of the male biological sex or persons of the female biological sex. Except as provided under written policies for coaches, trainers and other authorized persons, prohibits persons of the male biological sex from entering or using bathrooms or locker rooms designated for use by, or in use by, persons of the female biological sex and prohibits persons of the female biological sex from entering or using bathrooms or locker rooms designated for use by, or in use by, persons of the male biological sex. Provides causes of action for students, post-secondary institutions of education and school districts.
Students of the biologically male sex may not participate in any athletic competition or extracurricular sport that is designated as “Females,” “Women” or “Girls” under subsection (3) of this section.
The Act makes a person who wants to change their name and who has done some crimes prove the need to change the name. The Act gets rid of laws letting a person change the name on a birth certificate for affirming gender identity without going to court. (Flesch Readability Score: 74.9). Requires an applicant for change of name who has been convicted of some crimes to prove necessity of name change by clear and convincing evidence. Removes provisions allowing a person to request an amendment of a record of live birth to change a name for the purpose of affirming gender identity without court approval.
Digest: [...] The Act gets rid of laws letting a person change the name on a birth certificate for affirming gender identity without going to court.
The Act removes the term "gender identity" from certain laws. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.3). Removes "gender identity" from certain statutes.
Digest: The Act removes the term “gender identity” from certain laws.
The Act expands laws that protect a health care worker's right to object to taking part in certain health care treatments. (Flesch Readability Score: 72.7). Provides protections for a person who refuses to participate in a procedure related to abortion, physician-assisted suicide or gender-affirming treatment if the refusal is based on a person's ethical, moral or religious convictions. Allows a health care facility to refuse to perform a procedure related to abortion, physician-assisted suicide or gender-affirming treatment. Allows a person to bring an action for damages and equitable relief against a health care facility, health professional regulatory agency, employer or school for a violation. Directs a court to award attorney fees to a prevailing plaintiff.
An employer may not discriminate against an employee or prospective employee by refusing to reasonably accommodate the ethical, moral or religious objection [...] to any of the following procedures: [...] (h) Gender-affirming treatment.
The Act tells HERC to review treatments that affirm gender. (Flesch Readability Score: 69.7). Directs the Health Evidence Review Commission to evaluate gender-affirming treatment. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
The Health Evidence Review Commission shall begin [...] an analysis of the safety, efficacy, balance between desirable and undesirable effects, quality of evidence and strength of evidence for gender-affirming treatment for children, adolescents and adults, including: (A) Puberty blockers; (B) Hormone replacement therapy; (C) Mastectomies, breast reduction and breast augmentation; (D) Genital surgeries, including hysterectomy, vaginoplasty, penectomy, orchiectomy, clitoroplasty, labiaplasty, vaginectomy, phalloplasty and scrotoplasty; (E) Tracheal shave; (F) Hair electrolysis; and (G) Facial feminization surgery or other facial gender-affirming treatments. (4) The commission shall submit a report on the results of its medical technology assessment in the manner provided by ORS 192.245 to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to health care no later than September 15, 2026. The commission shall also make a copy of the report publicly available on a website maintained by the Oregon Health Authority.
This Act ends the mandate that some health insurers and OHP cover gender-affirming health care. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). Repeals the requirement that certain health insurers and medical assistance programs provide health care benefits for gender-affirming health care services.
SECTION 1. ORS 414.769 and 743A.325 and sections 21 and 22, chapter 228, Oregon Laws 2023, are repealed.
The Act tells school districts and certain private schools to designate sports by gender. The Act forbids males from playing in female sports. (Flesch Readability Score: 77.4). Requires school districts and certain private schools to designate athletic competitions and extracurricular sports according to biological sex. Prohibits biological males from participating in athletic competitions or extracurricular sports designated for biological females. Provides causes of action for students, school districts and private schools.
Students of the biologically male sex may not participate in any athletic competition or extracurricular sport that is designated as “Females,” “Women” or “Girls” under subsection (1) of this section.
Makes many changes to school law. Changes involve tampons and pads, neutral teaching, gender in sports, school safety, CTE teachers, vaccines, notice to parents and course information. Gives tax credits for rural teachers and for private and home school costs. (Flesch Readability Score: 64.2). Allows a public education provider to identify which locations to make tampons and sanitary pads available to students. Creates an income tax credit for teachers in rural schools. Requires public schools, community colleges and public universities to provide instruction in a neutral manner. Prohibits the State Board of Education from adopting rules that promote a stance or otherwise show support for or against a political movement or group. Requires school districts to designate athletic competitions and extracurricular sports according to biological sex. Prohibits biological males from participating in athletic competitions or extracurricular sports designated for biological females. Directs district school boards to adopt a policy to provide for the safety of the students of the school district. Authorizes the Department of Education to distribute moneys from the State School Fund for the purpose of paying for related costs. Directs the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to encourage licensure for career and technical education teachers who live in rural areas. Prohibits the Oregon Health Authority from adopting rules to require certain immunizations as a condition of school attendance. Directs a school district to provide notice to the parent or legal guardian when a student has been subjected to an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying, an act of cyberbullying, a disciplinary action, a visit to a school health professional or a school-based health center or has had a discussion of self-identity issues. Directs district school boards to ensure that the curriculum of each course of study is made available on the school district's website. Directs school districts to ensure that a student's grades are posted on a website that is accessible by the parent or guardian of the student. Creates an income tax credit for attendance by a taxpayer dependent of a private school or home school. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Students of the biologically male sex may not participate in any athletic competition or extracurricular sport that is designated as “Females,” “Women” or “Girls” under subsection (1) of this section.
The Act prohibits DOC, OYA or OHA from paying for certain health care for people in custody. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Prohibits the Department of Corrections, Oregon Youth Authority or Oregon Health Authority from paying for or providing, directly or indirectly, gender-affirming care to individuals in the custody of a correctional facility in this state.
The Department of Corrections, Oregon Youth Authority or Oregon Health Authority may not pay for or provide, directly or indirectly, gender-affirming care to any individual in the custody of a correctional facility in this state.
The Act tells school districts to designate sports by gender. The Act forbids males from playing in female sports. (Flesch Readability Score: 78.2). Requires school districts to designate athletic competitions and extracurricular sports according to biological sex. Prohibits biological males from participating in athletic competitions or extracurricular sports designated for biological females. Provides causes of action for students and school districts. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Each school district shall require that every athletic competition or extracurricular sport is expressly designated by the biological sex of the students who participate in the competition or sport.
The Act prohibits DOC, OYA or OHA from paying for certain health care for people in custody. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Prohibits the Department of Corrections, Oregon Youth Authority or Oregon Health Authority from paying for or providing, directly or indirectly, gender-affirming care to individuals in the custody of a correctional facility in this state.
The Department of Corrections, Oregon Youth Authority or Oregon Health Authority may not pay for or provide, directly or indirectly, gender-affirming care to any individual in the custody of a correctional facility in this state.
Removes male bathrooms and public charter school bathrooms from the list of places where menstrual products must be provided. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.8). Removes the requirement that menstrual products be provided in public charter schools and in bathrooms designated for males. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Digest: Removes male bathrooms and public charter school bathrooms from the list of places where menstrual products must be provided. [...] Removes the requirement that menstrual products be provided in public charter schools and in bathrooms designated for males. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
The Act tells school districts to designate sports by gender. The Act forbids males from playing in female sports. (Flesch Readability Score: 78.2). Requires school districts to designate athletic competitions and extracurricular sports according to biological sex. Prohibits biological males from participating in athletic competitions or extracurricular sports designated for biological females. Provides causes of action for students and school districts.
Each school district shall require that every athletic competition or extracurricular sport is expressly designated by the biological sex of the students who participate in the competition
The Act raises the age when a person may receive some gender-affirming treatments to 18 years of age. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Prohibits physicians from performing irreversible gender reassignment surgery on a minor. Creates exceptions.
A physician may not perform any of the following procedures on a person under 18 years of age for the purpose of assisting the person with an irreversible gender transition: (a) Penectomy, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty or vulvoplasty for a biologically male person or hysterectomy or oophorectomy for a biologically female person. (b) Metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, vaginectomy, scrotoplasty or implantation of erection or testicular prostheses for a biologically female person. (c) Augmentation mammoplasty for a biologically male person or subcutaneous mastectomy for a biologically female person.