Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas HB1016


Relating to a public school policy regarding multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

(a) In this section, "multi-occupancy bathroom or changing facility" [...] includes a restroom, locker room, changing room, or shower room. [...] (c) If a school district adopts a policy that allows for separation of multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities according to a criterion other than a person's biological sex assigned at birth, the policy must: (1) include: (A) a description of: (i) which multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities are not separated by biological sex assigned at birth; and (ii) if a multi-occupancy bathroom or changing facility is not separated by biological sex assigned at birth, the method by which students will be supervised in that facility and the manner in which that method of supervision ensures the safety and privacy of students; and (B) accommodations or modifications for students who wish to use a multi-occupancy bathroom or changing facility separated by biological sex assigned at birth; and (2) be: (A) posted on the district's Internet website; and (B) provided at the beginning of each school year by mail to each parent of a student enrolled in the district.


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