Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 26 anti-trans bills in Mississippi in 2024. The legislation impacts 6 categories:







MS HB1069


Prescription drugs; require pharmacists to dispense to patients unless certain circumstances exist.

An Act To Amend Section 73-21-115, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Pharmacists To Dispense A Prescription Drug To A Patient For Whom The Prescription Is Written Unless Certain Circumstances Exist; To Provide That The State Board Of Medical Licensure Shall Not Prohibit Physicians From Prescribing Any Drug Or Medicine That Has Been Approved By The Food And Drug Administration (fda); To Provide That The Mississippi Board Of Nursing Shall Not Prohibit Advance Practice Registered Nurses From Prescribing Any Drug Or Medicine That The Nurse Is Authorized To Prescribe Under The Terms Of The Collaborative Agreement Between The Nurse And A Physician If That Drug Or Medicine Has Been Approved By The Fda; And For Related Purposes.

The pharmacist shall dispense a prescription drug to a patient unless one (1) of the following circumstances exists: [...] (d) Dispensing the drug violates the pharmacist's conscience under Section 41-107-5.

MS HB127


State-supported postsecondary educational inistitutions; prohibit spending on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

An Act To Prohibit State Supported Postsecondary Educational Institutions Under The Purview Of The Board Of Trustees Of State Institutions Of Higher Learning Or The Mississippi Community College Board From Soliciting Pledges Or Expending Amu Funds, Regardless Of The Sources From Which Such Funds Are Derived, For The Purpose Of Promoting Or Implementing Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Initiatives For Students And Employees Of The Postsecondary Educational Institution; And For Related Purposes.

MS HB1358


"Sex"; define terms use in any Mississippi statute.

An Act To Create New Section 1-3-48, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define The Term "sex" When Used In Any Mississippi Statute; And For Related Purposes.

The term "sex" as used in any statute shall mean a person's immutable biological sex as determined by anatomy and genetics existing at the time of birth and evidence of a person's biological sex. For purposes of this definition, evidence of a person's biological sex includes, but is not limited to, a government-issued identification document that accurately reflects a person's sex listed on the person's original birth certificate.

MS HB1428


"SAFER Act"; create to regulate public buildings.

An Act To Create New Section 29-18-1, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Create The "safer Act" To Regulate Governmental Buildings; To Create New Section 29-18-3, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide Legislative Findings For The Act; To Create New Section 29-18-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide Definitions For The Act; To Create New Section 29-18-7, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Public Buildings To Have Exclusive Male And/or Female Restrooms Or Unisex Restrooms At A Minimum; To Create New Section 29-18-9, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Changing Facilities To Be Exclusive Male And/or Female Or Unisex At A Minimum; To Create New Section 29-18-11, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Regulate Public Student Housing For Single-sex Educational Housing; To Create New Section 29-18-13, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Single-sex Social Sororities And Fraternities To Comply With The Definitions Of This Act To Designate Housing; To Create New Section 29-18-15, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Regulate How Persons Enter A Single-sex Restroom, Changing Facility Or Educational Housing Space; To Create New Section 29-18-17, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Governmental Entities To Establish Regulations With Disciplinary Procedures In Conformity With This Act; To Create New Section 29-18-19, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That A Person Who Willfully Enters A Space In Violation Of This Act Shall Be Committing The Offense Of Trespass; To Create New Section 29-18-21, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Governmental Entities To Provide A Report To The Speaker, Lieutenant Governor And Governor With Certain Information; To Create New Section 29-18-23, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Authorize Assertion Of A Violation Of This Act; To Create New Section 29-18-25, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Authorize The Attorney General To Bring Action Regarding The Provisions Of This Act; To Create New Section 29-18-27, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Regulate Disaggregation Of State Or Local Governmental Data; To Create New Section 1-3-83, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define Female, Male And Certain Other Terms; And For Related Purposes.

When the state or a local governmental entity gathers data of individuals that is disaggregated by sex, the state or local governmental entity shall disaggregate the data of individuals by sex as either male or female as defined in Chapter 3, Title 1, Mississippi Code of 1972.


"Safe Dormitories Act"; establish.

An Act To Be Entitled The "safe Dormitories Act"; To Clarify The Definitions Of The Gender-related Terms For Purposes Of This Act; To Require Public State Institutions Of Higher Learning Or Community Or Junior Colleges That Maintains Multiple-occupancy Dormitory Rooms To Provide Student Residents With The Option To Be Housed Only In A Dormitory Room With Roommates Of The Same Sex; To Provide That Persons May Not Enter A Dormitory Room Designated Exclusively For Use By Persons Of The Opposite Sex; To Provide Exceptions To The Restricted Presence Of A Person In The Dormitory Room Designated Exclusively For Use By Persons Of The Opposite Sex; To Require Public State Institutions Of Higher Learning Or Community Or Junior Colleges To Establish Regulations And Disciplinary Procedures For Any Person Who Willfully Trespasses In Dormitory Rooms; To Authorize Private Enforcement And Attorney General Enforcement Against Persons Who Trespass Upon The Premises Of A Dormitory Of An Individual Of The Opposite Sex And Refuses To Leave The Premises Upon Being Asked To Do So By An Authority Figure; And For Related Purposes.

(1) Any public state institution of higher learning or community or junior college that maintains multiple-occupancy dormitory rooms shall, subject to its other ordinary terms and conditions of dormitory occupancy, provide student residents the option to be housed only in a dormitory room with roommates of the same sex. (2) Except as provided in Section (4), a person may not enter a dormitory room designated exclusively for use by persons of the opposite sex.

MS HB1535


Midwifery; provide for licensure and regulation of.

An Act To Provide For The Licensure And Regulation Of Professional Midwifery; To Provide Definitions For The Purpose Of The Act; To Provide Exceptions To The Applicability Of The Act; To Provide The Scope Of Practice For Licensed Midwives; To Provide Mandatory Procedures For Licensed Midwives; To Prohibit Licensed Midwives From Certain Actions; To Create The State Board Of Licensed Midwifery And Provide For Its Composition, Appointment And Powers And Duties; To Require The Board To Promulgate Rules Not Later Than July 1, 2026; To Require A License From The Board To Practice Professional Midwifery; To Provide For The Issuance Of Temporary Permits To Practice Pending Qualification For Licensure; To Provide Exemptions From Licensure For Certain Persons; To Provide For The Confidentiality Of Information Maintained By The Board; To Provide Immunity For Certain Actions; To Provide Criminal Penalties For Violations Of This Act; To Prohibit Terminology In Any Health Coverage Plan, Policy Or Contract That Is Discriminatory Against Professional Midwifery; To Require Health Coverage Plans That Provide Maternity Benefits To Provide Coverage For Services Rendered By A Licensed Midwife; To Provide Whenever A Health Coverage Plan Provides For Reimbursement Of Any Services That Are Within The Lawful Scope Of Practice Of Licensed Midwives, The Person Entitled To Benefits Under The Plan Shall Be Entitled To Reimbursement For The Services, Whether The Services Are Performed By A Physician Or A Licensed Midwife; To Require The State Department Of Health To Develop And Institute A Safe Perinatal Transfer Certification For The Facilities That It Regulates; To Amend Section 73-25-33, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Remove The Reference To The Practice Of Midwifery In The Definition Of The Practice Of Medicine; And For Related Purposes.

The practice of medicine shall not mean to provide gender transition procedures for any person under eighteen (18) years of age.

MS HB1605


Families' Bill of Rights Act; create.

An Act To Be Known As The "families' Bill Of Rights Act"; To Define Certain Terms; To Declare The Fundamental Right Of A Parent To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Health Care And Mental Health Of The Parent's Child And To Prescribe Certain Rights And Responsibilities Of Parents; To Require School Districts And Charter Schools To Grant Parents Access To Their Children's Educational Records; To Prescribe Certain Actions For Which Teachers May Not Be Subjected To Discipline Or Adverse Employment Action; To Amend Section 37-13-91, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require A Child's Absence From School Due To Adherence To The Child's Religion And Observance Of A Religious Event To Be Excused; And For Related Purposes.

A teacher or other employee of a school district or charter school may not be subjected to disciplinary action or an adverse employment action for any of the following: (a) Informing a child's parent of any information regarding the child that the individual reasonably believes the parent should know; (b) Declining to address a person using a name, pronoun or title that is inconsistent with the person's sex;

MS HB1606


The Title IX Preservation Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Title Ix Preservation Act; To Provide Interpretation And Clarification Of Certain Terms Relating To Title Ix Of The Federal Code; To State Legislative Intent; To Clarify Terms For The Purposes Of State Law; To Provide That Policies And Laws That Distinguish Between The Sexes Are Subject To Intermediate Constitutional Scrutiny; To Require Any Public School, School District, State Or Local Agency, Department Or Office That Collects Vital Statistics For The Purpose Of Complying With Anti-discrimination Laws Or For The Purpose Of Gathering Accurate Public Health, Crime, Economic Or Other Data To Identify Each Individual Who Is Part Of The Collected Data Set As Either Male Or Female At Birth; And For Related Purposes.

(b) A "female" is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova; a "male" is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female; (c) The terms "woman" and "girl" refer to human females, and the terms "man" and "boy" refer to human males; and (d) The term "mother" is defined as a parent of the female sex, and the term "father" is defined as a parent of the male sex.


Mississippi Women's Bill of Rights; create.

An Act To Be Known As The "mississippi Women's Bill Of Rights"; To Declare Certain Legislative Findings; To Define Various Terms And Declare Restrictions On The Use Of Certain Other Terms As Those Defined And Restricted Terms Are Used In Statutes; And For Related Purposes.

In order to prevent unjust discrimination, maintain safety, protect privacy, and ensure fairness, the following terms have the definitions ascribed in this section: [...](g) "Female," when this term is used in reference to a natural person, means an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have, but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces ova. (h) "Male," when this term is used in reference to a natural person, means an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have, but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces sperm.

MS HB176


Gender dysphoria; require school personnel to notify parents of student who request to be referred to as different gender or nonhuman.

An Act To Require School Administrators, Teachers, Counselors Or Other Personnel Of The School To Provide Written Notification To The Parent Or Legal Guardian Of Any Student Identifying At School As A Gender Or Pronoun That Does Not Align With The Child's Sex On Their Birth Certificate, Other Official Records, Sex Assigned At Birth, Or Identifying As An Animal Species, Extraterrestrial Being Or Inanimate Object, Or Using Sex-segregated School Programs And Activities Or School Facilities That Do Not Align With The Child's Sex Assignment At Birth, Within Three Days Of Becoming Aware Of Such Conduct Or Request By The Affected Student; To Provide That No School Personnel Shall Be Disciplined Or Suffer Any Unlawful Reprisal For Refusing To Acknowledge A Student By A Preferred Gender, Pronoun, Animal Species, Extraterrestrial Being Or Inanimate Object That Is Inconsistent With The Child's Sex Assignment At Birth; To Prescribe The Legislative Intent; And For Related Purposes.

Both parents [...] or legal guardian of a student enrolled in a public school shall be notified in writing within three (3) days from the date any school administrator, teacher, counselor or other personnel of the school becomes aware that their child is doing either of the following: (i) Identifying at school as a gender or pronoun that does not align with the child's sex on their birth certificate, other official records, sex assigned at birth, or identifying as an animal species, extraterrestrial being or inanimate object; or (ii) Using sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, or using facilities that do not align with the child's sex on their birth certificate, other official records or sex assigned at birth.

MS HB1953


Tax credits; authorize for contributions by certain taxpayers to certain hospitals, bring forward various tax credit sections of law.

An Act To Authorize An Income Tax Credit, Insurance Premium Tax Credit And Ad Valorem Tax Credit For Voluntary Cash Contributions By Certain Taxpayers To Certain Eligible Hospitals; To Provide The Criteria That A Hospital Must Meet In Order For A Contribution To The Hospital To Qualify For The Tax Credit Authorized By This Act; To Limit The Amount Of The Credit; To Provide That Unused Portions Of A Credit May Be Carried Forward For Five Consecutive Years From The Close Of The Tax Year In Which The Credit Was Earned; To Bring Forward Section 27-7-17, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Authorizes Various Income Tax Deductions, For The Purposes Of Possible Amendment; To Bring Forward Sections 27-7-22, 27-7-22.3, 27-7-22.5, 27-7-22.7, 27-7-22.13, 27-7-22.15, 27-7-22.16, 27-7-22.17, 27-7-22.18, 27-7-22.19, 27-7-22.20, 27-7-22.21, 27-7-22.22, 27-7-22.23, 27-7-22.25, 27-7-22.27, 27-7-22.28, 27-7-22.29, 27-7-22.30, 27-7-22.31, 27-7-22.32, 27-7-22.33, 27-7-22.34, 27-7-22.35, 27-7-22.36, 27-7-22.37, 27-7-22.39, 27-7-22.40, 27-7-22.42, 27-7-22.43, 27-7-22.44, 27-7-22.45, 27-7-22.46, 27-7-22.47, 27-7-22.48, 27-7-22.49, 27-7-205, 27-7-207, 27-7-209, 57-73-21, 57-73-23, 57-87-5, 57-87-7, 57-105-1, 57-10-409, 57-114-3, 57-114-7, 57-114-9, 57-115-3 And 57-115-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Authorize Various Tax Credits, For The Purposes Of Possible Amendment; And For Related Purposes.

(3) Individual nonbusiness deductions. (a) The amount allowable for individual nonbusiness itemized deductions for federal income tax purposes where the individual is eligible to elect, for the taxable year, to itemize deductions on his federal return except the following: [...] (v) The deduction for medical expenses for the provision of gender transition procedures as defined in Section 41-141-3.

MS HB585


"Dignity and Safety for Incarcerated Women Act"; enact.

An Act To Create The "dignity And Safety For Incarcerated Women Act"; To Define Certain Terms As Used Under This Act; To Provide That Every Restroom And Changing Room Within A Correctional Facility That Is For Use By Incarcerated Individuals Shall Be Designated For Use By Members Of One Sex; To Prohibit Any Incarcerated Individual From Entering A Restroom Or Changing Room That Is Designated For One Sex Unless He Or She Is A Member Of That Sex; To Provide That Every Restroom, Changing Room And Sleeping Quarter Within A Correctional Facility That Is Designated For The Use Of Incarcerated Adults That Is Accessible By Multiple Individuals At The Same Time Shall Be Designated For Use Only By Members Of One Sex; To Provide Certain Remedies For Violations Of This Act; To Regulate Public Student Housing For Single-sex Educational Housing; To Regulate How Persons Enter A Single-sex Educational Housing Space; To Require Governmental Entities To Establish Certain Regulations With Certain Disciplinary Procedures; To Provide That A Person Who Willfully Enters A Single-sex Educational Housing Space, When Such Entrance Is Prohibited, Shall Be Committing The Offense Of Trespass; To Authorize Assertion Of A Violation Of This Act; To Authorize The Attorney General To Bring Action Under Certain Circumstances; And For Related Purposes.

(1) Every restroom and changing room within a correctional facility that is designated for the use of incarcerated individuals and that is accessible by multiple individuals at the same time shall be designated for use only by members of one sex. (2) A restroom or changing room within a correctional facility that is designated for one sex shall be used only by members of that sex and no incarcerated individual shall enter a restroom or changing room that is designated for one sex unless he or she is a member of that sex and the correctional facility shall ensure that all restrooms and changing rooms provide its users with privacy from members of the opposite sex. (3) Each sleeping quarter within a correctional facility that is designated for the use of incarcerated individuals and that is accessible by multiple individuals at the same time shall be designated for use only by members of one sex. (4) A sleeping quarter within a correctional facility that is designated for one sex shall be used only by members of that sex and no incarcerated individual shall be housed in a sleeping quarter that is designated for one sex unless he or she is a member of that sex. (c) "Female" means an individual who has, had, will have or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization. (d) "Male" means an individual who has, had, will have or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes sperm for fertilization.

MS HB725


Sororities and fraternities; prohibit IHL Board from requiring to accept persons with gender reassignment.

An Act To Create New Section 37-111-15, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Prohibit The State Board Of Institutions Of Higher Learning And Any College Or University Under Its Jurisdiction From Requiring Fraternities And Sororities To Accept Any Person Who Has Gender Reassignment Surgery, Gender Transition Or Any Gender Transition Procedures; To Amend Section 37-111-11, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Conform To The Preceding Section; And For Related Purposes.

(1) Organizations of the character designated in Section 37-111-1 shall not be required to adhere to any rule or regulation promulgated by the State Board of Institutions of Higher Learning or any college or university under the board's authority that requires such organization to accept into membership a person who has had or in the process of having gender reassignment surgery, gender transition or any gender transition procedures.



Women's Rights; reaffirm regarding biological differences and protections for women.

A Concurrent Resolution Reaffirming Biological Differences Between Women And Men And The Legal Protections Afforded To Women Under State Law.

WHEREAS, we re-affirm that a person's sex means his or her biological sex at birth as male or female; and WHEREAS, we re-affirm that the terms "woman" and "girl" refer to human females; and WHEREAS, we reaffirm that the terms "man" and "boy" refer to human males; and WHEREAS, we reaffirm that the term "mother" means a parent of the female sex and the term "father" is defined as a parent of the male sex;

MS SB2029


Medicaid; prohibit coverage or reimbursement for gender transition procedures for persons over 18 years of age.

An Act To Amend Section 43-13-117.7, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Prohibit The Division Of Medicaid From Reimbursing Or Providing Coverage For Gender Transition Procedures For A Person Over 18 Years Of Age; And For Related Purposes.

The division shall not reimburse or provide coverage for gender transition procedures for a person over eighteen (18) years of age.

MS SB2080


Midwifery; provide for licensure and regulation of.

An Act To Provide For The Licensure And Regulation Of Professional Midwifery; To Provide Definitions For The Purpose Of The Act; To Provide Exceptions To The Applicability Of The Act; To Provide The Scope Of Practice For Licensed Midwives; To Provide Mandatory Procedures For Licensed Midwives; To Prohibit Licensed Midwives From Certain Actions; To Create The State Board Of Licensed Midwifery And Provide For Its Composition, Appointment And Powers And Duties; To Require The Board To Promulgate Rules Not Later Than July 1, 2026; To Require A License From The Board To Practice Professional Midwifery; To Provide For The Issuance Of Temporary Permits To Practice Pending Qualification For Licensure; To Provide Exemptions From Licensure For Certain Persons; To Provide For The Confidentiality Of Information Maintained By The Board; To Provide Immunity For Certain Actions; To Provide Criminal Penalties For Violations Of This Act; To Prohibit Terminology In Any Health Coverage Plan, Policy Or Contract That Is Discriminatory Against Professional Midwifery; To Require Health Coverage Plans That Provide Maternity Benefits To Provide Coverage For Services Rendered By A Licensed Midwife; To Provide Whenever A Health Coverage Plan Provides For Reimbursement Of Any Services That Are Within The Lawful Scope Of Practice Of Licensed Midwives, The Person Entitled To Benefits Under The Plan Shall Be Entitled To Reimbursement For The Services, Whether The Services Are Performed By A Physician Or A Licensed Midwife; To Require The State Department Of Health To Develop And Institute A Safe Perinatal Transfer Certification For The Facilities That It Regulates; To Amend Section 73-25-33, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Remove The Reference To The Practice Of Midwifery In The Definition Of The Practice Of Medicine; And For Related Purposes.

The practice of medicine shall not mean to provide gender transition procedures for any person under eighteen (18) years of age.


Equality in Financial Services Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Equality In Financial Services Act; To Define Terms; To State Legislative Findings And Determinations; To Prohibit A Financial Institution From Discriminating In The Provision Of Financial Services To A Person Or Conspiring Or Coordinating To Discriminate In The Provision Of Financial Services To A Person; To Provide That A Violation Of This Act Shall Be A Violation Of Title 75, Chapter 24, Mississippi Code Of 1972; To Provide A Private Cause Of Action; To Amend Section 75-24-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Conform; And For Related Purposes.

A financial institution shall not: (a) Discriminate in the provision of financial services to a person [...] "Discriminate in the provision of financial services" means utilizing a social credit score [...] "Social credit score" means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates any of the following: [...] 5. Failure or refusal to facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender reassignment services;

MS SB2237


Prescription drugs; require pharmacist to dispense unless certain circumstances exist.

An Act To Amend Section 73-21-115, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Pharmacists To Dispense A Prescription Drug To A Patient Unless The Prescription Violates The Law, The Drug Could Cause A Harmful Drug Interaction Or Adversely Affect The Patient's Medical Condition, The Drug Is Out Of Stock, Or Dispensing The Drug Violates The Pharmacist's Conscience; And For Related Purposes.

The pharmacist shall dispense a prescription drug to a patient unless one (1) of the following circumstances exists: [...] (d) Dispensing the drug violates the pharmacist's conscience under Section 41-107-5.

MS SB2402


DEI Program Ban; eliminate DEI programs in any state-funded institution.

An Act To Prohibit Public State Entities, Such As State Agencies, State Boards, Public Schools, Public Charter Schools And Public Institutions Of Higher Education, From Utilizing Any State Funding To Create, Promote, Or Conduct Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Programs; To Define Relevant Terms; To Prohibit Institutions Of Higher Learning That Receive Federal And/or State Financial Assistance From Considering The Race Of A Prospective Student As A Term Of Admission; To Provide Instances Where Institutions Of Higher Learning May Consider Race And/or Promote Diversity; To Authorize Certain Penalties For Violation Of This Act; To Provide Civil Penalties For State Agencies, State Boards, Public Schools, Public Charter Schools And Public Institutions Of Higher Education That Are Found In Violation Of The Provisions Of This Act; And For Related Purposes.

MS SB2553


Mississippi Families' Rights and Responsibilities Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Mississippi Families' Rights And Responsibilities Act To Provide That The State, Any Political Subdivision Of The State, Or Any Other Governmental Entity Shall Not Substantially Burden The Fundamental Right Of A Parent To Direct The Upbringing, Education, Health Care And Mental Health Of That Parent's Child Without Demonstrating That The Burden Is Required By A Compelling Governmental Interest Of The Highest Order As Applied To The Parent And The Child And Is The Least Restrictive Means Of Furthering That Compelling Governmental Interest; To Require The Consent Of A Parent Or Guardian For Certain Actions, Including Prescribing Medication Or Performing Surgery; To Set Certain Exceptions To The Consent Requirement; To Provide That No State Employee Shall Withhold Information About The Child's Physical, Emotional Or Mental Health From The Parent; To Provide A Cause Of Action To Parents For Any Violation Of The Act; To Provide That A Parent May Raise The Provisions Of This Act As A Defense Against Certain Judicial Or Administrative Proceedings; To Provide Certain Limitations On The Provisions Of The Act; To Set Certain Transparency Measures For Public Schools And Charter Schools; To Establish Teachers' Expressive Rights Within A School; To Provide Rules Of Construction Related To The Act; And For Related Purposes.

Each school district and charter school, in consultation with parents, teachers and administrators, shall develop and adopt a policy to promote the involvement of parents of children enrolled in the school district or charter school, including: [...] d) Procedures to notify a parent at least five (5) days in advance and obtain the parent's consent before the parent's child attends any instruction or presentation that has the goal or purpose of studying, exploring or informing students about gender roles or stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation;

MS SB2594


Safety and privacy in correctional facility rooms; provide certain standards.

An Act To Define Certain Terms Relating To The Safety And Privacy Of Females In Correctional Facilities; To Provide That Every Restroom And Changing Room Within A Correctional Facility That Is For Use By Incarcerated Individuals Shall Be Designated For Use By Members Of One Sex; To Prohibit Any Incarcerated Individual From Entering A Restroom Or Changing Room That Is Designated For One Sex Unless He Or She Is A Member Of That Sex; To Provide That Every Restroom, Changing Room And Sleeping Quarter Within A Correctional Facility That Is Designated For The Use Of Incarcerated Adults That Is Accessible By Multiple Individuals At The Same Time Shall Be Designated For Use Only By Members Of One Sex; And For Related Purposes.

Every restroom and changing room within a correctional facility that is designated for the use of incarcerated individuals and that is accessible by multiple individuals at the same time shall be designated for use only by members of one sex. [...] Each sleeping quarter within a correctional facility that is designated for the use of incarcerated individuals and that is accessible by multiple individuals at the same time shall be designated for use only by members of one sex.


Safe Dormitories Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Safe Dormitories Act; To Set The Legislative Findings And Definitions; To Provide That Any Public Building That Maintains Multiple-occupancy Dormitory Rooms Shall Provide Student Residents The Option To Be Housed Only In A Dormitory Room With Roommates Of The Same Sex; To Prohibit A Person From Entering Into A Dormitory Room Designated Exclusively For Use By Persons Of The Opposite Sex; To Set Certain Specific Exceptions Related To This Prohibition; To Require Any Applicable Governmental Entity To Establish Regulations And Disciplinary Procedures For Any Such Person; To Establish Certain Violations Of The Act; To Authorize Private Enforcement Of The Act And Causes Of Action; To Require The Attorney General To Bring An Action To Enforce Compliance With The Act; To Provide A Severability Clause To The Act; And For Related Purposes.

Any public building that maintains multiple-occupancy dormitory rooms shall, subject to its other ordinary terms and conditions of dormitory occupancy, provide student residents the option to be housed only in a dormitory room with roommates of the same sex. [...] Except as provided in this act, for purposes of this chapter, a person may not enter a dormitory room designated exclusively for use by persons of the opposite sex.


SAFER Act; enact.

An Act To Create New Section 29-18-1, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Create The "safer Act" To Regulate Governmental Buildings; To Create New Section 29-18-3, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide Legislative Findings For The Act; To Create New Section 29-18-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide Definitions For The Act; To Create New Section 29-18-7, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Certain Public Education Buildings To Have Exclusive Male And/or Female Restrooms Or Single-sex Or Family Use Restrooms At A Minimum; To Create New Section 29-18-9, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Changing Facilities To Be Exclusive Male And/or Female Or Single-sex Or Family-use At A Minimum; To Create New Section 29-18-11, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Regulate Public Student Housing For Single-sex Educational Housing; To Create New Section 29-18-13, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Single-sex Social Sororities And Fraternities To Comply With The Definitions Of This Act To Designate Housing; To Create New Section 29-18-15, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Regulate How Persons Enter A Single-sex Restroom, Changing Facility Or Educational Housing Space; To Create New Section 29-18-17, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Authorize Assertion Of A Violation Of This Act; To Create New Section 29-18-19, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Authorize The Attorney General To Bring Action Regarding The Provisions Of This Act; To Create New Section 1-3-83, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define The Terms "female," "male" And "sex"; And For Related Purposes.

The term "female," when used in any statute, shall mean an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have had, but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, disease, or injury, the reproductive system that at some point produces ova.


Definitions; define certain terms including "male" and "female."

An Act To State Legislative Findings Regarding Men And Women Concerning Their Status As Legally Equal But Possessing Unique And Immutable Biological Differences That Manifest Prior To Birth And Increase As They Age And Experience Puberty; To Create New Section 1-3-40, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define The Terms Of "woman," "man," "girl," "boy," "mother," "father," "male," "female" And "sex" When The Terms Are Used In Any Statute In Order To Prevent Unjust Discrimination, Maintain Safety, Protect Privacy, And Ensure Fairness; To Provide For Severability Of The Act; And For Related Purposes.

The term "female," when used in any statute in reference to a natural person, means an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have (but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident) the reproductive system that at some point produces ova. [...] The term "male," when used in any statute in reference to a natural person, means an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident the reproductive system that at some point produces sperm.

MS SB2813


Birth certificate; require designation of sex and prohibit change unless mistake at the time the certificate was issued.

An Act To Create New Section 1-3-82, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define The Word "female" When Used In Any Statute; To Create New Section 1-3-83, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define The Word "male" When Used In Any Statute; To Create New Section 1-3-84, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define The Word "sex" When Used In Any Statute; To Create New Section 41-57-8, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require That A Birth Certificate Must Include, But Not Be Limited To, The Child's Name, The Child's Parents' Names, If Known, The Birthplace Of The Child, The Sex Of The Child, Identified As Male Or Female, As Applicable; To Provide That The Designation Of The Sex Of An Individual On A Birth Certification Shall Not Be Changed Unless A Mistake Was Made At The Time The Birth Certificate Was Issued; To Amend Sections 41-57-21, 41-57-23, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Conform To The Provisions Of The Act; And For Related Purposes.

The designation of the sex of an individual on a birth certification shall not be changed unless a mistake was made at the time the birth certificate was issued.


The Title IX Preservation Act; enact.

An Act To Enact The Title Ix Preservation Act; To Provide Interpretation And Clarification Of Certain Terms Relating To Title Ix Of The Federal Code; To State Legislative Intent; To Clarify Terms For The Purposes Of State Law; To Provide That Policies And Laws That Distinguish Between The Sexes Are Subject To Intermediate Constitutional Scrutiny; To Require The State Or A Local Governmental Entity To Disaggregate The Data Of Individuals By Sex Based On The Biological Sex Of Individuals At Birth When The State Or Local Governmental Entity Gathers The Data Of Individuals That Is Disaggregated By Sex; And For Related Purposes.

When the state or a local governmental entity gathers data of individuals that is disaggregated by sex, the state or local governmental entity shall disaggregate the data of individuals by sex based on the biological sex of individuals at birth.