Trans Legislation Tracker

Wisconsin AB100


Designating athletic sports and teams operated or sponsored by public schools or private schools participating in a parental choice program based on the sex of the participants.

An Act to amend 118.13 (1); to create 118.132 of the statutes; Relating to: designating athletic sports and teams operated or sponsored by public schools or private schools participating in a parental choice program based on the sex of the participants.

Legislative Session


2025-2026 Regular Session

Selected quotes

An institution that operates or sponsors an intercollegiate or club athletic team or sport shall do all of the following: 1. Expressly designate the athletic team or sport as one of the following based on the sex of the participating students: a. Males or men. b. Females or women.

2. Prohibit students of the male sex from participating on an athletic team or in a sport that is designated for females or women [...] 3. Prohibit students of the male sex from using locker rooms designated for females.

In this subsection, "sex" means the sex determined by a physician at birth and reflected on the birth certificate.


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2025-03-1309:00Hearing225 NorthwestAssembly Education Executive Session
2025-03-0610:00Hearing412 EastAssembly Education Public Hearing


2025-03-11Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representative Dittrich
2025-03-06Public hearing held
2025-03-03Read first time and referred to Committee on Education