Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas HB1280


Relating to prohibiting governmental discriminatory practices as well as submissions and trainings that could lead to discriminatory treatment of individuals because of personal identity characteristics including an individual's race, color, ethnicity, sex, national origin or religion and the establishment of remedies and penalties for discriminatory treatment.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

"Prohibited discriminatory practice" [...] means engaging in or maintaining a policy, procedure, practice, program, office, initiative, or required training that: [...] asserts that an individual, by virtue of the individual's personal identity characteristics, is inherently [...] oppressed, [...] or a victim, whether consciously or unconsciously; [...] Asserts that an individual should be discriminated against in violation of [...] Title IX [...] or receive beneficial treatment because of the individual's personal identity characteristics;


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2025-03-10Read first time
2025-03-10Referred to State Affairs