Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas SB1999


Relating to protection for certain individuals' use of terms consistent with biological sex.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

PROTECTION FOR USE OF TERMS CONSISTENT WITH BIOLOGICAL SEX. A school district or open-enrollment charter school may not discipline, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against a district or school employee or student who addresses a student or district or school employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee.

An institution of higher education may not discipline, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against an employee or student who addresses a student or employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee.

A public employer may not discipline, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against an employee who addresses another employee or a member of the general public in terms consistent with the biological sex of the employee or member of the general public.


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2025-03-11Co-author authorized
2025-03-06Received by the Secretary of the Senate