Trans Legislation Tracker

United States SB209


Protecting Minors from Medical Malpractice Act of 2025

A bill to protect children from medical malpractice in the form of gender-transition procedures.

Legislative Session


119th Congress

Selected quotes

A medical practitioner [...] who performs a gender-transition procedure on an individual who is less than 18 years of age shall [...] be liable to the individual if injured (including any physical, psychological, emotional, or physiological harms) by such procedure, related treatment, or the aftereffects of the procedure or treatment.

(b) PRIVATE RIGHT OF ACTION.—An individual covered by subsection (a) who receives a gender-transition procedure from a medical practitioner (or a representative, including a legal guardian, on behalf of such individual) may, not later than the day that is 30 years after the date on which the individual turns 18 years of age, bring a civil action against such medical practitioner in a court of competent jurisdiction for— (1) declaratory or injunctive relief; (2) compensatory damages; (3) punitive damages; and (4) attorney’s fees and costs.


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2025-01-23Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.