Trans Legislation Tracker

Tennessee SB0676


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 1; Title 4; Title 33; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to health care.

As introduced, requires gender clinics accepting funds from this state to perform gender transition procedures to also perform detransition procedures; requires insurance entities providing coverage of gender transition procedures to also cover detransition procedures; requires certain gender clinics and insurance entities to report information regarding detransition procedures to the department of health. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 4; Title 33; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

Legislative Session


114th General Assembly

Selected quotes

That the government shall not deny or infringe upon a parent's fundamental right to participate in and direct the education of his or her child. Such right shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: [...] (b) Diversity-equity-inclusion [...] or any concept that promotes differential treatment of individuals based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual preference


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2025-03-0413:00HearingCordell Hull BuildingSenate Commerce And Labor Hearing


2025-03-11Placed on Senate Commerce and Labor Committee calendar for 3/18/2025
2025-03-04Action deferred in Senate Commerce and Labor Committee to 3/18/2025
2025-02-25Placed on Senate Commerce and Labor Committee calendar for 3/4/2025
2025-02-25Placed on Senate Commerce and Labor Committee calendar for 3/4/2025
2025-02-12Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee
2025-02-10Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
2025-01-31Filed for introduction