Trans Legislation Tracker

South Carolina H3094


Child Welfare

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Enacting The "south Carolina Parental Rights To Affirm Biological Sex In Child Welfare And Placement Act" By Adding Section 63-7-50 So As To Encourage Children To Identify With Their Biological Sex By Requiring Courts And Agencies To Consider A Child's Biological Sex As A Positive Factor In Child Welfare Proceedings; To Provide That Parents And Legal Guardians Have The Right To Encourage A Child To Align With Their Biological Sex , Including In Making Medical Decisions, And To Offer Protections For Exercising This Right; To Define Terms; To Require The Department Of Social Services And Family Court System To Develop Policies And The Department Of Social Services To Submit Annual Reports; And For Other Purposes.

Legislative Session


126th General Assembly

Selected quotes

(2) Affirming a child's biological sex shall never be treated as a negative factor or as evidence of abuse, neglect, or unfit parenting. [...] (C) Parents, legal guardians, and foster caregivers in South Carolina have the right to encourage, guide, or counsel a child to align with their biological sex, even if the child has expressed gender confusion. This right shall be protected and shall not be grounds for a negative determination in parental evaluations, custody hearings, or foster care placements.[...](2) "Gender confusion" means a self-reported or observed incongruence or uncertainty between a child's biological sex and gender identity. (3) "Affirmation of biological sex" means a caregiver's or parent's encouragement of a child to identify with and accept their biological sex.


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2025-01-14Referred to Committee on Judiciary
2025-01-14Introduced and read first time
2024-12-05Referred to Committee on Judiciary