Trans Legislation Tracker

South Carolina S0243


Parental Rights in Education

Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws So As To Enact The "parental Rights In Education Act"; By Adding Article 3 To Chapter 28, Title 59, So As To Recognize That Parents Have The Ultimate Responsibility To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Healthcare, And Mental Health Of Their Children, To Prohibit The State From Substantially Burdening Those Parental Rights, To Require The State To Obtain Parental Consent In Certain Circumstances, To Create A Cause Of Action For Violation Of The Chapter, And To Provide Necessary Definitions; And To Designate The Existing Provisions Of Chapter 28, Title 59, As Article 1 Entitled "general Provisions."

Legislative Session


126th General Assembly

Selected quotes

Each LEA, in consultation with parents, teachers, and administrators, shall develop and adopt a policy to promote the involvement of parents of children enrolled in the LEA, including: [...] (4) procedures to notify a parent at least five days in advance and obtain the parent's consent before the parent's child attends any instruction or presentation that has the goal or purpose of studying, exploring, or informing students about gender roles or stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation;


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2025-01-28Scrivener's error corrected
2025-01-16Referred to Committee on Education
2025-01-16Introduced and read first time