Trans Legislation Tracker

Tennessee HB0315


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 8; Title 10; Title 16; Title 36; Title 39; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to marriage.

As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Covenant Marriage Act" to create covenant marriage, which is entered into by one male and one female, who understand and agree that marriage is a lifelong relationship; permits a spouse in a covenant marriage to obtain a judgment of divorce under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 10; Title 16; Title 36; Title 39; Title 67 and Title 68.

Legislative Session


114th General Assembly

Selected quotes

The following statement made by both parties: We do solemnly declare that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for so long as we both may live.


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2025-03-0413:30HearingHouse Hearing Room IIIHouse Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee Hearing
2025-02-1813:30HearingHouse Hearing Room IIIHouse Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee Hearing


2025-03-04Taken off notice for cal in s/c Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee of Judiciary Committee
2025-02-26Placed on s/c cal Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee for 3/4/2025
2025-02-18Action Def. in s/c Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee to 3/4/2025
2025-02-12Placed on s/c cal Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee for 2/18/2025
2025-02-03P2C, ref. to Judiciary Committee
2025-02-03Assigned to s/c Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee
2025-01-27Intro., P1C.
2025-01-24Sponsor(s) withdrawn.
2025-01-24Sponsor change.
2025-01-23Sponsor(s) Added.
2025-01-22Filed for introduction