Trans Legislation Tracker

South Carolina H3506


Human Biological Sexes

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Adding Article 29 To Chapter 1, Title 1 So As To Provide Definitions And Other Rules Of Construction Relating To Human Biological Sexes For Purposes Of The Laws, Administrative Regulations, And Guidelines Of South Carolina.

Legislative Session


126th General Assembly

Selected quotes

Whereas, there is increasing confusion about the definition and implications of sex as a biological truth and its relationship to concepts and terms including, but not limited to, sex assigned at birth, gender, gender identity, gender role, gender expression, and experienced gender; and

Whereas, confusion and ambiguities surrounding the definitions of sex, male, female, and related terms can hinder individual efforts to enjoy equal treatment under the law; and

Whereas, with respect to the two sexes, male and female, separate facilities or sports leagues established because of or organized according to physical differences between the sexes do not constitute unequal treatment under the law; and

Whereas, it is the intent of the General Assembly to clarify and reconcile the meaning of sex, male, female, and related terms in state laws, administrative regulations, and guidelines.


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2025-01-16Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Vaughan
2025-01-14Referred to Committee on Judiciary
2025-01-14Introduced and read first time
2024-12-05Referred to Committee on Judiciary