Trans Legislation Tracker

Texas SB2714


Relating to a prohibition on public institutions of higher education requiring students to enroll in certain courses to complete a certificate or degree program, using such courses to satisfy general education requirements, funding such courses using state appropriations, or requiring related faculty practices, and to freshman student orientation at those institutions.

Legislative Session


89th Legislature Regular Session

Selected quotes

The governing board of an institution of higher education shall [...] not require [...] a course [that...] do any of the following: (1) relate to contemporary American society the topic of [...] systemic or structural bias, [...] gender identity, social justice, cultural competence, decolonization, allyship, race-based reparations, race- or gender-based privilege, race- or gender-based diversity, race- or gender-based equity, race- or gender-based inclusion, race- or gender-based stratification, race- or gender-based power, or race- or gender-based marginalization;


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2025-03-13Received by the Secretary of the Senate