Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 62 anti-trans bills in Missouri in 2025. The legislation impacts 10 categories:











MO HB1016


Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

A health care provider shall not knowingly perform a gender transition surgery on any individual under eighteen years of age. [...] A health care provider shall not knowingly prescribe or administer cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for any individual under eighteen years of age.

MO HB1024


Prohibits educational institutions from using state funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion purposes

No educational institution shall use state funding for the implementation, teaching, or support of DEI programs or initiatives. (2) (a) An educational institution that uses state funding for activities related to DEI shall return the amount of state funding used for such activities to the state treasury. (b) In addition to the repayment of state funding, the offending educational institution shall lose all state funding for the fiscal year in which the violation occurs. (c) The state shall also withhold any future state funding to the offending educational institution until the violation is rectified to the satisfaction of the department.

MO HB1038


Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

A health care provider shall not knowingly perform a gender transition surgery on any individual under eighteen years of age. [...] A health care provider shall not knowingly prescribe or administer cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for any individual under eighteen years of age.

MO HB1053


Modifies provisions relating to the biological definition of male and female

Unless context or explicit definition indicates otherwise, "gender", when used alone, rather than with or as an adjective modifying other words, in preexisting state law, administrative rules, or guidelines to refer to males, females, or the natural differences between males and females, shall be considered a synonym for "sex".

MO HB1081


Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

MO HB1085


Enacts provisions governing the social transition of children in schools

No public school staff member shall engage in the following: (1) Covering the topics of sexual orientation or gender identity in any classroom discussion or instruction in a manner that deviates from state content standards or curricula developed or approved by a public school governing authority; (2) Discussing the topics of sexual orientation or gender identity during any extracurricular academic, athletic, or social activity under the jurisdiction of a public school or a public school governing authority; (3) Discussing such public school staff member's own sexual orientation or gender identity with a student; or (4) Displaying information or symbols promoting the topics of sexual orientation or gender identity anywhere on public school grounds including, but not limited to, classrooms, hallways, or public spaces.

MO HB113


Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex

MO HB1144


Establishes a definition for reproductive health care

"Reproductive health care", health care that is needed to support the reproduction of human beings and care of the reproductive organs matching an individual's biological sex at birth;

MO HB1197


Establishes immunity from civil liability for certain actions taken by private schools related to access to restrooms or changing areas

A private school that serves students in prekindergarten to grade twelve shall not be civilly liable for establishing, to ensure privacy and safety, one or more multiple-occupancy restrooms or changing areas designated as follows: (1) For the exclusive use of the male sex; or (2) For the exclusive use of the female sex.

MO HB1287


Enacts the Missouri Educators and Parental Empowerment and Rights Act

No employee of any local educational agency or public school shall encourage, coerce, or attempt to coerce a minor child to withhold information from such minor child's parents.

MO HB135


Modifies provisions relating to gender designation on driver's licenses, nondriver's licenses, and permits

12. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, in order to obtain a driver's license, nondriver's license, or instruction permit issued under this chapter denoting a gender other than an applicant's biological gender assigned at birth, the applicant shall provide medical documentation that the applicant has undergone gender reassignment surgery or a court order declaring the applicant's gender designation.

MO HB1354


Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex

In every public school setting in which a student may be in a state of undress in the presence of other students, school personnel shall provide separate, distinct areas designated for use by students based on such students' biological sex to ensure the personal privacy and safety of students.


Modifies provisions relating to sex designation on driver's licenses, nondriver's licenses, and permits

In order to obtain a driver's license, nondriver's license, or instruction permit issued under this chapter denoting a sex other than an applicant's biological sex assigned at birth, the applicant shall provide an amended birth certificate that reflects the sex designation requested.


Modifies provisions relating to the biological definition of male and female

"Female" means an individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have, but for a congenital anomaly or intentional or unintentional disruption, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization;


Modifies provisions relating to gender designations on state-issued identity documents

2. Any identity document issued to a person by a state agency shall contain a gender designation for the person that corresponds to the person's biological sex.




No state funding shall be used for contracts, programs, positions, or organizational entities within institutions of higher education that are focused solely on diversity, equity, and inclusion, or similar initiatives. “Diversity, equity, and inclusion” includes: any effort to [...] promote or promulgate trainings, programming, or activities related to race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation.



Modifies provisions relating to gender transition procedures

A health care provider shall not knowingly perform a gender transition surgery on any individual under eighteen years of age. [...] A health care provider shall not knowingly prescribe or administer cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for any individual under eighteen years of age.



Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex



Enacts provisions relating to the use of identifying pronouns by school employees and independent contractors

2. No employee or independent contractor shall knowingly address, identify, or refer to a student by pronouns that are different from the pronouns that align with such student's biological sex unless the public school or school board receives written permission from the student's parent.

MO HB542


Creates provisions relating to unlawful discrimination in places of public accommodation

It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice for a place of public accommodation to: (1) Designate any changing room or any restroom, other than a family restroom, for use by persons of both sexes; or (2) Allow any person to use a changing room or restroom that has been designated for use exclusively by persons of the opposite sex.

MO HB562


Establishes provisions relating to covenant marriages

We solemnly declare that we believe that marriage is a covenant between one man and one woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for as long as they both live.

MO HB624


Modifies guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex

MO HB722


Modifies provisions relating to sexually oriented businesses

(2) "Adult cabaret performance", a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that features topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, or similar entertainers, regardless of whether performed for consideration;

MO HB742


Prohibits state departments from spending money on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives

1. No funds shall be expended by any state department for intradepartmental programs, staffing, or other initiatives associated with "diversity, equity, and inclusion" or "diversity, inclusion, and belonging"

MO HB744


Establishes provisions governing duties and responsibilities of public entities

This section shall be construed to [...] empower parents to exercise the following rights against school districts and public schools in which their children are enrolled that receive any federal or state moneys: [...] (5) The right to view and, upon request, receive all school records, medical or otherwise, concerning their minor child.



Establishes the "Defining SEX Act"

The "Defining SEX Act". 2. The following terms shall mean: (1) "Female", an individual who has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization; (2) "Male", an individual who has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes sperm for fertilization; (3) "Sex", an individual's biological sex, either male or female.



Proposes a constitutional amendment etablishing provisions relating to reproductive health care

The right to reproductive freedom shall not be construed to include: (1) The performance of gender transition surgeries or the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs to children for the purpose of gender transition;



Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing provisions relating to reproductive health care

That at the next general election to be held in the state of Missouri, on Tuesday next following the first Monday in November, 2026, or at a special election to be called by the governor for that purpose, there is hereby submitted to the qualified voters of this state, for adoption or rejection, the following amendment to Article I of the Constitution of the state of Missouri: section A. Article I, Constitution of Missouri, is amended by adopting one new section, to be known as Section 36(a), to read as follows:



Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing provisions relating to reproductive health care

That at the next general election to be held in the state of Missouri, on Tuesday next following the first Monday in November, 2026, or at a special election to be called by the governor for that purpose, there is hereby submitted to the qualified voters of this state, for adoption or rejection, the following amendment to Article I of the Constitution of the state of Missouri: section A. Article I, Constitution of Missouri, is amended by adopting one new section, to be known as Section 36(a), to read as follows:



Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing provisions relating to reproductive health care

No gender transition surgeries shall be knowingly performed on children under eighteen years of age, and no cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs shall be knowingly prescribed or administered for the purpose of gender transition to children under eighteen years of age.



Proposes a constitutional amendment to assert the right of parents to participate in and direct the education of their children free from government interference

That the government shall not deny or infringe upon a parent's fundamental right to participate in and direct the education of his or her child. Such right shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: [...] The right to educate a child in a public school that does not teach students or train teachers or other staff members on [...] diversity-equity-inclusion [...] or any concept that promotes differential treatment of individuals based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual preference



Modifies expiration dates of certain sections

The provisions of this section shall expire on August 28, 2027.

MO SB100


Modifies provisions relating to amending birth certificates

No certificate of birth shall be amended because the sex of an individual born in this state has been changed solely by nonsurgical means, including, but not limited to, hormone therapy, voice and speech therapy, or behavioral therapy. No certificate of birth shall be amended because the sex of the individual was changed for reasons other than a medically-verifiable disorder of sex development.

MO SB115


Establishes provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

No public school shall knowingly allow a student of the male sex who is enrolled in such public school to participate on a school-sponsored athletic team that is exclusively for students of the female sex.

MO SB117


Establishes the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act prohibiting discussion of certain topics by school personnel

4. If a student approaches a school official to express discomfort or confusion about such student's biological sex, the school official shall notify such student's parents of the discussion within forty-eight hours.

MO SB212


Requires all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms to be designated for and used by male or female students only

Every public school shower room, locker room, and restroom designated for student use and which is accessible by multiple students at the same time shall be designated for and used only by students of the same biological sex. At no time shall a student be allowed to access a public school shower room, locker room, or restroom designated for use by the opposite biological sex.


Prohibits public entities from entering into certain contracts

A public entity shall not enter into a contract with a company to acquire or dispose of services, supplies, information technology, or construction unless the contract includes a written certification that the company is not currently engaged in and shall not, for the duration of the contract, engage in any kind of economic boycott. [...] (2) "Economic boycott", refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any commercial action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, limit commercial relations with, or change or limit the activities of a company because the company, without violating controlling federal or state law: [...] (e) Does not facilitate, is not expected to facilitate, or does not commit to facilitate access to abortion, sex or gender change, or transgender surgery or medical treatments;

MO SB249


Removes the expiration date on certain provisions relating to gender transition



Modifies provisions relating to gender transition

As used in the laws and regulations of this state, unless clearly and specifically stated otherwise, the term "reproductive health care" shall not be construed to include gender transition surgeries or the use of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of gender transition, as such terms are defined in section 191.1720, for minor children or adults.


Creates new restrictions on certain business practices of entities doing business in this state related to economic boycotts and DEI initiatives

A public entity shall not enter into a contract with a company [...] unless the contract includes a written certification that the company is not currently engaged in and shall not, for the duration of the contract, engage in any kind of economic boycott.

MO SB295


Establishes provisions relating to adult cabaret including civil liability for adult cabarets and the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance

"Adult cabaret performance", a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that features topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, or similar entertainers, regardless of whether performed for consideration;


Modifies provisions relating to gender designations on state-issued identity documents

2. Any identity document issued to a person by a state agency shall contain a gender designation for the person that corresponds to the person's biological sex.

MO SB326


Prohibits public institutions of postsecondary education and proprietary schools from requiring the submission of diversity, equity, and inclusion statements

No institution shall: [...] (2) Compel, require, induce, or solicit any applicant, employee, student, or contractor to submit a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement;

MO SB390


Creates a provision relating to a definition of reproductive health care

The term "reproductive health care" shall not be construed to include gender transition surgeries or the use of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of gender transition, as such terms are defined in section 191.1720, for minor children or adults.

MO SB493


Removes the expiration date on certain provisions relating to gender transition



Prohibits elementary and secondary schools and institutions of postsecondary education from being members of athletic organizations that allow students to use performance enhancing drugs

No private school, public school, public charter school, public school district, or public or private institution of postsecondary education shall be a member of, or remit any funds to, any statewide athletic activities association or national intercollegiate athletics organization that allows student athletes to use performance enhancing drugs.



Prohibits diversity-equity-inclusion requirements in school districts and charter schools

A public school district or public charter school shall not: [...] (4) Require employees, or prospective employees, who are involved with the instruction of students to agree with any statement ascribing to DEI ideologies or to answer any questions relating to DEI ideologies in any job application or interview or during the course of the individual's employment; [...] (7) Require employees, contractors, volunteers, vendors, or agents to ascribe to, study, or be instructed with DEI ideologies or materials.


Creates new provisions relating to state contracts with certain companies

A governmental entity shall not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) Does not currently engage in any economic boycotts; and (2) Will not engage in any economic boycotts during the term of the contract.

MO SB595


Repeals the 2027 expiration of a provision of law prohibiting students from participating on an athletic team that is designated for the opposite biological sex

MO SB597


Establishes provisions relating to single-sex access to restrooms and other facilities in public buildings and educational institutions

MO SB632


Establishes a cause of action against business for violations of privacy in changing facilities or restrooms

Any individual may bring a cause of action against a business entity that has a policy allowing for individuals of one biological sex into changing facilities or restrooms designated for use by the opposite biological sex and in which the individual's privacy or expectation of privacy was violated in a changing facility or restroom of the business entity that matched the individual's biological sex by an individual of the opposite biological sex.

MO SB704


Modifies provisions relating to child protection, including child abuse and endangering a child

The division [...] shall not investigate or conduct a family assessment for the sole reason that the child's parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the child's care [...] refuses to affirm or otherwise recognize the child's sexual orientation or gender identity if such identity differs from the child's biological sex [...], or if he or she refuses to assist or consent to the child's gender transition.



Removes the expiration date on certain provisions relating to gender transition



Modifies provision relating to prohibited discriminatory practices

"Sex", the two categories of humans, male and female, into which individuals are divided based on an individual's reproductive biology at birth and the individual's genome. The term "sex" shall not be construed to include sexual orientation or gender identity;

MO SB764


Establishes provisions relating to adult cabaret performances, including the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance

"Adult cabaret performance", a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that features topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, or similar entertainers, regardless of whether performed for consideration;



Establishes the "Reproductive Health Care Protection Act"

The right to reproductive freedom shall not be construed to include: (1) The performance of gender transition surgeries or the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of gender transition; (2) The payment for the performance or inducement, or assistance with the performance or inducement, of abortions by taxpayers, except in cases of medical emergencies.



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

Notwithstanding any provision of section 36 of article I of this Constitution to the contrary, no gender transition procedure shall be performed upon a child under eighteen years of age.



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

The right to reproductive freedom shall not be construed to include the performance of gender transition surgeries on children under eighteen years of age or the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of gender transition to children under eighteen years of age. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the use of such surgeries, drugs, or hormones to treat children born with a medically verifiable disorder of sex development or to treat any infection, injury, disease, or disorder unrelated to the purpose of a gender transition.



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

No gender transition surgeries shall be knowingly performed on children under eighteen years of age and no cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs shall be knowingly prescribed or administered for the purpose of gender transition to children under eighteen years of age. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the use of such surgeries, drugs, or hormones to treat children born with a medically verifiable disorder of sex development or to treat any infection, injury, disease, or disorder unrelated to the purpose of a gender transition.



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

The right to reproductive freedom shall not be construed to include: (1) The performance of gender transition surgeries or the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs to children for the purpose of gender transition;



Amends the Constitution to assert the right of parents to participate in and direct the education of their children free from government interference

That the government shall not deny or infringe upon a parent's fundamental right to participate in and direct the education of his or her child. Such right shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: [...] (3) The right to educate a child in a public school that does not teach students or train teachers or other staff members on: [...] (b) Diversity-equity-inclusion



Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care

No gender transition surgeries shall be knowingly performed on children under eighteen years of age and no cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs shall be knowingly prescribed or administered for the purpose of gender transition to children under eighteen years of age. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the use of such surgeries, drugs, or hormones to treat children born with a medically verifiable disorder of sex development or to treat any infection, injury, disease, or disorder unrelated to the purpose of a gender transition.