Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas HB239


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using certain private spaces; authorizing a civil penalty.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

"Biological sex" means the physical condition of being male or female, as determined by: (A) the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profiles of a person; and (B) a person's original birth certificate, if the biological sex is correctly stated on the birth certificate, as indicated by the biological sex being: (1) entered at or near the time of birth; or (2) modified only to correct a scrivener or clerical error in the biological sex.

Sec. 3001.002. SAFETY AND PRIVACY IN PRIVATE SPACES. (a) A political subdivision or state agency shall require each private space located within a facility owned, operated, or controlled by the political subdivision or state agency be designated for and used only by persons based on the person's biological sex.


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2025-02-27Read first time
2025-02-27Referred to State Affairs