Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas HB2548


Relating to a prohibition on public institutions of higher education requiring students to enroll in certain courses to complete a certificate or degree program, using such courses to satisfy general education requirements, funding such courses using state appropriations, or requiring related faculty practices, and to freshman student orientation at those institutions.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

The governing board of an institution of higher education shall [...] not require [...] as part of any program or degree requirement, a course [...] for which the student will receive a grade do any of the following: (1) relate to contemporary American society the topic of [...] gender identity, social justice, [...] allyship, [...] gender-based diversity, [...] equity, or [...] inclusion.

(c) an institution of higher education or the institution's employee may not require, solicit, or incentivize the institution's faculty members to [...] participate in a workshop, training, seminar or professional development on content described by Subsection (b).

(1) a student enrolled at the institution is not required or constrained to enroll in such a course to satisfy the requirements of any other certificate or degree program. (2) courses offered or listed under such programs shall satisfy the academic degree program requirements of those respective programs only and shall not be used to satisfy the degree or program requirements for general education or other major, minor, or certificate requirements beyond satisfying overall university credit hour graduation requirements. (3) the title of any currently established department or degree or certificate program is not altered or replaced to establish an emphasis on racial, ethnic, or gender studies.


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